Thirty Four 𓆩♡𓆪

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Hobi pushed your panties to the floor and then stood wrapping his long fingers around your wrist, your pulse jumped beneath his thumb when he gave you a wicked smile. He pulled you toward the bathroom, his steps quick, you almost laughed at how the mood had shifted. You wondered how he could possibly blindfold you in the shower, and if he didn't, would you dare sneak a peek?

When he reached the long double sink he stopped pressing you against the edge and kissed you. His hands tangled into your hair aggressively, teeth scraping your bottom lip, tongue demanding. You moved toward his body arms wrapping around his waist finding him hard against his boxers when you closed the distance. You were needy and ready for him and pushed him backward, slipping around his body to lead him toward the shower.

"I'll close my eyes if you want." You pulled from his kiss to breathlessly promise, he'd pinned you to the shower door between his arms. He turned you gently pulling the door open you entered the shower first his hand trailing along your bare hip, but then he shut the glass door behind you.

"I don't recommend it babe, you could slip. I'll be back with your stuff." You were dumbfounded, you naked in the shower, him smirking from his position outside of it.

"What?" You weren't entirely sure what had just happened.

"Teasing is against the rules, trying to trick me into sex? Bad girl." He laughed and shook his head and you deflated.

"You don't want to have sex?"

Incredulity etched your words, you'd expected him to shove you to the wall, take you from behind while the water rained down on your bodies. You should have known he wasn't so easily distracted, your little power play wouldn't have caused him to lose control.

"Oh I want to have sex, rough sex, where you regret toying with me, but you're going to shower and I'm going downstairs and later at Joonie's hopefully you learn better manners." With that Hobi turned and left, you could hear his laughter and it made you want to scream in frustration.

You'd finished quickly, trying not to focus on how he'd tricked you, and instead on what he meant about Namjoon's. You'd learn better manners? Did that mean he was going to punish you like Yoongi had with Kyuna? You didn't like the idea of that, couldn't imagine after a single spanking with his hand you could handle the pain of what she'd endured.

You'd wandered into the bedroom wrapped in a fluffy green towel, he'd not returned with your clothes yet. You didn't think for a second he wouldn't know exactly what to pick. Did you really think he'd go through the rest of your things? You tried to think of what he could find, was there anything that was worse than embarrassing? Something that was bad if he discovered it? You didn't think so.

You heard footsteps on the hardwood floor in the hall then he emerged with one of your small gym bags over his arm. He dropped it on the couch across from his bed and looked you up and down with a concerned frown.

"You're looking very worried babe, what's up?" He unzipped the bag pulling out a simple yellow dress which he draped over the back of the couch.

From the side pocket he produced the collar and you turned obediently for him to clasp it around your throat. When it was in place, your fingers lifting to stroke the golden H he kissed the side of your neck and turned you around.

"There's lingerie in the bag and you can just wear slippers downstairs, Joonie is on the 19th floor. No need to wear heels you'll just take off. Now, let me guess you're worried about tonight?" Hobi sat on the armrest of the couch and pulled you into his embrace, you ended up propped on his thigh.

"I don't want you to punish me like Yoongi did with Kyuna." You said it mildly, but you felt the twist in your stomach.

"Y/N, you're safe from the cane, I doubt you'll have any marks on you tonight that won't fade before you go to bed." He kissed the side of your head and lifted you until you stood.

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