Episode 42: Night Drivers

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Late at night, Pika is driving the fwagon and Hop-pop say next to them, Pika tried to stay up but they almost drifted off to sleep, only to be woken up by Hop-pop slapping them with their tongue "Ew. But we can't do this. This is dangerous." Pika muttered.

Inside the fwagon:

Inside the fwagon sprig and Polly say at the table with a map, excited, "All right, Polly, check this out! According to this map, if we drive straight through the night, we'll be home by morning!" Sprog points out

Polly sighs. "Say 'home' again."

"Just think. Home for breakfast." Sprig said, also relieved to get back to Wartwood

"Mmm! Pillbug pancakes." Polly uttered as she imagined pancakes

"Hanging out with Ivy." Sprig said as he fantasized about Ivy

"'Sup." The fantasy ivy said

Sprig then waved his arms around, supposedly getting rid of the fantasy. "Not that it's a big deal." he said, clearly embarrassed with a chuckle

the fwagon stopped suddenly, which confused Sprig and Polly, Pika then fell into the fwagon face first, and Hop-pop came in not long after

"Whoa! Where do you guys think you're going? We've got a schedule to keep." Polly asked

"Dude. I'm fucking exhausted and driving while tired is a major risk. no way in fuck am I going to drive. also it's been like 20 fucking hours of non-stop driving!" Pika groaned

"Just a little shut-eye and we'll be back on the road by morning." Hop-pop added

"But we're so close!" Sprig complained

"Yeah! Can't you just power through one more night? Please, please, please? I wanna sleep in a real bed." Polly begged

"I get y'all. I honestly do but you two ain't driving! its us. and we're both fucking exhausted." Pika sighed

"Hey, I've got an idea. Why don't you two sleep, and we can get us home!" Sprig suggested

"Yeah! Remember how we owned Quarreler's Pass?" Polly agreed

Hop-pop chuckles "Oh, you sweet, sweet, ignorant kids. Amphibia changes at night. And not for the better, let me tell you. The nocturnal leech flies are bad enough, but I've even heard folks tell of evil spirits wandering these parts. Real spookums and such! Haven't seen any myself, of course, but you know, could happen." he explained, Pika nods in agreement "Plus, neither of you read Bessie's driving manual!" he adds

"But..." Sprig said as he was about to argue

"Forget it. You're not driving, and that's final." Hop-pop said shutting the idea down as Pika was running on so little energy

"Sleep. Now." Pika mumbled, then both them and Hop-pop faceplanted into the bed and fell asleep

Outside the fwagon:

"This is messed up! Sure, we're young and made mistakes. But we've proven we can handle ourselves!" Polly complained

"I know, right? What in the world could be so dangerous out there that we haven't lived through already?" Sprig agreed

"I've been eaten eight times, Sprig. Eight times. I sort of look forward to it now." Polly points out

"Hey, wait a sec. Hop Pop and Pika are asleep, right? So asleep they won't even know if we take the reins and drive us home right now! And when they wake up, they'll be so grateful to be home, they'll completely forget to be mad at us!" Sprig planned out

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