Episode 16: Planter's last stand

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Wartwood Farmer Market!
"Ah, the Wartwood Farmer's Market, where salt of the earth frogs come to sell stuff and fill up on free samples." Sprig said as he took a jar of jam and ate all of it, "That wasn't a sample The owner of the stand told Sprig, he spat it out "Now it's like nothing happened" Sprig tried to play it off but the owner pulled out a spiked mace "I-- I can pay for that" Sprig said as he searched his pockets for the money

With Pika, Polly & Hop-pop:

Mrs. Croaker walked up to the stand Hop-pop is running "G'day Mrs. Croaker" Pika greeted the elderly frog while doodling "Good morning, Mrs. Croaker" Polly greeted at the same time while watching Pika draw, Mrs. Croaker grabbed a gourd and said "I'll take this here gangly gourd, Hopadiah" "Oh, I sense a batch of Croaker stew coming on" Hop-pop said before feeling off about the gourd Mrs. Croaker was holding "Hmm... Hang on there, Sadie. You don't want that one" He then walks up to Mrs. Croaker who handed him the gorud to inspect, hop-pop knocks on it a couple of times and then shakes it lightly "Mm-hmm..." he hummed before separating it in half revealing a large disgusting larvae sleeping inside which wakes and jumps out onto the ground "Ah-ha! It's a gourd maggot. These guys taste terrible" Hop-pop explained, the maggot then crawled up the stand and jumps on Pika's arm, they panic and try to shake it off "Jesus! Get it off! get it off!" Pika yelled but it then hides in their hair "Fuck! it's in my It's in my hair! It's in my hair!" They yelled before slipping "SHIT!" They yelped, Hop-pop Offers new gourd to Mrs. Croaker "Here, take this one instead. It's maggot-free" "Classic Plantar honesty. I've been buying from this stand since your father was running it. And y'all have never steered me wrong" Mrs Croaker said before leaving with the maggot-free gourd "That thing left my hair, but I like it down here" Pika thought while just laying in the ground, they then lifted their head to look at Hop-pop "Very impressive, Hop-Pop but that just means a waste of produce, and that thing felt disgusting, it reminds me of something" Pika mentioned "That is the Plantar difference, Pika. You can't taste honesty. But if you could--" Hop-pop began explaining, "...it'd taste like a Plantar stand vegetable" Sprig and Polly droned "Damn, he says that a bunch I guess" Pika muttered "This stand is the heart and soul of our family. I don't know what I'd do if we ever lost it" Hop-pop explained, Toadie then appears and gives Hop-pop a scroll "Bad news, everyone! Bad news! Gonna run away before you read it!" Toadie yelled before doing a cartwheel backwards and leaving, Hop-pop angerly takes out his glasses and reads the scroll "That Toadie..." he uttered before mumbling what was on the scroll, Pika got up and took off their hoodie which has mud on the back "I think I have mud in my hair, I'll brb" Pika told the Planters before finding a source of water to clean the hoodie and their hair "Say what?! Mayor Toadstool is quadrupling the rent! And he wants it in three days?!" Hop-pop yelled when he read the scroll "Have you seen this?" A villager asked "This is outrageous!" Another one adds, Hop-pop frantically paces as he panicked "At this rate, we'll lose the stand. What are we gonna do?" Pika came back as Hop-pop panicked "What's he panicking about?" Pika asked Polly "Rent is quadrupled now and needs to be payed in 3 days" Polly explained "Toadstool that dickhead. Hm..." Pika muttered, "I got an idea! Oodies, a blanket that's like a hoodie!" "What the-- Pika, we're a vegetable stand!" Hop-pop argued "I know. We need to make a flashy new product, and based off your branding it needs to be something healthy" Pika explained as they looked around the stand "Hate to waste this" Pika said as they grabbed the disregarded gourd and poured the juice into a jar, they then added a bit of salt and other editable things "I introduce to you the Plantar's Potion. A hearty mix of vitamins and minerals that'll extend your life and keeps you regular" Pika announced "Wowza. All that in one jar?" Hop-pop said amazed "Fuck if I know. I was just bullshiting there but health drinks are big back on earth, and it fits your brand of vegetables" Pika explained, they handed the jar to Hop-pop "There's this whole supply and demand thing I learnt in year 8 but I kinda forgot parts of it" Pika said before grabbing a stick and drawing in the dirt "So let's say we have a supply of 50 jars, more more sales we get the less supply we have, and let's say demand is like this, with this we can figure out how much we need to charge people, but i forgot how to figure that part out" "Heh, i don't understand most of that, but it's worth a shot" Hop-pop said, he walked up to the crowd and cleared his throat before yelling "New product! New product, everyone. This here is a freshly made bottle of... What was it again? Plantar's Potion!", Wally raises his hand "Yes, you in the front, Wally." Hop-pop said allowing the one eyed frog to speak "Does it taste good?" Wally asked "Wouldn't know. Haven't tried it yet" Hop-pop answered honestly "Oh" Wally replied, a frog could be heard coughing with how loud the silence is "Oi Hop-pop! need to chat with you for a sec, Sprig entertain the crowd a bit" Pika told Hop-pop and Sprig "Yes, sir" Sprig replied before clearing his throat "Sprig Plantar, ten years old" He announced before playing a rendition of "Fur Elise" with his left armpit. The crowd cheers with applause and flowers thrown to him. "Beautiful" Hop-pop said as he watch Sprig perform, Pika got down to his level and said "Dude, if you wanna sell this stuff, you gotta sell this stuff! sprinkle a few lies into your jazz" Pika told the elder frog "Did you forget this stand was built on honesty?" Hop-pop scolded Pika "Dude, you don't have to lie about it all the time and in three days, there won't be a stand" Pika argued, Hop-pop looked at his sign which says 'Honesty First' Hop-pop sighs and gives in "I'll give it a try" he goes up to Sprig "Take five, boy. I'll take it from here" He told Sprig "You got it, Hop Pop!" Sprig replied before hopping back to Pika and Polly while saying "Hop, hop!"

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