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"Crush" by Jennifer Paige







"If you see something in my eye, let's not over-analyze, don't go too deep with it baby"

"It's just a little crush, not like I faint every time we touch"

"It's just some little thing, not like everything I do depends on you"







You set yourself up for disappointment. All evening you'd pretended you weren't paying attention to your phone but it's silence was driving you crazy. It was as if no one was going to reach out to you at all, because he wasn't either. Even your apps were silently avoiding you.

None of those facts stopped you from returning to its 17cm of black screen repeatedly, obsessively even. A tap with a finger tip revealed your background, a candid shot of you and Suyee at the beach last summer smiling in front of the waves, and the time. Zero notifications.

You'd had a single false positive right before you'd cooked dinner, your stepfather asking you to come over on Sunday. You'd replied suggesting you meet at Lotte World Aquarium, a destination with less pressure to fill the silences. He'd agreed quickly and then the momentary diversion was gone as he departed, conversation completed.

You'd really convinced yourself Hobi would message, and you'd been glued to your phone since you'd left Nabi with Ji-woo's aunt. He'd clearly proven this morning he knew the schedule and would be well aware that you were free after five. He'd already called you out once for a fake date, so you doubted he believed you were on one now.

You finally shoved your bowl of uneaten popcorn across the couch and turned off the movie you'd not paid attention to for the last hour. The lead characters were annoying, perfect for each other but apparently unwittingly dumb and ignoring it. You rolled your eyes tossing the remote to the table with a satisfying thunk.

No matter what sparks you thought were flying between you, clearly Hobi was going to handle them in his own time-frame. He was the lead character in your scenario, yourself just a comedic extra waiting for their throw away line.

It was almost ten, you'd barely slept five hours the previous night, your mood ruined for the evening you decided you might as well rest well tonight. Your bedtime routine felt speedier than normal, and by ten thirty your head was on the pillow, eyes staring aimless toward the ceiling. Tomorrow you were going to get over this silly crush you'd developed on an unattainable guy.

The night of flirting had been fun, but now you didn't feel that excitement and this roller coaster of ups and downs was just going to get you more confusing as it progressed. What did you really have to offer Jung Hoseok that he couldn't get from hundreds if not thousands of other girls?

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