Episode 12: Dating season

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Out in the woods Sprig and Pika walk though, they get over a fallen tree as Pika questions "Why the fuck do we always hang out in the woods? You have a perfectly good living room and soon I will feel like absolute shit" "Where's the fun in that? This place is full of nature. Whoo-hoo!" Sprig answered, Pika then watches as a spider eats a ladybug "jesus christ. Yeah, exactly" Pika said, Sprig starts humming before stopping as a bush rustles. "Stay back. It could be a bloodsucking predator" He says as he pulls out a stick "You are really not selling me on this place" Pika points out, Sprig pushes some bush away to find a dummy "Oh, no. It's an--" Sprig panicked before getting attacked from above as the person yelled "Ambush!" knocking Spig down, Sprig then yells "I'm hit! Sprig down! Sprig down!", the mysterious ambusher walks out of the bushes laughing, Sprig got up saying "Hey, Ivy. Nice ambush. Gourd in a wig? Classic" which made the ambusher who's called Ivy chuckle before saying "Can't take all the credit. You're really easy to trick" which made Sprig say without any negativity in his words "Well, guilty as charged" they both then laugh, Pika cleared their throat causing the 2 to stop and then Sprig introduced Pika and Ivy to each other "Oh, Ivy, meet Pika. Oddity from another world. Pika, meet Ivy. Childhood acquaintance and occasional sparring partner" Sprig then threw a couple punches that got blocked before getting kicked in the face by Ivy, Sprig laughs "G'day Ivy" Pika greets "Hey, I've seen you around. Nice to officially meet. Do you like being randomly attacked?" Ivy asked as she shook Pika's hand "Not at all, someone might end up injured" Pika answered "Well, too bad. See you later, Sprig. But you won't see me" Ivy said as she left, Sprig watched amazed, Pika noticed "Hey, i may not have interest in people but i bet she's kinda cute in your eyes, huh?" Pika says giving Sprig a look of 'this ship will sail' "I don't know what you're talking about" Sprig denies "mhm, you don't know what im talking about" Pika said sarcastically "You're being weird, Pika" Sprig says

At home:

"Hey guys we're back!" Pika called out as they enter the house "What have you two been doin'? I've been lookin' for you all morning" Hop-pop asked "I was just dying inside not prepared for near future events while Sprig was totally flirting with a cute girl!" Pika answered, Hop-pop gasps "No kiddin'?" "Pika, it's not like that. Ivy Sundew and I are just friends" Sprig rebutted "Ivy Sundew? Nobody move! I'm gettin' the courtship kit" Hop-pop yelled as he ran to find something "This is so exciting! I'm gonna go get my canon ship fanfics. BRB!" Pika called out as they scrolled though their fanfic apps on their phone "I don't actually care" Polly says not caring about the possible romance, Hop-pop comes back with a small chest full of stuff "Here we go. The Firefly Formal is tonight. It's the perfect opportunity to begin the ritual" Hop-pop says excited, Pika looks up confused "Ritual? sounds creepy" "Uh-huh. Only frogs who have performed the ceremonial dance in the ceremonial garb are allowed to be wed" Hop-pop explained "huh, odd. fanfics don't usually have this, it's unique" Pika mutters, Sprig pops up between Pika and Hop-pop and argued "Guys! We're just friends. Besides, I'm already engaged to Maddie, right? She gave me this nifty ring" He then shows the ring which has a skull on it as the eyes glow "oh yea, she's creepy" Pika points out remembering the frog girl "Forget her. The Sundews have secret proprietary crops. Do you have any idea what that means?" Hop-pop argued back "that's rude and cheating!" Pika yelled as Sprig uttered "Uh..." Hop-pop took that as his que to explain "If our families merge, we'll be rich!" Polly rolled her eyes as she sarcastically says "Wow. So romantic." "I love these fanfic tropes. Look, Sprig. it a common trope where lovers start out as 'just friends' like..." Pika trailed off as they saw 2 folders with the names 'Amphibia' & 'Amphibia 2' on their fanfic app and a folder called 'Amphibia' in their gallery, they stared at the folders before muttering "odd, i'll have a look at the 2 folders later" "anyways there's Catdora which is Catra x Adora, Lumity which is Luz x Amity, TanKana which is Tanjiro x Kanao, Molly x Libby and there's a bunch more" Pika explained as they scroll though the fanfics and fanart "Wait, what? Really? And you trust these things?" Sprig asked as he took Pika's phone "Yea! the first 3 examples i gave are canon ships, gotta show you the respective shows and manga later" Pika answered as they take their phone back "Could Ivy be my eternal love, my soul mate, the cat to my bat?" Sprig questioned "Well, we're about to find out 'cause I already asked her family" Hop-pop said as he stood next to a window, a mosquito flies on the windowsill with a letter, Hop-pop reads the letter before announcing "They agreed to a date!" the mosquito buzzes "What do you want?" Hop-pop asked, the mosquito buzzes again "Oh, your tip. All right, here you go. But don't take too much, though. I have chores to do later" Hop-pop says as he showed his neck to the mosquito "Well, missing out on eternal love does sound bad. I guess one date couldn't hurt" Sprig gave in to the pressure Hop-pop and Pika was pushing on him "Sweet, the ship will sail" Pika says excited for being part of making a ship sail, "That's my boy!" Hop-pop yelled

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