Episode 18: Prison break

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Far, far away from Wartwood:

a spider-carriage enters through the gates of a tower and passes through where other spiders were being kept, toads were caring for the dormant spiders

inside toads were messing around, 2 were arm wrestling with their tongues "Work that tongue. Yeah, come on!" a red toad yelled. Then the blue toad's tongue overpowered the green toad's tongue and knocked it down all the toads around the 2 cheered in another area of the room a blue toad with blue hair slicked to the side threw the dart bug into the dartboard and she got a bulls-eye "Bull's-eye!" The toad next to her celebrated as the toads around both of them cheered then a 2 eyed toad entered the room bursting the doors open gaining the attention of everyone in the room "It's Captain Grime!" "Captain Grime's here!?" "Captain Grime!?" toads whispered to each other as they stopped what they all were doing and saluted to their captain, his breathing was raspy as he walked further into the room "So, these are the valley's strongest warriors. Pathetic!" he yelled, he took a second look at one of the toads "Wait, hold on. Is this guy seriously wearing his breastplate as pants?" he asked the toad who had the breastplate as pants uttered "Uh, it won't happen again, sir." his voice squeaky "No, it won't." Grime replied, "Take him to the pain room." He commanded as he snapped his fingers "Not the pain room. I hate pain!" The toad who wore the breastplate wrong said as he was being dragged away. After he disappeared into the pain room Grime began "I'm sure you've all heard frogs in the valley are getting unruly. They're questioning our authority. Some towns have even stopped paying their taxes. And do you know why?" "Maybe they, I don't know, forgot?" A soldier suggested "No, you imbeciles! You've all gotten soft" Grime yelled, he then punched a nearby pillar damaging it badly, the soldiers stood scared "To get this valley under control, I need warriors who are fierce, cunning, and above all, ruthless!" Grime explained enraged with all of his soldiers

With Cy:

A cockroach skittered though Cy's cell and it began to eat some gruel that was not eaten, Cy turns around from chewing on the jail cell bars Infront of him and grabs a loose brick then crushes the cockroach "Get your own food you disgusting bug" Cy said to the bug that remained under the brick. A door then unlocks "Huh?" Cy uttered confused, the bug took that as a chance to skitter away "Hey, Cy. Brought you dinner. Cricket Thursdays." A green toad said cheerfully "Hey Percy! I still wont eat bugs- rather chew on these bars but that's thoughtful of you to do that" Cy replied "Hey, I've been working on my act. Do you wanna see it?" Percy asked "Sure. Bring it on" Cy replied "Okay, stay right there." Percy said before he left "Can't go anywhere anyways" Cy said as he pointed to the chain on his ankle and the bars Infront of him, Percy reappeared with instruments all over him, he played the instruments, once he was done he said "Ta-da!" "Whoo! Wow! Get it, toad! That was legit," Cy said while clapping for Percy "Percy. Honestly, you're wasting your time here as a guard." Cy suggested to Percy knowing that multiple toads before him had quit because of Cy convincing them "You know what? You're right. Thanks, Cy. I can't wait to see the look on Grime's face when I tell him that I'm--" Percy said as he took his helmet off and put on a jester hat, he then walked into Grime and fell over, he looked up at Grime in fear "Tell me what?" Grime asked "Uh...That I quit and I've always hated this job. Bye!" Percy answered quickly before running away, Grime sighed "Hey there Grim! wasn't that like the 5th toad I talked into quitting this week?" Cy said to Grime before he laughed and scratched another tally to the many that was on the wall "first, don't call me that. second, There's plenty more where that came from, and far more loyal than Percy." Grime replied "you sure about that? You're not exactly Mr. Popular around here." Cy pointed out "Enough! Now who--" Grime began, but Cy cut him off "Sent me? No one. How'd I get here? Don't know. What do I want? To find my friends and go home. Haven't we been through this enough?" he said annoyed "It'll be enough once you start giving me real answers. Until then--" Grime answered but got interrupted by Braddock who ran in "Captain Grime! Captain Grime! Sir!" She said saluting she then waved to Cy "Oh, hey, Cy" "Braddock! Hey. How's the garden coming along?" Cy asked, Braddock gasped "Oh, it's gorgeous. You should see the squash--" Braddock began to ramble but grime then interrupts her "Did you need something, soldier?" Grime asked "Oh! Right. Yes. We may have a small problem." Braddock answered

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