Forty Two

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By the time the two of you had made your way back to the bow of the boat for lunch Hobi was winning the game. You'd refused to answer two questions while he'd only refused one.

Yours were about who you fantasized about when you were growing up and how many guys you'd slept with. You thought about answering both but you felt weird revealing those things to him. It could have been because your first crush was an actor in his fifties and you'd had far too many hook ups chasing away your feelings after Hana.

Hobi had refused to tell you who he'd lost his virginity with, saying it was an embarrassing moment for them both. You guessed it was Kyuna or a famous idol and he was sparing your feelings. You hoped it wasn't her, but then he had been in love with her and that felt worse. You guessed it was possible he still had feelings for her and that was why he couldn't decide to have it real ones for you.

The way he'd said he felt fondly for you, protective even had seemed sweet in the moment. Now when you replayed his words the charming emotion had passed. It screamed pity again, and meant beyond having sex with you he just wasn't that into you.

After that you'd started creating space between your bodies, choosing the single chair under the awning when the two of you finally sat down. Hobi hadn't mentioned anything about it, just lounged on one of the huge throw pillows next to you.

The way he stretched his legs out, leaned back on his arms made it hard not to join him. The cords of muscle in his forearms tightened, his fingers splayed on the smooth shiny wood of the deck. His legs were just wide enough that you could have fit your body between them.

By the time you'd both sat down on the white couch one of the staff appeared with a large tray. It contained a variety of side dishes and stew, bowls with rice. As he set it on the table the second staff member appeared with an assortment of drinks, tea, sodas, and fruit juice.

"We'll be reaching the docks in about an hour, let us know if you need anything else."

"I didn't realize so much time had passed." You subtly tried to scoot away from him, tucking your legs under your body as you positioned yourself in front of your food.

"It did go too fast." Hobi grinned and poured a sprite into a glass of ice, you did the same with some tea.

You took a few bites of the delicious food and watched him, he seemed relaxed and unaware that all your feelings had shifted. Ignorant to the fact that this little exercise in trust had made you wonder where his true intentions laid. That was an odd feeling because Hobi had always been a step ahead of you, what could be blinding him?

"If the game ends now, I win." He said it nonchalantly while lifting a bite of rice to his mouth.

"You can't end the game early just so you'll win, that's cheating!"

"But for you to win I'd have to refuse two questions and you none, and I won't." Hobi laughed watching you wrinkle your nose in protest.

"It was my turn to ask anyway." You thought back, far, digging through all the things you'd learned about the guys through the years as an Army.

"Well?" He looked a little smug at your frustration.

"Why didn't you sign with JYP? You were so close, they'd scouted you and everything." You braced yourself for the trite answer, something about really liking Bang or one of the other guys making a good impression.

What you didn't count on was Hobi's face changing. It was subtle, a slight narrowing of his eyes, a glance away but it was there and you knew he was about to lie.

"I didn't really get along with Sim Eunjee. There were some conflicts of interest and I decided to go talk to other agencies." Was there irritation in his voice?

Hobi's Demands • JHSWhere stories live. Discover now