Chapter:9- A new friend

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Porsche's POV:

These past two days were a ruckus at house. What a headache. Thankun has been crying about his baby leaving him again. Sometimes I really feel Thankun loves Chay more than I do. Even a moment ago he was going to run away from the house to find Porchay. And its only 9 in the morning.

"Seriously where is that brat. He's been gone to his friend's house for 2 days already."

"Hey I'm not a brat."

A shuttle voice whispered and I looked back. But there was no one.

"Now I'm even hearing that idiot's voice. Maybe I miss him too much."

The voice whispered again.

"I'm not an idiot. And yes I missed you too."

As I felt a hand around my neck and was about to scream  Chay shut it with his hand and took me behind the pillars.

"Ai Chay what is this?Where have you been?And what happened to your hand?"

Porsche panicked seeing his brother hurt.

"Sssshhh.. Phi.. Don't scream. Phi'Khun will drag me again to watch series if I don’t hide...Sssshhh."

"Where were you?"

"At my friend's house near the beach. And this wound, it was an accident. I was working in the garden. Oo and I also went home."

Porchay was done explaining and I did believe everything he had said. Cause there was no hint of hesitation  nor nervousness in Chay's eyes.

"Okhay. But how long are were going to hide here?"

"I don't know. Until Khun calms down."

We brothers continued hiding but Kin from the stairs spoke

"Porsche, Porchay what are doing behind the pillars?"

Aii that Kin. I really will kill him. Why can't he just read the room. All eyes were on us and without any choice me and Chay came out.

Khun came running towards Chay and hugged him. Poor boy. As Chay tried to calm Khun who was crying,scolding and at the same time rubbing Chay's cheeks, Kim came down and asked,

"What happened to your hand Chay?"

"Oh my god. My baby is hurt. Ai'Arm call the doctor."

Khun was running to get the doctor and was blowing the wound at the same time. Porchay stopped Khun and answered Kin's question the same as he did to me. Now I'm super sure he's not lying. Usually Chay has a habit of hiding things from me. But I know when he's lying. Cause he gets super nervous.

Everyone calmed down. And I had to get my brother out of this mess.

"Ai Chay did you forget you were going to see Venice and Paris today?"


Chay looked confused but understood the drill as I winked at him

"Ah yes Phi. I was going to. But Phi'Khun wants to watch a series with me. Again if I don’t take them out today, baby Paris will get sad."

Thankun piped down and thought for a while. It was the rainy season so he didn’t want to go outside. Thankun hates the rain.

"Okhay baby you can go. Take my niece and nephew to somewhere good and have fun on my behalf too."

Thank god Thankun agreed and went to his room. The commotion was over.

"So are you really going?"

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