Episode 15: Family shrub

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Everyone that lives in the Planter home are in the living room making a 'family shrub' "Um, on earth this would be a family tree, not literally a tree with all family members, but something kinda like this family shrub" Pika points out "That's 'cause everyone in your world is crazy. Now, where was I? Oh, yes, Great Aunt Gertrude. She was a masterful dirt tiller. I mean, how cool is that?" Hop-pop insulted then continued talking about the Planter family "Eh" the children + Pika say unimpressed "Oh, and you can't forget second cousin Alfred. He was the king!" Hop-pop said which made the younger generation in the house to gasp "A king?" They asked amazed "Yeah! The king of single-tiered irrigation systems" Hop-pop answered which disappointed the younger generation "ya lost me" Pika said "Our ancestors were boring!" Polly complained "Were they really all just farm frogs? Where are the artists? The poets? The dreamers?" Sprig asked "Just farm frogs? Kids, the point of the shrub is to give you an appreciation for your past. The Plantar family has layers. You just have to know where to look" Hop-pop scolded "Layers, huh? Okay, then. Well, what's so special about her?" Pika asked "Polli Anna? Oh, brace yourselves. She wasn't just any farmer. She was a turnip farmer!" Hop-Pop answered, the yinger gen groaned "This shit is boring and as much as I'd love to help, not gonna find any of my ancestors on your shrub, so..." Pika said as they pulled out their 3DS and started to play a game "Don't have to be blood to be a Plantar, Pika" Hop-pop scolded Pika "No, but you do have to be a master Pokemon trainer to get to the 6th trial I just need too..." Pika rebutted before groaning as they lost to the totem pokemon again and groans "curse you Mimikyu! Why are you such a hard pokemon to fight!" Pika asked annoyed at the fact that they attempted that trial a bunch of times "Pika, this is based on nothing at all, but I'm almost certain that game will rot your brain! Uh-oh, looks like we're out of glue!" Hop-pop noticed, "Does that mean we have to stop?" Sprig asked excited to stop "Can we do something fun now?" Polly asked as well "No fun till the shrub's done. Just gonna run to the store real quick and get more glue. Be back in a jiffy. Don't go anywhere!" Hop-pop said as he left "Ah! You're lucky you're an outsider, Pika. Our family history is weak!" Polly said to Pika "They didn't do anything weird. Or different. Or fun. I mean, look at this. Even this painting's making me feel depressed" Sprig said leaning onto the painting which then a part of it then pushed inwards like a button "What the... Whoa!" Sprig questioned before falling as the shelf dropped "Sprig! You broke the house" Polly scolded Sprig as the fireplace the painting was on top off started to part way to make an entry to somewhere they all got up to the new-found pathway "Ok that looks dangerous. We have to go down there" Pika said looking at the pathway "There could be treasure" Sprig said "Or dead bodies! Let's do it!" Polly adds, all 3 then entered the pathway and then the fireplace closed back up behind them "Uh, did we just get locked in here?" Sprig asked "fuck! We can't be trapped here!" Pika yelled panicked, Sprig ran to where they all entered and started banging on the fireplace yelling "Let us out!" as Pika panicked "Come on, let's just find another way out, you babies" Polly said as she kept on going down, they all kept walking though the pathway trying to find a way out

In room 1:

"Whoa" they all said amazed at the room "All this was under your house?" Pika said as they ran their hand across a shelf which picked up some dust so they coughed "Fuck it's dusty" "This place is amazing. Whoa! Oh, what this? Wow!" Sprig said amazed by the room "this seems to fit his interest... and that looks creepy" Pika muttered as they watched the frog boy go around the room amazed about a lot of things "Hey, why do you think the entrance was hidden like that?" Polly asked "To keep it a secret, obviously. Who wouldn't want to steal this stuff?" Sprig answered as Pika looked at a jar with something inside, the thing turned around and Pika backed up "I wouldn't want to take shit from this room, it's creepy as fuck and that's coming from someone who enjoys science" they said "It says here this place belonged to Great Uncle Skip Plantar. He was a farmer and a brilliant scientist! He experimented with all kinds of stuff. This is wild. I wanna know more! Like, what does this do?" Sprig said amazed before he pulled a cord that was not far from where he was, a gate then started to open, a monster that looked like a pumpkin stepped out growling and breathing heavily "jesus fuck" Pika muttered "Whoa, mama" Polly uttered "Maybe it's harmless" Sprig said trying to see the bright side, the monster furiously roared which caused the children all scream

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