Nine 𓆩♡𓆪

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"You said he wouldn't come in!"

Hobi was walking you out, his hand across your lower back. It should have made you feel warm but you were irritated, hadn't he said you should trust him? Had Jimin been standing out of view the entire time?

"When you were in Nadu after I took your pictures I told him to come back in five minutes. He wasn't going to catch you in the lingerie. That view is only for me, I never share what is mine." You shivered at how his words came out, deep and caressing across your skin.

His body pressed you against the door, his hands slipping beneath your shirt and gliding upward until he could stroke a finger against the lace of your bra. He rubbed against your nipple a wicked grin on his face, and you suddenly forgot why you were upset.

"Kiss me goodbye babe."

You didn't wait for him to change his mind, your arms wrapped around his neck and you pressed your lips to his. The kiss felt hotter than the first had been on his couch, his tongue teasing along your bottom lip, his palm cupping your breast under your shirt while his finger toyed with you. When he pulled away he playfully pecked your lips three more times with a smirk, his hand gliding down your ribs and away from your body.

"It's not enough." You were pouting again, and he kissed your nose stepping back.

"I've decided it is, and who's in charge here, Sunshine?"

You frowned and he kissed you again, shivers crawling up your spine as he held you tight to him. You could feel how hard he was against your lower belly, and somehow it gave you a little satisfaction that you weren't the only one walking away frustrated.

"Break it up hyung, we're late and Joonie is going to leave without us." Jimin brushed past you both opening the door.

You pulled apart and as Hobi pressed you forward you hurried to slip into your shoes, then you through the door and down the short expanse of hall to the elevator. Jimin had already called it and a moment later it opened, metal doors sliding back to allow you entrance. You knew your cheeks were red, but Jimin was ignoring you anyway eyes glued to his phone. With elegant fingers Hobi hit the buttons for the garage and your floor, that same hand returning to your waist drawing your body flush to his side.

"I normally wouldn't mind you messaging me whenever you want, but tonight staff will have my phone, so keep it suitable for all ages." His laugh was soft as he kissed the side of your head.

"Who said I planned on messaging you at all?" Your tone was sassier than you'd intended, but you were still stung from his 'I've decided' comment. You watched Jimin's head lift, eyes widen slightly, then he looked to Hobi as if he wanted to see how he'd react.

"Might be time for step three babe." The elevator opened with a soft ding at your floor and he gently pushed you out, it closed without him saying another word.

You stood there stunned for a moment, what had just happened?


You'd not messaged him that evening, your brain still reeling from what he meant by step three. How had he gone from kissing you, teasing you, pulling you close, to complete dismissal? If you'd thought he was going to be the one who broke first you were wrong. There wasn't a single peep from Jung Hoseok all evening.

Saturday morning you did your usual routine, ignoring your phone, even though you weren't actually ignoring it. Every notification dragged your attention away from your tasks, Suyee bubbling with excitement about a new boy, your step father confirming the next day, apps and friends just messaging to say hey, all a distraction from what you really wanted. Not a single notification from him, again.

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