Episode 13: Pika vs Wild

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Pika layed there rolling over in their sleep not moving their left hand as they slept, dreaming about something

Dream (an actual dream i had):

"why are we having an excursion to the museum as a year level?" Pika asked while walking aside their friend while walking around the museum, the friend shrugged "but at least it's something other than school work" the friend said, the class walked around for a bit but then an alarm blared "WARNING! VILLAINS HAVE BROKEN IN, I REPEAT VILLAINS HAVE BROKEN IN" a voice said over the speakers, "w-what?" Pika uttered shocked by the invasion, they looked around and saw a group of familiar villains "league of villains..." Pika muttered, they then jumped down and attacked, Pika threw something at a villain who was about to attack their friend, "Ooo~ Shiggy, i claim the blondie" A feminine voice said, Pika recognising the voice belonging to Himiko Toga, they ran as Toga chased, they ran though the insect part and though the prison part but they were then cornered in the jail area, toga walked behind them holding a knife as Pika turned around "shit" Pika muttered before getting knocked down by Toga who sat on top of them knife raised up, she plunged the knife into Pika's left hand

In reality:

Pika snapped awake taking quick breaths, after a bit their breathing slowed down "jesus-" They shouted under their breath as they looked at their left hand front and back to see no stab wound but they could feel it they closed and opened their hand "why did that dream happen again?" Pika wondered as they laid in their bed unable to go back asleep

the next day:

Pika yawned as they left the house since they noticed that there's no-one inside "hey guys... huh? You guys going somewhere?" Pika questioned as they rubbed the sleepiness from their eyes "Yep. The three of us are going to Camp Phlegmington. Gonna rough it outdoors and get filthy!" Sprig answered "without even asking if i wanted to come or telling me you're gonna leave?" Pika questioned, "Sure are. When we Plantars camp, we camp hard. No sense in you coming with us and being miserable" Hop-pop admits "We know you hate dirt, bugs, rocks... and nature" Sprig adds "You're soft, Pika, like a baby" Polly adds "im almost classified as an adult sheesh" Pika mutters annoyed "Really, you should be glad you're not one of us." Hop-pop  said trying to cheer Pika up "Don't try that shit on me! Just because I'm not a Plantar doesn't mean I can't have a good time with you guys, i've been camping in the wild before, be it because it was a school thing which isn't important and i did survive living in the wild after getting transported here before we met, i'm not soft" Pika argued "Are you sure? I wasn't kiddin' when I said 'rough.'" Hop-pop asked trying to make Pika rethink their choice "And I wasn't kidding when I said you were soft" Polly adds, Pika gives Polly the bird and says "fuck you, I'm fucking sure" "Aw, come on, guys. If Pika says they can handle it, they can handle it" Sprig convinces Hop-pop "Well, all right, kid. Hop on" Hop-pop gave in "Sweet!" Pika cheered as they got on "Psst. Hey, since you're coming with us, we gotta lather you up with this gunk. Only way to keep the ticks away" Sprig explained before placing honey on Pika's face "Here we go. Ahh. And back around. Ooh. Looks like I missed a spot" He said as he did it "Totally not regretting this" Pika muttered

At Camp Phlegmington:

Once the Planters + Pika arrived Sprig hopped off and said "I can't wait to tell scary stories. The more teen frogs running from deranged psychopaths, the better" Polly hopped off after and she added "I'm just happy to get off the farm. So much fresh air, and it's all mine" before inhaling a bunch of air and getting blown away like a balloon into Hop-pop who caught her and adds "I personally love the peace and quiet. A frog can really hear themselves think out here" before his mind started to go wild with questions like "Did you leave the stove on? The front door unlocked? Will you die alone?" he then adds "Well, that was a mistake", Pika stood there and stared at a small butterfly, not saying anything or moving a muscle except their eyelids, they then snap back to reality and shook their head before slightly groaning "bloody hell..." they muttered as they put their hand onto their head "You sure you want to stay, Pika? You can take Bessie and go home if you need to" Hop-pop said giving Pika the option to back out "hm? i got an idea. How about we stop questioning my decisions and get to camping together already? Who's with me?" Pika argued, the planters agreed to to the camping idea, they started with fishing, the planters all caught a fish but Pika got pulled into the water and chased by a huge fish "Fucking hell!" they yelled as they swam away, they then built tents, Sprig successfully built his as Pika's looked pathetic as it fell apart "well that was shit" Pika muttered before their tent attempt bursted into flames "JESUS FUCK! HOW?!" Pika questioned as Hop-pop ran and yelled "Come on, kids, throw some dirt on it! Get some water!" they managed to put the fire out, after that the family + Pika went to get water, they all were walking back as Pika scratched their back, just to see it was a huge spider "What the fuck?! Again?! Get it off!" They then ran as the spider chased, Sprig ran after with an axe, at night the Planters slept under the stars in sleeping bags but Pika was awake just looking at the stars and noticing the moon's colour "odd... the moon is red... feels off, like it isn't just a moon..." They muttered before they started to roll down the hill "oh crap, Oh shit!" Pika yelled before falling into a bunch of thorns

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