... They're not the same

11 1 4

A/N: Before I start this. Hi, do not cancel me for what is said. I am only quoting what was said about/to me, and sorry for no update. My friend is writing her chapter.

Laying in bed, Pika stared at the ceiling of the basement, the room they temporarily occupied... right... temporarily. They know that they don't live here. they just have to look outside the room, and they see several reminders of what happened.

As if on cue, someone knocked on the door to the basement

"Pika... you alright in there?" the person- no. frog asked. their voice sounding young

Pika didn't reply at first, but when the frog knocked again, Pika sighed and replied with a quick "yea."

"You sure? You haven't left your room for anything other than the necessities..." The frog pointed out, their voice showing clear concern

"Yeah." Pika replied, their voice slightly cracking at the end. They quietly hopped the frog didn't notice

"Alright..." The frog sighed, then fading footsteps were heard

Pika grabbed their phone and just looked at it, not even turning it on, the reflection stared back, and nothing happened for some seconds,

But then Pika tossed their phone onto the bed and just stayed in bed

hours pass, and soon Pika heard 2 pairs of footsteps and 3 voices, "We'll be right back!" an elder voice called out, the 2 pair of footsteps then disappeared as the front door creaked, then slammed

Alone Pika grabbed their phone again, hopping to read something to pass the time, but they froze as they saw the reflection.

Finally properly looking at themself they saw that their eyes were red and puffy, tears stained down their face, eyebags were noticeable, their cheeks were red, their short messily cut hair was very messy and all over the place.

After what felt like eternity but was actually only a minute of Pika staring at their reflection they threw their phone as hard as they could against the wall adjacent to them "FUCK!" they yelled, voice cracking.

They got off the bed and took only a couple of steps before their legs shook and gave out under them, Their breath was shaky and shallow as tears rolled down their face. they sat on their knees as they started to hit their head with the base of their palms while asking themself "Why am I not normal!?"

"I'm nothing but a freak! a fucking sensitive weirdo! Why am I like this?! A fucking stupid fag. And I look inbred! Fucking stupid. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. Why aren't I normal like my brother?! I'm just a r..."

Before they could finish their sentence they broke down into sobs and screams.

It went on for hours only stopped when Pika's throat felt raw and their voice hoarse

Soon, Pika managed to mask the pain their thoughts supply them with. they don't belong in this world. and how many people other than family genuinely cared for them back home? fuck. what does Cy even actually think about them? what he said behind their back bubbled up and echoed alongside every other insult they received 

*below are actual things said about me*

"If she weren't so deaf she'd have her head screwed on" "I remember people like *Name* & *Name* telling me how they wanted 2 trip u in PE" "I think they said u were disgusting jst because u had hearing aids & had 2 wear glasses" "they would say shit like 4 eyes & 1 ear about u" "pika literally looks like kermit the frog, lmaoooo cant wait to see her posting this shit as if she's famous" "is *irl name* in yr9 an actual retard?💀😭like how old is she. no one wanna see your gacha video except you and your fag group. deadass 💀💀💀" "ur a faggot and look inbred" "everyone thinks ur a weirdo" "how did ur brother turn out normal and ur a weird fag" "why is ur brother so much more normal than you" and the memory of seeing their face on a school ugly page flashed

*Back to fiction, with elements of real*

With a heavy sigh, Pika laid on the floor and tried to distract themself from the fact that they had just fallen apart all because of some stupid things said about them. 

Soon, the front door opened, Pika left the basement and acted like they're fine, not wanting to bother anyone with their issues, unaware of the effect it has on them

The end of the chapter

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