Episode 23: Croak & Punishment

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Pika sat down with a blanket around them as they watched the sun rise. They took a sip from the cup they had in hand, and they yawned, Sprig ran up to them yelling "Pika! Pika! Pika! Pi--" he stopped and patiently waited when Pika held up their hand as they took another sip from their drink, when they put their hand down Sprig continued "Pika! Pika! Pika! Look what I found! A blue moon shell." He announced as he pulled out a blue shell that shined."Hmm? Oh, that looks pretty, " Pika said as they looked at the shell."Yup! And you know who's gonna love it? Ivy! Tomorrow's her birthday. And this is the perfect gift." Sprig explained, the front door then slammed open as Hop-pop walked out saying,"Morning, kids! Time to start the chores." He then noticed the blue shell."Whoa! Is that a blue moon shell?" He asked surprised, he got closer and gasped before uttering."Beautiful! You know, some frogs die never having seen one." Polly laughed at that and just said,"Suckers!"Anyway, enough dilly-dallying. Chore time! Bessie's waste ain't gonna shovel itself." Hop-pop said as he and Polly put on gas masks. They both then walked to shovel Bessie's waste."Well, don't wanna get this thing dirty." Sprig said as he placed a handkerchief on a fence post and placed the shell on there. He then walked away, whistling."Uh dude. You're just gonna leave that there? Someone's gonna steal it." Pika said, worried."No, they won't. This is Wartwood, Pika, not some den of thieves." Sprig said, believing that Wartwood is full of good, folks."You could at least cover it up or something." Pika suggested."I will do no such thing! I trust my community. And frankly, Pika, I pity you for not trusting yours." Sprig argued "fucking hell.. ok, sheesh" Pika muttered "Kids, get your butts over here!" Hop-pop yelled "Coming, Hop-Pop." Sprig and Pika yelled as they both put gas masks on

After completing the chores:
"Glad that's over with." Sprig said as he and Pika walked to where the shell was previously placed "Same, that was so gross. hopefully I don't smell like shit" Pika replied, they both threw off their gas masks "Yup. But never mind that. Look. The blue moon shell. Right where I left it." Sprig said not even looking, Pika saw no blue moon shell "you sure?" Pika asked, Sprig looked up and saw no shell as well "Wait. Wait a minute. What? The shell. The shell's not here. I've been robbed!" Sprig yelled as he looked around for it, Pika stood there with their arms crossed "Hate to be a dick but-" Pika began before being interrupted by Sprig's sobs "Ivy's birthday is tomorrow, and I've got nothing." Sprig said between sobs "oh fuck. Okay, first, calm down." Pika said trying to calm the frog down, Sprig breathed heavily as his breathing slowed down "Second, we can try to find the thief. gotta look for clues!" Pika said as they looked around for any type of clue, they then saw a piece of yarn "Look at this, got a clue!" Pika said as they showed the yarn to Sprig,  Sprig hopped onto the fence "Oh, that's just waxed yarn. They sell it at the Grub and Go." he informed "well lets quit being a grub and go find the thief!" Pika said, making a pun, Sprig chuckled "Nice" he said. "Finally! Hours of looking for hints and theorising using evidence like cops will pay off!" Pika cheered, their hands flapping in excitement. "Cop, what? And what are you doing with your hands?" Sprig asked, confused, "I honestly thought you would know about neurodivergent behaviours... you probably have ADHD...(Not a professional) Anyhow. Cop is another word for the police,  which is a modern human realm version of sheriffs. " Pika explained "Mmm" Sprig hummed, "Hold up, you know the sheriff frog here? The police force is kinda like that, but instead of looking like a cowboy, they look like this, " Pika explained while showing Sprig a picture of some police officers "Woah, I like this." Sprig said while looking st the police photo "Cool, now we need to catch a thief!" Pika said as they put the phone away

In town:
Pika and Sprig walked into town with fake mustaches "Ah, Whoops. Why are we wearing these again?" Sprig asked as he fixed his moustache that tried to crawl away."Cops usually have moustaches. Idk why, but gotta match! Now, who's good cop and bad cop?" Pika asked."What?" Sprig uttered, confused as he tilted his head to the side."Who's gonna be all nice to the investigated, and who's gonna be a dick? If you're still confused, I'll be tbe nice one, and when it's time, you release your anger and try to get them to confess, Ok?" Pika explained "Got it." Sprig agreed, they both entered the store, Pika walked up to the cashier "Sup, nice job you got, how's it goin' for ya?" Pika asked "Um, we're having kind of a rough season." The teenage worker answered "Oh yikes... me and my bud are here about a lost shell. Recognize these shell's?" Pika asked while showing the teenage worker some shells "Huh. Couldn't say. I see a lot of shells." The worker told them, "Oi Sprig. Your chance, " Pika said to Sprig."Oh right, your hair looks incredible, " Sprig complimented before knocking over a cup that had pens in it "Thanks. I use product." The teenager thanked "Um... Sprig, a word in private please?" Pika said before pulling Sprig away "Dude. That was shit cop, not bad cop. Get angry." Pika told Sprig. "Yeah, I'm not generally a mad kid, Pika." Sprig explained, "Think. Think about that shell you found. The one that was mentioned for your crush. And some jerk stole it. Reach to that anger and let it out" Pika told Sprig, Sprig got angry and turned to the worker and began yelling "Hey, you little noodle! This blue shell, you seen it?" He asked "Yes! Yes! I remember now! Out there. Late morning!" The worker answered threatened "Great. Now, who buys this string?" Sprig asked as he pulled out the string Pika found earlier "Uh, no one except the baker, really." The worker again answered, "The baker? Nice, have a great day!" Pika said before grabbing a snack and tossing a coin to the worker "You're short on cash there." The worker called out "Oh, sorry 'bout that." Pika apologised as they paid the correct amount

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