Chapter: 26 - Your's Forever

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Author's POV:

The next few coming days were peaceful yet hectic. Porsche was released from the hospital and stayed by his brother's side almost all the time. Though the brothers never really talked in those days, however Porache didn't leave his younger brother's side.

Chay never left the hospital for the last 15 days. Everyone visited regularly and cheered him up. Even Jeff and Barcode came. Jeff finally proposed to Code and he accepted. Now that his father was dead Code was free finally. He became the head of the Italian gang and signed their loyalty to the Kittisawat house, just as planned initially.

Porchay took care of all the business along with Thankun and Victor's help. He had become the head mafia of Russia though he didn’t take the position officially. Everything else could wait until Kim was back.

Kim's POV:

I woke up to a white ceiling and as soon as that, sunlight hit my eyes and they burned. It took quite some time for me to adjust to the light. I slowly turned my head and I saw a figure peacefully sleeping on the single chair behide the large window. But he looked uncomfortable. His back was towards me and I couldn’t see his face properly due to the sunlight. I shifted a bit but I winched in pain. The pain in my upper body came rushing to me and the person jumped from the coutch and ran to my side.

Aaa...So it’s you..Chay..

"Kim you are awake!!."

Tears started flowing from his eyes but due to the dryness of my lips no words could come out. Still somehow I managed to ask for water and Chay quickly moistened my lips with a few drops.

"Are you okhay? Are you really awake?I'm not dreaming, am I?"

"I'm okhay now. I'm here, my love."

I smiled at my baby boy and pulled him to a hug. Even though my entire body was hurting, feeling Chay's warmth was heaven. He's my home, my everything and now he was with me, in my amrs.

"I should call the doctor. You need to get checked."

Chay was pulling out of my hug making me a bit upset. So I pulled him even closer and licked his lower lips a bit.


But my happy moments didn’t last much longer as the Dr. Top came in and did all my checkups. All my wounds have almost healed just the cut above my right chest was still there. I could even fight another war if needed. Though still my baby was panicking and worried.

The doctors and nurses left after completing their work and here came all the clowns. I mean my dear big brothers and sister-in-laws. Everyone kept on hugging me and Thankun was crying lying on top of me.

"Phi it hurts."

I yelled in a low voice.

Arm and Pol moved him away from me forcefully and dragged him out of the room. After the short drama session was over, finally it was me and Chay alone again.

"Come here baby."

Porchay came and sat beside me. He had a faint smile and he looked exhausted. He must have had to deal with all the works while I was sleeping.

" really sorry. I'm so sorry that you got hurt becuase of me."

Tears ran down Chay's eyes and he was getting redder as the second goes. Is it wrong for me to get distracted at this moment? I know I should be comforting my lover at this point but my brain keeps on distracting me. I really wanna bite those red cherry cheeks and kiss those shaking lips and devour him completely .

Your's Forever( KimChay)Where stories live. Discover now