Forty Three 𓆩♡𓆪

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"I'm going to go too." When the door clicked shut you stood from where you'd been frozen in place, Hobi's words driving through you as surely as they had Jimin.


"No Hobi, I'm completely fucking delusional! I'm an idiot! You know I have feelings for you, and you don't have the same for me, but for some reason you won't let me go." You lifted your fingers to your neck to unclasp the collar letting it fall into your palm.

"Don't, I only said that to get him to leave. Can we talk about this? Please?" Hobi closed the space and let his hand grasp your waist. You didn't want him to fool you again, but if you stayed he probably would.

"You didn't just say it, you meant it." You stepped backward but he followed you, frowning down at you.

"I used to mean it, but Y/N, you make me feel like I could change my mind. I don't know what that means yet, I just need time. Don't storm off, I don't want to fight again." Hobi's eyes were pleading, a sincerity in them that wanted to stir forgiveness and understanding.

"Could change your mind, not will change your mind. A few weeks or months from now when you don't I'll be even more in love or infatuated with you, and breaking things off will be harder for me. They won't be hard for you so I know it's easy for you to overlook that fact." You pushed his hand off your body shaking your head backing away to create space again.

"Lots of people date before they get serious."

"We're not dating and you love to remind me of that." Did you want him to let you go or were you hoping for a declaration?

"Today was definitely a date. You don't see that?" Hobi swiped his fingers through his hair sighing.

"I don't." Obstinate, you couldn't just let things continue the way they had.

"Move in with me."

"You mean be your live in whore? No thank you." You could feel the disgusted look on your face, that he would ask you be around all of the time to service him was an offensive suggestion.

"You're not my whore. In fact today you felt more like my girlfriend, and I liked that. I'm just not ready to label it. Move in. Be with me, and we'll figure out the details as we go. I'm not going to kick you to the curb. Please babe."

"Are you in love with me?"

"No. But I like you a lot. I know it sounds lame but for me it's a huge step. Can't you accept that at least? I've not told anyone I even like them in years." Hobi looked vulnerable, less than his age, and you wanted to give him one final bit of grace. Your stomach felt queasy giving in but you loved him and you had to try.

"I'm not moving in with you. You have a month, if you don't know what you want by then, I'm done Hoseok. You better figure it out quickly. And I have a new boundary, you can't see Briar or Kyuna again without me there. No exceptions."


"I can't believe he convinced me to take another vacation! We've only been home a week." Ji-woo was tearing around the nursery again, only this time her husband held the baby and you both watched her hurricane of motion.

You knew this tropical excursion was for your benefit, a get out of jail free card of sorts. Hobi had begged his family to take a ten day trip to Ko Samui, Thailand. He'd rented a ten bedroom villa surrounded by white sand beaches, tall mountains, and plush forest for optimal privacy. With the promise of perfect wifi and non stop peace and quiet they'd agreed.

When Ji-woo asked you to join them, like Hobi said she would, saying she needed someone for a few hours a day to watch Nabi so she and her husband could work, you told her yes. She said the rest of the time you could do whatever you wanted, but you could tell she knew exactly where you'd be if she needed to locate you. You'd done your best not to blush furiously when she pierced you with a knowing look.

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