Episode 17: Toad tax

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In the Grub & Go Pika and Hop-pop walk around shopping Hop-pop noticed something is on sale "Oh! Pill bugs are on sale" "Cool, oh yea. I'm gonna get some chocolate bugs for Polly, she shouldn't take my food. I have a limited supply and who knows how long I will be stuck here. I will not eat the bugs. I feel like vomiting thinking about it" Pika said pointing to where the chocolate-covered bugs would be "Okay, kiddo. See ya outside" Hop-pop replied as Pika left he then pushed all of the pill bugs into the wheelbarrow

With Pika:
Pika walked down the aisles looking for chocolate-covered bugs "where the fuck is it..." They muttered, they then found a box of them "Found it! Oh, it's the last one! Score!" Pika went to grab it but Wally got it first "Oi! I was getting that ya dick" Pika yelled "Ya snooze, ya lose, scarecrow." Wally replied before guffawing "Hey! Am I a scarecrow? Ow!" Pika asked "Hey! Move your big behind, scarecrow. Croaker needs her cookies" Mrs. Croaker said as she hit Oika in the back with her trolly, Pika walked away "I'm just big to them... I'm like kinda average size... maybe a bit shorter" Pika muttered "SHIT-" Pika yelped as they slipped on the wet floor landing on their behind "ow" Pika muttered as the teen worker yelled "Hey! Didn't you see the sign, scarecrow?" "Classic, clumsy scarecrow," Felicia said, the villagers all started to laugh, Pika pulled their hood over their head and left the store

"So did you get the chocolate-covered bugs you--Hey, what's wrong?" Sprig asked "it's been a month! And they still treat me like shit! They don't even call me by my name! I wish they were nicer..." Pika explained as they hopped onto Bessie and just sat there trying to not let others get to them but just curled into a ball trying not to cry "Oh, that's just the way these frogs are. Slow to accept, and even slower to respect. It's actually our town motto. You'll find a way to get their respect, in your own weird Pika way. Now, who wants pill bug pancakes?" Hop-pop explained "I'll pass but I want to go back... I kinda want to be alone for a bit" Pika answered, They all passed a new statue "Well, that statue's new" Hop-pop points out "And tasteless. Woof!" Sprig adds, Bessie then stops "Woah Bessie. What's up?" Pika asked getting close to Bessie and tries to calm her down. Pika looked in the direction Bessie ie was starting in to see some toads coming into the village, once the toads arrived they got off and the red one cracked his neck "Ah! Nothing like cracking your neck after a long drive. Ain't that right?" The red one said, Toadstool then appeared "Oh, good. You're here. Toadie, give 'em the list" Toadstool commanded Toadie "Who the fuck are they?" Pika asked "Toads from Toad Tower. They rule over the entire valley" Hop-pop answered "Toad Tower?" Pika asked "It's a big, scary tower deep in the swamp and the toads that live there are the valley's fiercest warriors" Sprig answered while showing a map "sounds familiar... but I don't know why..." Pika muttered "They can be a rough sort. It's probably for the best that we all stay clear of--Oh, dang it. There they go." Hop-pop said noticing that the 2 chaotic children were walking towards the toads who were unpacking for the mission "Hey, guys. So, you're from Toad Tower?" Sprig asked "Sure are, runt" The red Toad answered, Sprig laughed "My name's Sprig, actually." Sprig replied "Uh-huh. Yeah, sure" the red toad replied as he turned, he then saw Pika "Whoa! What is that? It's some kind of gangly new critter I've never seen before," he asked amazed at the 'new critter' "I wonder what it tastes like," the toad with hair asked "Whoa, whoa, hey. She is not for eating" Sprig yelled as he pulled out a slingshot; Pika then softly kicked him in the side and pulled out their bat "they/them or he/him- anyways stay the fuck there!" Pika said, "Is that a challenge?" The toad with hair asked as they pulled out a mace before running to attack, Pika avoided the attack and then swung their bat into the toad's face "Ow- I might've sprained my wrist back there-" Pika muttered while holding the bat in a bit of pain, the red toad watched the event and laughed, "Whoa, that was awesome" the toad with hair said "You ok? You just took a baseball bat to the face" Pika asked slightly concerned "Well met, creature. I don't know what you are, but you've got fire." The red toad said before walking away with the toad with hair, "the toad with the headband didn't answer my question..." Pika looked kinda worried, Sprig grumbled, Hop-pop then walked up to them and said "Okay, kids. That's enough flirting with death. Let's head home." "Blech, finally. Come on, Pika." Sprig said annoyed with the toads "Eh, I might hang with them for a bit longer. I am a bit pissed and these toads could help relieve the anger. they're kinda cool I guess" Pika replied, Sprig scoffed and said "Cool? More like smelly. Not to mention creepy." "You jealous that I'm hanging with toads and not you? Dude" Pika asked "No. Ha! If you wanna hang out with some grody toads, Pika, be my guest. No skin off my skin" Sprig denied "Okay. But don't dally too long, Pika." Hop-pop replied, "I'm eating your food!" Polly yelled "POLLY! THAT'S ALL I WOULD EAT! DON'T FUCKING TOUCH MY FOOD! Sprig, protect my food. I will starve if I don't have the food!" Pika yelled "Ok! Also, I'm not jealous!" Sprig replied, "he is jealous." Pika said to themself, "Oh yea, I don't even know your-" Pika started before the red toad interrupted "Name's Bog. The silent one there is Mire. And Fens here you already met." "Cool, I'm Pika, the fuck are you doing in Wartwood anyways?" Pika asked "Every year, this town sends taxes to the tower. Well, this year, they came up short. So, the Mayor gave us this list of frogs who didn't pay and we're just here to collect. Say, we could use someone like you." Bog answered "Really? Damn." Pika said "Yeah. You've got inside knowledge of this town. It'll make the whole job go a lot smoother." Bog answered, he held out a badge for Pika if they accepted "Uh... not sure if going into the houses of people who insult me is my thing..." Pika said unsure "You know, the best part of wearing this badge is how everyone in this town will have to treat you with respect," Bog said to convince Pika "Give me that fucking thing," Pika said before putting the badge on

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