Twenty Eight

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"Are you going to meet with Briar, is that why we left early and you're dropping me off at ten thirty on a Saturday night?"

You knew your tone was borderline disrespectful but you couldn't help it, when you stepped into the elevator in the garage he pressed 3 and 21. He didn't even plan on walking you to your door, you rolled your eyes looking away. Another night of him teasing the fuck out of you and then turning you off like you were some amusement he'd lost interest in.

"Let's review that one of my boundaries is that you don't ask where I'm at or where I'm going." Hobi turned frowning, but his look wasn't severe. You'd expected this response, you were in fact crossing one of his very clearly defined boundaries.

"Fine, then I'll assume that I'm correct." The elevator doors opened on your floor and you went through them, he grabbed your hand pulling you back in.

"Babe, do you want to adjust your attitude? Should I?" There was a bit of bite to his words, the threat dropped into your stomach but you ignored it. The last thing you wanted was him to think he was going to punish you for his bad behavior.

In the car on the way back Hobi had held your hand, stroking his fingers across your wrist, it was sweet and a completely different vibe than the party where he'd seemed cold. You'd wanted to question his behavior but the partition had been down between the two of you and the driver. You'd spent several minutes brainstorming but you couldn't think of a way to get him to close it without coming across sexual.

You had to face the fact that you'd spent all day thinking after the party he would probably take you back to his place, you'd finally sleep together. It was deeply disheartening to realize that hadn't been his plan, but could you really be surprised? He was always doing exactly the opposite of what you thought he would.

"I apologize, I had no right to ask. Enjoy your evening."

You softened your tone, deciding that arguing with him was pointless, you wanted to get into your apartment and take a shower, not fight with him for the hundredth time. Maybe Jimin was right, you didn't match energies at all. At this rate you'd end up being Jimin, shout whispering in the corner of a party while he fought to keep you under control. Maybe then Briar would comfort him, you almost laughed at yourself.

"Come upstairs. I guess I'll just have to be exhausted tomorrow." He softened his own tone and pressed his floor again causing the doors to close. His arm wrapped around your waist his hand holding you against his side. Visually it was a very intimate move, but it felt rehearsed without any warmth.

In his apartment he pressed you forward until you reached the living room, you had no clue why he'd brought you up here. You still fully believed that his intention was to invite her over. You'd watched, waiting to see him text her but he never pulled his phone from his pocket. You'd not seen him touch his phone all evening in fact.

"Kneel." You tried not to sigh sinking to your knees, realizing you were in for a lecture.

"Tell me what you've cooked up in that pretty little head, since you've clearly formulated your own set of events without asking me a single question." Hobi flopped onto the couch, arms spread along the back of it as he watched you inquisitively.

"Jimin said some things that were upsetting and you didn't try to explain them or tell me he was wrong," you said the words slowly to keep the anger from bleeding into them," Sir." You threw the honorific onto the end of the sentence at the last second.

"Jimin implied I was a fit for Kyuna. What does that have to do with Briar? She's a dom not a sub, what would I want with her?" You wanted to scoff, his tone was dismissive and he wasn't even looking at you anymore, his attention looking out the window.

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