Chapter:8- The Bishop

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Author's POV :

After Kim collapsed, the hotel staff immediately called the doctor and Big arrived with his medicines.Kim took the meds and the panic attack was calmed. Kim calmed down and  fell a sleep.

As he woke up, Kim found Big at the balcony talking to someone on the phone.There was worry on Big's face. He got up and leaned on the bed. Big ended the call and came back to the room.

"Khun Kim Krub. You are awake. I will call the doctor."

"Stop. I'm okhay."

"But Khun Kim... "

Big was insisting on calling the doctor but Kim's glare made him stop and step back a little. For Kim having panic attacks had became a day to day thing. Even if the medicines had reduced the number, but every now and then , Kim had attacks. But ofcourse no one knew. Neither Big nor Vegas.

"Who was it?"

"Our informer sir. The Italians are moving tonight. But no need to worry I'll keep a track on them."

"When and where?"

"After midnight. The shipment will be from their old godown outside the city."

"No need to get involved. I'll look into it."

"But Kim Krub you need rest."

"You are neither my nanny nor my lover Big."

Big wanted to say something but decided to stay silent. Even though he considered Kim a brother, for Kim he was just another bodyguard.

"I apologise sir."

Big payed his respect and left the room leaving Kim all alone. He was in a dilema but this wasn’t the time to get swayed by his emotions. He had to find out everything about the enemies and protect his family.

"Family always comes first,
even before oneself."


As the night came Porchay gathered all the skilled men. They were ready to attack. For him this fight was not a way to only save the Therapanyakul family.  It was his one step to weakening the head mafia family in Moscow and taking control over it.

Note: Why do you think Chay wanted to take over Russia?

"Are all the men ready?"

"Yes sir."

"Victor you will lead half the men from the north and the rest will come with me. We will take them by surprise and burn the whole place and everything in it. Is that clear?"

Everyone reponded in unison


"Everyone has their gadgets and if anything goes wrong, evacuate but not without setting the fire. We cannot let those goods be shipped to Russia. Not even a single one."

"Krub Khun Porchay."

The plan was all set and everyone headed out. It was executed as planned and Chay and his men had killed half of the Italian and Japanese men. But as Porchay and Victor was spreading the oil, one of thier men shouted.

"Khun Porchay."

As Chay heard the scream, he rushed over to the man killing two other in the process. He headed towards the man and opened the container door. But the sight shocked him

Young boys of 13-15 age were held captive inside. All had ball gags in their mouth and leashes around their necks. Body covered with scars and all were drugged. All the boys were half-conscious. They were being trafficked as sex-slaves of the Russian mafias.Porchay felt pity and disgusted on those monsters who did this to those poor boys.

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