Episode 22: Hop-popular

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A/N: Idk what's happening with the chapter pics. I always add them on my phone, and I tried to add 2 different images for this chapter, but neither worked so if there's any eps without either an image that relates to the ep or sprig saying "What the fuck is up" just know that wattpad is being a pain

At the Plantar house:
Pika kicked open the front door and entered with a bucket of food. "Hey dude, Got the groceries!" they said, Polly popped out of the bucket and stated the obvious. "Couldn't buy much since we've barely got any money left." "Feeling any better, Hop-Pop?" Sprig asked as he entered, Hop-pop lifted his head off his stomach and sighed before answering Sprig. "No. Ever since we lost the vegetable stand, I've just felt, well, lost. I was fine the first couple of days, but it's really starting to catch up with me." he pulled out a photo of his stand and looked at it sadly. "Yeesh... you look disgusting... anyways, maybe this will cheer you up." Pika said as they pulled out a flyer saying that Grub-N-Go is hiring "The Grub-N-Go's hiring greeters! All you gotta do is smile and be friendly." Sprig explained, Hop-pop sighed. "Just another job for me to lose." he said grimly. "See? You're a natural." Sprig said optimistically before tugging him off the couch he was literally stuck too. "Get your depressed ass up off the couch and get back into being an old man working. you all will lose this house and die if you don't get movin'! you fucking stink!" Pika said as they heard the sounds of Hop-pop unsticking to the couch "Lemme go! The couch is the only one who understands me!" Hop-pop fought back trying to get back onto the couch

After that interview:
"Thank you, Mr. Plantar. Don't call us, we'll call you." A male frog said as Hop-pop left the store, the frog slammed the door behind HP, Hop-pop noticed a crowd surrounding something "Got to get ready!" A villager said amongst the crowd "What's all this rabble?" Hop-pop questioned "Sign-ups for the election! You been living under a rock? 'Cause I have and even I knew that." Wally told Hop-pop "Election?" Hop-pop questioned, Toadstool put in a slip of paper with his name on it into the nomination box "Vote Mayor Toadstool! If re-elected, I will always look out for the little guy." he announced before getting on his snail, using Toadie as a stepping stool causing him to squeak "Upsy-daisy" Toadstool said as he hopped onto the snail, the snail roared and as they drove off a child coughed as they breathed in the dust, hop-pop scoffed "Some mayor. That guy keeps raising our taxes, and what do we got to show for it? Our snail-ways are a mess. Our buildings are falling apart. Heck, we ain't even replaced the schoolhouse after last year's millipede incident!" Hop-pop argued, children screamed as a giant millipede dug out of the ground "Am I crazy, or is he making sense?" Felicia asked Wally "Maybe we need a mayor who looks out for the people he's mayoring. 'Cause ours, well... He's only looking out for himself. Anyway, good afternoon, everybody." Hop-pop finished, as he was walling off Wally stopped him as he yelled "I nominate Hopediah Plantar for mayor!" "I second that!" Felicia agreed as she wrote Hop-pop's name on a slip of paper and putting it into the nominationbox "I third it." A villager said agreeing as well "Let's hear it for Hopediah!" Another villager yelled "Sounds good to me." Anotejr villager agreed "Hop-Pop for mayor, everyone." Felicia announced, the crowd cheered and applauded "Huh?" Hop-pop uttered suprised by what is happening

Back at the Plantar Farm:
Hop-pop entered the house "Guess what, kids!" Hop-pop said "Did ya pass the interview?" Pika asked "You got the job?" Sprig asked as well "Nope! I'm running for mayor." Hop-pop answered proudly. "Say what now?" Pika uttered, confused. "Don't you see kids? If I win this election, I'll prove once, and for all that, Hopediah Plantar ain't no loser!" Hop-pop said as he fixed his appearance "Oh fuck. If he loses, he will end up more depressed than before." Pika said, worried. "And we just got the couch cleaned." Polly complained. "But if he wins, maybe we'll get the old Hop-Pop back!" Sprig said optimistically. "True that, " Polly agreed. "True true. But I feel like this will end up badly. But fuck it, Hop-pop we are in!" Pika said "Really? Aw, kids. I won't let you down. If anyone needs me, I'll be in the bathroom practicing my distinguished expression!" Hop-pop said before going to the bathroom to practice, Pika groaned "fucking hell... I don't want to be involved in this politics shit. it's boring" they said before putting their headphones in t listen to music "Yeah. The monster fights are pretty cool, though." Polly agreed "did i hear ya correct? mind repeating it?" Pika asked moving the headphones off their ears

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