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The next week was more of the same, you could tell Hobi was testing your resolve, pushing you past your comfort zone. You sent him pics, responded to his questions, did all the things he asked. Sometimes his requests were easy, take a long walk or spend time at the gym. Sometimes it was sexy, touch yourself while you sent him voice texts of your sounds.

He didn't call you not even once, never communicated more than a few sentences at a time. He'd sent only two selfies back, and they weren't risky like yours, just his face. You'd not tempted your luck by asking for anything else, but you'd felt the sting that he'd even looked distracted in the pics.

He'd not invited you to his apartment, he never showed up at yours. Hobi hadn't asked you to meet him anywhere or made any attempt to see you, no surprise visits at Ji-woo's. If he was seeing Nabi it was after your hours. The more you thought about it the more it struck you he'd not given you any indication he wanted to see you at all.

It was Friday again, why did it always seem like everything came to a breaking point on this day? He'd been silent all afternoon, only asked for a pic before you'd left for Ji-woo's and then he replied 'thanks' which had annoyed you to no end. What man received a sexy picture of a naked women sprawled on her bed and said that?

You'd already downed a glass of wine, a ridiculous amount to the very tippy top of the rim and you'd refilled the cheap plastic glass already. You almost laughed at yourself, why would he ever visit you here, your whole apartment could fit in his living room. You were a fun diversion that had become boring, hadn't he used that word with you once already?

YN: Were you traveling this week?

You grit your teeth together, it was definitely stepping out of place asking that. Did a sub have the right to know where their dom spent their time? Beyond that maybe he didn't want you to know the movements of BTS.

JH: No, why?

His answer popped back quickly and that alone annoyed you. He clearly wasn't busy, he just didn't want to interact with you. If he could shoot back a response in seconds now, why had there been nothing but silence all day?

YN: I didn't sign up to be your text buddy

You glared at your screen, no dancing bubbles, of course now he would choose to revert to muteness. You glared at his last text, his casual response to you infuriating.

YN: It's getting tedious to pose and send you nudes when you don't even enjoy them

JH: Thanks for the update Y/N, good to know how you're feeling

You stared at your phone, outraged creeping into your chest. Hobi wasn't even going to say he liked your pics? What did he mean by the update? He sounded like he was speaking to an employee not a woman he wanted a sexual relationship with.

YN: If this is step three or four it's really ridiculous, I've done everything you've asked

JH: I appreciate that you have, but I wouldn't call what's happening a step

You wanted to tell him to kick rocks, this was stupid. He might be able to attract hundreds of girls at any given moment, but if you wanted a hook up you could have one by bedtime. It went both ways, maybe he needed that unfriendly reminder. You drained half your wine and bit your bottom lip trying to form a response. You didn't really think you could tell him you were going to find a hook up.

YN: Have you eaten dinner?

JH: Not yet, but if you're asking if I want to eat with you, no. I have plans.

YN: I hope you choke on your meal

You didn't wait for his response, you clicked his name and selected block. 'Do you want to block Hobi?' You tapped yes with your thumb hard and then threw your phone across the couch. It bounced off the back cushion and hit the floor, a sickening crunch told you the phone had cracked.

Hobi's Demands • JHSWhere stories live. Discover now