Episode 30: Combat Camp

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The Plantars and Pika were on the road to somewhere, "I still can't believe you're bringing us to a day-care, Hop Pop." Sprig complained."Look. I'm sorry, okay? But I have to go to the Annual Crop Convention. It's a long ways away, and I can't leave you kids on the farm alone for the weekend." Hop-pop apologised."What?" The kids all said."You're joking, right?" Pika added."Wish I was, Pika. But you kids need supervision. Why, sometimes it feels like we have at least two wacky adventures a week!" Hop-pop told Pika "because we do, it's fun!" Pika rebutted

They soon arrived at the daycare. "Here we are!" He said as he stopped Bessie. The door to the daycare slammed open as a newt dressed professionally stood there."Greetings, I am Tritonio Espada, the instructor of this daycare." Tritonio said in an accent."Huh, I thought Briar and Iris Bogwater ran this place." Hop-pop questioned, "The Bogwaters retired last year and sold their business to me." Tritonio answered."Well, in that case, I'm Hopediah Plantar. This here is Sprig, Polly, and Pika. They may be gigantic, but they're also children." Hop-pop said, introducing himself and the kids, Polly blew a raspberry when Hop-pop introduced her, and Pika was picking at a random scar when Hop-pop introduced them "I'm 16. not a kid, " Pika said, not being too phased by Hop-pop calling them a kid."Ah, yes. I shall educate them! Teach them true discipline!" Tritonio told Hop-pop."Oh. I like the cut of your jib, Mr. Tray-tony. Did I say that, right?" Hop-pop asked, "Absolutely not." Tritonio answered, Pika was walking to where Sprig and Polly were."This isn't so bad, I guess. There is a cool tower." Sprig said looking at the tower, "It is strange for a daycare to be a tower like that but also Tritonio is a teacher, a boring one at that based on his professional pizazz" Pika told Sprig "Uh, what's so bad about teachers?" Sprig asked."I lack the attention span to not possibly cause problems. I literally accidentally cut myself once because I was bored in class during a test, " Pika answered Sprig


Year 7 science class, it was quiet and Pika finished their test early so they decided to remove the blade from their sharpener and try to carve their eraser but they pushed too hard and ended up cutting their finger, it started to bleed, The teacher noticed the blood and sent Pika to first aid to get a bandaid, they returned after a couple of minutes with a bandaid over their finger

Back to reality:

Pika looked at their finger that had previously been cut "I have suspisions that i'm neurodivergent and i know i'm an absolute idiot" Pika told Sprig and Polly "Well, kids, looks like you're in good hands here with Mr. Tritonio." Hop-pop told the kids, he then drove off saying "Crop Con, here I come!" Once Hop-pop was out of sight, Tritonio turned to the kids and teen."Finally. It is just us now. So let us cast aside these illusions, yes?" He said before revealing a different outfit underneath, Sprig and Polly were amazed by Tritonio."And this is no mere day care. This is a Combat Crash Course for kids." Tritonio explained."Yoo-hoo!" Polly cheered."Cool!" Sprig uttered "Adults, they shelter their children. I say no! Teach them to fight. For danger lurks around every corner of Amphibia. Stay on your toes! Trust no one! Ah! Look over there!" He explained and pointed behind Sprig."Ah! What is it? Danger?" Sprig asked, alerted, but Tritonio hits him with a stick."I said trust no one! Now, follow me, and we will begin the next lesson." He told the kids before walking into the building."Hit me again, Tritonio!" Sprig said happily, laughing as he followed Tritonio."This guy's awesome!" Polly points out."Eh, he did just hit Sprig. The protective bestie inside me is enraged, " Pika said sceptical of the newt as they followed

Inside the tower:

"Your next lesson is to pick your weapon. Find one that resonates with you." Tritonio told the kids."Hmm... nice, " Pika said, amazed by the weapons, Polly hopped towards a bucket full of blue mushrooms with skulls on them."Ooh, what are these?" she asked."Ah, the noble boom shroom. Small, unassuming, but in the right hands... Explosive!" Tritonio explained as he pressed the stem and threw the mushroom which exploded, Polly gasped amazed by the boom shrooms."Perfect for you, I think." He says as he handed Polly a boom shroom."Who's next? No wrong answers." he asked, Pika went to grab a sword, but Tritonio popped up from where the sword was and yelled,"No! Wrong!" which made Pika flinch."What? How so?" Pika questioned."From what I have seen, you do not have the dexterity to wield a sword. Pick something else." Tritonio explained."Whoa, these are big forks." Sprig said as he held up a couple of sai daggers."Ah, excellent choice, Sprig." Tritonio told Sprig, an explosion could be heard and felt as Polly slid on the ground laughing in front of Pika, Tritonio, and Sprig."So, what's the next lesson?" she asked

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