Episode 25: Cracking Mrs. Croaker

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In town, the kids were walking when Sprig was stopped by Felicia. "Hi, Sprig. Thanks for your help in the tea shop the other day." She said, thanking the pink frog. "No problem, Felicia. I had a tea-rrific time." Sprig replied, using a pun, Felicia chuckles and then squishes Sprig's face as she says, "Oh, come here, you little charmer. Oh, look at you. Okay, bye." She then walked away. "All right, see ya." Sprig said as Felicia left, Sprig then continued walking through town. "Hiya, Sprig." Jerry said, greeting Sprig as he walked by."Heya, Jerry." Sprig greeted back "Top of the mornin "to you, Sprig." Patrick greeted as well "Lookin' good, Patrick." Sprig greeted Patrick "Buongiorno, Sprig." Ferraiolo said when he opened his window, seeing Sprig. "Hey, all right!" Sprig replied, "Damn, people seem to like Sprig around here, " Pika said, noticing how many frogs are greeting him. "Yep, he's always been something of a town favourite." Polly said ."Those big eyes and goofy grin are hard to resist." Polly continued as Sprig pulls a kawaii face, a horn then be heard. "Hey-hey! Here comes Mrs. Croaker. Hi, Mrs. Croaker!" Sprig said, greeting Mrs Croaker as she zoomed past, not saying a single thing to him, not even a hi. "Heh. This thing broken?" Sprig questioned as he waved his arm a bit. "Hi, Mrs. Croaker!" Both Pika and Polly said, greeting the old frog. "Well, hello, Pika. Polly." Mrs. Croaker greeted them, and she booped Polly, which made the small pollywog giggle, Sprig ran and turned to Mrs. Croaker "Hi, Mrs. Croa...ker...?" Sprig 5 Mrs. Croaker walked past again, saying nothing to Sprig, when Pika walked up to Sprig with Polly in hand. "That was weird. Guys, you aren't gonna believe this, but... I don't think Mrs. Croaker likes me!!" he said, realising that someone may not like him. "Damn, dude..." Pika uttered. "What you think Hop-pop is cookin' tonight?" Pika asked. "How could she not like me? I'm Sprig. The fun Plantar!" Sprig questioned. "Quit worrying about it. It's okay for at least one person to hate you, " Pika said, trying to cheer him up. "You know what, Pika, you're right. This is not okay." Sprig said, not even repeating what Pika said. "That's not even close to what I said!" Pika pointed out. "Looks like it's time to crank up the charm on this widow." Sprig said as he cracked his knuckles. He watched Mrs. Croaker from the window and held the door open for her. "After you, m'lady." He says, but when Mrs. Croaker didn't thank him, he uttered. "What?" "Oh, hey. Thanks so much--" a frog said, thanking Sprig before he slammed the door into the frog's face, Sprig ran up to Mrs. Croaker and attempted to grab her groceries. "Wait. Uh, let me help you with that." He attempted to take the groceries but get thrown when Mrs. Croaker threw him off. "No, wait! Mrs. Croaker, come back. Acknowledge me!" Sprig yelled as Mrs. Croaker got onto her ladybug and drove off. "That was the saddest thing I've ever seen. And I've seen some things." Polly points out, Pika nods in agreement. "How can I fix this?" Sprig asked. "Sprig, I feel you, man, being nice but not being liked sucks, my advice? forget it. who cares if she likes you. she does have one foot in the grave, " Pika said. "You know what, Pika? You're right. I can't just let this go. I have to get Mrs. Croaker to like me. And I can't do that unless I know more about her. Fact-finding mission, engage! Haha!" Sprig said again, not even listening to Pika. As Sprig spoke, Pika looked at him, annoyed, and Sprig started to run into town. "Sprig!" Pika called out but gave up. "Get used to this feeling." Polly said, not even fazed by Sprig's antics

Sprig's interview answers:
Stumpy said, "Croaker? She's just a kooky old spider lady. What's there to know?"
Loggle said, "I think she was born that old. She looked exactly the same when I was a kid."
Maddie said that 'She smells like wet leaves and fungus.' and that she 'love it.' But then the buns in the oven began to burn so from upstairs Mr. Flour called out, "Maddie, the buns are burning!" which caused Maddie to scream

Back with Pika and Polly:
Pika was sitting on the ground in front of the grocery store and was playing a beats game as Polly sat on their head watching, Pika was humming the song they were playing, Sprig groans and fell on the ground in front of them "I spent all day and I know even less about her than I did before." he complained, Hop-pop emerges from the store. "Sorry about the wait, kids." he apologised. "Hop Pop! Mrs. Croaker doesn't like me!" Sprig told Hop-pop, "Huh. So, what do you kids want for dinner? I was thinking ravioli." Hop-pop suggested "Y'all can have that, if there's any potatoes back at the house I can just make myself some mashed potatoes, i have my mother's recipe on how she makes it on my phone, and trust me. it's delicious." Pika said, Sprig just sighs

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