Thirty Nine

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"She's drunk, help me get her dressed. There's a robe in the guest bathroom." Hobi turned to you looking frustrated but his hands were on her tiny waist in a way that seemed familiar and comfortable. You hated it.

"No, I'm leaving." If you'd not already been intending that course of action moments ago in the bathroom you definitely planned to do it now.

You walked to the bed finding your bra on the floor, then moved past them grabbing your inside out jeans and underwear from the doorway. Hobi had slipped back into his sweats at some point, he looked at you confused.

"Where are you going Y/N?" He leaned back as Briar pressed her naked body against him, she was giggling again. You looked away, she was petite and gorgeous with perfectly dyed blonde hair down her bare back and he was probably already getting turned on.

"Don't even try to tell me you've not fucked her before! Clearly she feels really damned comfortable showing up naked and unannounced to your apartment." You walked down the hall, ugly jealousy making your steps quicken.

"Come back! Y/N!" Hobi was calling after you but you weren't going to hear it. You were a complete fool for ever trusting him at all.

He'd admitted he'd slept with a lot of girls, Briar had to be one of them. You suddenly doubted his story that he'd only taught her to be a dominant. He'd lied about Kyuna, it wasn't a stretch to assume he'd done the same about Jimin's girlfriend. Before you reached the living room he scooped you up, his arms around your ribs your feet left the floor.

"I'm not a child don't treat me like one!" You seethed while he carried you to the couch, depositing you on a cushion.

"Don't leave," he knelt on the floor in front of you, "she fought with Jimin, they'd been drinking. I don't know why she ended up here. I'm not sleeping with Briar." He looked upset, sad that you'd accused him of it, but he'd said sleeping not slept. You glared and crossed your arms over your chest.

"He's lying, we do sleep together! We slept together less than a week ago!" Briar had found her way to the living room and she laid down on the rug limbs loose, back arched as she grinned at you upside down.

"Stop lying Briar."  Hobi growled toward her then stood shaking his head and disappeared back down the hallway. You guessed he was getting the robe himself, you didn't care he could leave her naked, you were leaving.

You slipped your underwear under Hobi's robe followed by the jeans after you shook them right side out. Just as you stood to zip them he'd reentered the living room. Like you'd thought a plain white hotel style robe was over his arm.

"Don't go, please, babe." His voice was pleading, and for a second you almost believed he truly cared for you, then Briar opened her stupid mouth again.

"He has a freckle right above his dick. How would I know that if we hadn't slept together before? And a tiny scar on his inner thigh." Briar was laughing hands pointing at a spot her own thigh as if dropping these unpleasant bombs on you were the funniest thing she'd ever done.

"Well I wouldn't know either of those things would I Hoseok?" You were furious, turning your back you dropped his robe to the floor and angrily twisted your bra on the elastic snapping against your skin painfully.

By the time you'd pulled your shirt over your head, Hobi had Briar wrapped in the robe. You started toward his door, not able to believe you'd been so vulnerable with him that you'd told him about Hana. It was always something with him, another land mine you stepped on, another trip wire you stumbled across.

"Please Y/N, don't make me force you to stay." You winced at his voice, this traitor who lied about being only with you, lied about everything maybe thought he could make you do anything?

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