Chapter :6- The Warmth

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Note:  This chapter contains mature contents🔞🔞🔞🔞🔞 Please avoid reading if you are uncomfortable 🚩

Author's POV:

After Porchay had his little chat with the person he called "Phi" he went for a ride. Though the day might have started as a sunny and bright one, the clouds soon had taken over and the wind was blowing. Porchay took his bike and went to the beach. He loved the beach durning the rains and storms. It was peaceful. Only the storms outside could settle the storms in his mind.

On the otherhand, Kim recently opened a 5 star hotel near the beach. And went there for his routine visit. Once he checked on the hotel, he decided to visit the beach too. It was just a five minute walk. But as he was close to the beach, the rain started pouring and the wind was getting stronger. But that didn’t stop him. He went to the beach and as his eyes linger, he saw a figure who was walking towards the water and his body was already in the water upto his knees. The waves kept getting stronger and yet the boy didn’t stop.

Kim called out for the person and yet he kept on going. Kim ran towards him and when he realized the person was none other than his Chay, he desperately ran towards him and pulled him into a hug and dragged him to the shore.

"Chay. Are you okhay?Porchay."

Porchay didn’t reply. His eyes were blank and kept on staring at the sea. Kim kept on calling him but it was as if Porchay had drifted of to another world.

Kim didn’t know what to do. No matter how much he called Porchay or shaked him, there was no response. Kim couldn’t find any other way and he hold him tight and kissed Porchay. As Kim's soft and warm lips touched Chay's,  the cold and darkness from Chay's mind shattered. He was back into reality. He could feel Kim's warmth. He could feel Kim's heartbeat and his own too. It took a moment for him to realize what had happened but he didn’t want to let that warmth go away.

Kim soon pulled away and looked at Chay who was stunned and shocked to speak.

"Porchay.  Can you hear me?"

Chay kept his head low and just nooded.

"Are you okhay?"

Chay again nooded but this time in a negative response.

As Kim saw Chay shiver, he hugged him. Gently as Chay was his most important person. His most precious, his soul. Kim couldn’t see Porchay get hurt and yet he was the one who broke the boy in the worst possible way.

"Its alright. I'm here. You are safe."

Porchay just hold him back even tighter and closed his eyes.

"Come. The storm is getting stronger. I'll take you home."

"No. Please. I don’t want to go back. They can't see me like this...Please."

Chay's voice cracked. He begged Kim and Kim's heart which was already shattered felt even more broken.

"Okhay. But let's get away from here. I'll take you to my hotel."

Chay only nodded. Kim helped Chay up and pulled him in his arms again and took Chay to his hotel.

All the hotel staffs were shocked to see their boss bringing a handsome young man with him who was shivering uncontrollably. They quickly brought them warm towels and Kim ordered the manager to prepare his room.

As Kim and Chay went upto the room, Kim helped Porchay to sit on the bed. 

"I'll prepare a warm bath for you."

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