Episode 36: Toadcatcher

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In a forest, Cy is on a run, he jumped over a hole that a giant bug crawled out of and tried to bite him, he then grabs a branch and does some pull-ups, he then does some parkour jumping and ends up facing some mannequins resembling Pika and the Plantars. He then smashes the Plantar mannequins and then looks at Pika's. as he remembers the whole toad tower event "Trial by combat!" Grime's voice echoed "You lose, dude." Pika's voice echoed overtop "Hey, Pika, maybe you're better off without me." his own voice echoed overtop as well, angry he kicked down the mannequin resembling Pika and pointed his sword at it, breathing heavily he pulled out his phone and looked at the group selfie of him, Em and Pika, he zoomed into him and Em, hiding Pika "Yo, Grime! How was my form on that last kick?" Cy asked. He then noticed that Grime wasn't there. He walks into the hut, asking."Are you in here?" noticing Grime's awful state Cy took a step back "Fucking hell dude!" he yelled, Grime just played with the Paddle ball, Cy walks right up to Grime and snatched the Paddle ball out of his hand, Grime then finally notices Cy "Hey, what's up, Cy?" he asked, Cy used the paddle ball and repeatedly hit Grime with the ball "this is what up you washed up fuck. You're sitting here playing with this shit all day when we're supposed to be training." Cy answered as the ball hits Grime, he then stops and pull out a wanted poster for Grime "What are you gonna do when someone comes to collect the big, fat price on your big, fat head?" Cy asked, 2 bounty hunters the jump through the windows and attack, Cy yelps and draws his sword and counterattacks "Bounty hunters!" he yells, he then dodges one of the bounty hunter's attacks and kicks the other one away "Oi, Grime. a little help here?!" Cy yelled, Grime tries to reach his sword but couldn't without getting up "Nah, you got this." He told Cy, Cy just groaned "okay, cut the shit." He said annoyed as he plunges his sword into the ground, the bounty hunters fall and end up breaking a barrel, their hoods fell off revealing it was Percy and Braddock "Aw, man, I landed on my favourite horn." Percy said sad that he ruined his favourite horn, he then squeezes it "Percy? Braddock? Why were you...?" Grime questioned "Cy thought a little action might help you get out of your rut." Braddock answered "So you staged this attack? Sounds like you two deserve..." Grime said, looking angry, that made Cy smile but Braddock and Percy were concerned "... A break, have some fun!" Grime finished saying with a smile, Cy just groaned and facepalmed in frustration, "Hey, you goys want to just relax with me?" Grime asked as he walked around the hut looking for more toys, Percy and Braddock were about to join but Cy stopped them "oh fuck no. you two can go get food or something. i need to talk to Captain Grime alone" he said as he handed the 2 a small amount of coins "M'okay." Percy said "Suits us." Braddock adds, the two then try to exit but get stuck in the door frame for a second they then get free and run off happy. Cy angerly looks back at Grime who held the Paddle ball in one hand "Whaaat?" Grime asked he then noticed his other hand is dirty "Oop! Beetle fingers." he points out, he then licks his hand clean "You were saying?" He asked "Look at you! Your a washed up mess! What the fuck happened to the Grime who held me prisoner?!" Cy yelled, Grime sat down "He's gone. Ever since Newtopia branded me a traitor, I don't see the point anymore." he said as he laid backwards "So you lost control of the valley and abandoned your post and now you're a fugitive. That doesn't mean we should give up. We can still put those frogs back in their place and reclaim what's ours." Cy told Grime, Grime just laughs "Us and what army? All but two of my soldiers have abandoned us. We can't possibly retake the valley." he said defeated, Cy groans "Oh, so that's it then? You're just gonna sit here and do nothing?" he asked just done with Grime's bullshit "Do nothing? Hello. I've been growing a beard." Grime points to the beard "Yeah, don't remind me." Cy told Grime, Grime groans and pulls out a drink from his beard "Look, Cy, don't worry about it. I may be a little out of shape... but I'm sure I can still lick whoever Newtopia sends after me." Grime tried to assure Cy, he then burps which almost blew of Cy's beanie. "You better be right about that." Cy sighed

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