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A/N: This is a rewrite of amphibia but the calamity trio is replaced with me and a couple of friends here's the basic intros for the characters and who they replace (pics will be replaced soon)

Name: Pika

Pronouns: any except She/Her/Herself

Who they replace in the original story: Anne Boonchuy


Name: Em

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Name: Em

Pronouns: She/Her/Herself

Who they replace in the original story: Marcy Wu



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Pronouns: He/Him/himself

Who they replace in the original story: Sasha Waybright



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Pika's POV:

I'm bored at home alone I decided to look though some stuff in the house, one of the things being a small container with a lot of random things, I emptied it out on the kitchen bench and looked at all the items slightly scattered, one of the items peaked my interest. it was a red gem that seemed to belong to a necklace. "It looks amazing, it matches my ring" I thought as I grabbed it then placed the gem into my pocket and put everything else that was left back into the container, when I put it on I felt a bit different "eh... it might be just me overcoming the cold" I muttered as I just did my thing of scrolling though TikTok and messaging my friends while hearing my brother yell at his games in the room next to mine

the next day

I woken up around 5:30am "great... that idea didn't work" I thought as I stared at the ceiling I then looked out the window next to my bed, "ooh! the moon looks cool" I uttered under my breath. 

Once I got up I left my room, my dog was excited to see me "wakey wakey is up" my mum said, I leaned against the nearest wall as my dog leaned on me like usual, I started laughing a bit to the usual things, I re-entered my room to get ready for the day, I took the gem from my hoodie from the day before and tied it to a bracelet with a rubber band, 

just then I just remembered something "oh yea... MUM! IT'S FREE DRESS DAY TODAY! I ALREADY GOT A GOLD COIN FOR THE EVENT" I shouted to inform my mother 

"Ok!" she replied, I grabbed the clothes I normally wear under my clothes 

"where is that hoodie?" I muttered as I looked though the kind of folded clothes on my bed, 

I then found a green hoodie and grabbed a pair of black pants, I changed out of my PJs into the clothes for the day, I then grabbed a dark grey bandana with rainbows from when my school held a pride thing and tied it around my neck, I then put on my pair of runners and continued on my usual schedule of getting ready for school, at 7:30 I left the house and entered the car with my mum and the dog "last day of term... 2 weeks of no school work, 2 weeks of not seeing my friends, 2 weeks of boredom" I thought as I sat in the car, my friends Cy and Em messaged the gc between us


Em: Morning! since its the last day of term what if we all hang out after school for an hour!

Sure :Me

Cy: that's cool, I'm in

Em: Yay! 

"hey mum, can I hang out with my friends afterschool for an hour?" I asked my mum, 

"sure, just call me 30 minutes before when you want to be picked up, ok?" my mum answered, I hummed as I nodded, 

when my mum dropped me off I said "have a good day, love you and thanks again for letting me hang out with friends" 

"no problem, love you too" my mum replied, 

I walked into school and found the 2 friends i'll be hanging out with after school and I ran up to them "Hey guys! your outfits look awesome! oh yea! I found this gem pendent in a container" I showed them the gem "it is actually one of my favourite colours! it fits with the orange and purple gems accessories I have to symbolise you both" I mentioned 

"Cool!" Em cooed, I noticed that she was wearing a necklace with an amethyst and she also wore earrings with little red gems 

"yea dude it looks cool" Cy added, I saw him wearing a jasper bracelet along with a ring that had a red gem 

"Love the gem accessories" I commented, we talked for a bit then I spoke up as I looked at my watch "we should put our bags away and get to our classes"

after school

school ended and its now time for me, Cy and Em to hang out "Lets go to a thrift store and see what we can find!" Em suggested, 

Cy and I agreed, we arrived at one and looked around "Look, there's a drawing book for you Em" I pointed out as I pointed to a drawing book 

"there's a hoodie a bunch of cans of coke here" Em called out as she ran towards Cy and I with a basket full of coke in one hand and a hoodie in the other 

"Careful, you might hurt yourself there" I said as I ran towards her to carry something, 

we then walked around the thrift store for a bit until Cy pointed something out "Look at that! doesn't that look like the calamity box from Amphibia?" he said grabbing the box, 

"ooh! let me open it!" I said grabbing it off him "Yea it does" I say looking at the box, 

"lets pay for the things and we can look inside it outside" Em suggested, Cy and I agreed, once we paid for the things and went to a nearby park I took the box out of a bag and Cy and Em both looked over my shoulder each holding their respected item, Cy with a bag full of coke cans and Em with the drawing book, when I opened it I caught a glimpse of my gem pendent glowing and then a white light flashed, I lifted my head up to see myself in a whole different world "oh fuck... wait... where am I?!" I yelled, I then started to wonder around

END OF PROLOGUE! To be continued

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