Episode 39: Hopping Mall

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A/N: I did cut quite a few chapters out but one of them involves an interaction between Marcy and King Andrias so I have decided to include that here:

"So many books and barely any with anything bout the music box! We've gone through the whole ass library!" Em exclaimed, slumping on the table with a frown of annoyance, tapping the table as she sighed

"Well, even I have to admit I'm surprised. This is one of the most comprehensive libraries in all of Amphibia. Maybe we missed a book somewhere." King Andrias said, thinking

"Anyways I'm gonna grab more... tea or bug boba, I feel like I'm gonna fall asleep! Be back in a min- Wah!" Em proceeded to trip and fall, spilling tea onto a tapestry

"Shittt, please say that was a basic tapestry and it wasn't hundreds of years old...." Em would grimace in nervousness

"Oh, way older than that, actually." King andiras admits

"Friccckkk" Em cursed

"But wait! Em, look!" King Andrias told Em

"Huh? A button! I'm gonna press it! Bwap!" She immediately just slapped the button with her palm without a second thought 

"What the... Huh?" King Andrias said, acting surprised

"Secret library! Or... whatever this is!" Em chirped before speaking again, "did you know about this, Andrias?" Em asked, tilting her head with a raised eyebrow 

"No. It must be thousands of years old, judging by the smell. Whew!" King andrias answered, joking with the smell

"Well let's go! I wanna go find secrets!" Em cheered loudly 

Days later:

In the Newtopian market, Pika and the Plantars reside,

Pika looked around, not too amazed by the place. "Just like a shopping centre back home, but in the open. Cool." They muttered

"Mm-hmm. Sure. Anyway, since we only have a couple of days left in the city, I figured we could spend the afternoon shopping for souvenirs. Now get out there and buy anything you'd like!" Hop-Pop told the kids

The kids were excited until Hop-pop added, "For two coppers or less." As he threw each of the kids a bag with 2 coppers

"What? This ain't even enough for a candy bar." Polly complained

"Dude. We have unlimited funds. Why restrain from using that?" Pika asked

"Oh, yeah. The royal credit card." Sprig said as he remembered the card

"Kids, souvenirs are only meaningful if you pay for them yourself." Hop-pop told the kids

"You could always try haggling." Hop-pop suggested after the kids groaned

"Hag what?" Polly uttered, confused

"You know, bargain with shopkeepers till they lower their prices." Hop-pop explained

"You can do that? Oh, these newts aren't gonna know what hit 'em." Polly said as she hopped away, laughing

"Wait, Polly! Don't actually hit anyone!" Hop-pop yelled as he chased Polly, realising that Polly would become violent

"Ooh, exciting. I guess I'd better get an item for Ivy since we are an item. Who are you gonna shop for, Pika?" Sprig asked

"First, you're such a sap for Ivy, and I ship it. But to answer your question I might buy something for my mother" Pika answered

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