Episode 14: Contagious

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It's a stormy day in Wartwood. Pika snuggles in the comfort of the Plantars' basement not leaving the bed they sigh as they say "Nothing like sleeping to the sound of rain, so calming", it was quiet for a moment before someone burst open the door and yelled "Pika! Move! This is the third time I've called you!" It was Hop-pop "Is it really? Fuck... wait that's a lie" Pika pointed oout "a lie? Okay, then. This is the first time I'm calling you. Let's go! We got work to do" Hop-pop yelled, Pika got out of their bed but then their vision became fucked up and they were super light-headed "fucking hell... not again..." Pika muttered as they shook their hands.

after a while their vision became normal again but they still felt light-headed as fuck, but they went into the living room where the Planters are gathered, once Pika got to the living room Hop-pop begins to explain why he called all of them here "Okay, we got a full day of hard work ahead of us" He hands rain gear to the children + Pika "Here ya go, put this on! Polly... there you go, sweetie." He says as he helped out the rain gear on Polly "Rain gear? Hop Pop, we're frogs! We should actually be taking off our clothes. Woo hoo!" Sprig argued as he took his jacket off "Keep your pants on, boy. This here ain't no ordinary rainstorm" Hop-pop argued back, he shows how bad it is out there, Wally is seen struggling to walk in the rainstorm. he gets hit by a tree blowing in the extreme winds, he screamed "We gotta cover up the crops before they're destroyed! It'll be hours of back-breaking work in the mud and the muck. Thankless, hard, character-building labor--" Hop-pop started to explain the task, Pika looked at them not processing anything, they then fell to their knees interrupting Hop-pop, "fuck-" Pika muttered under their breath as they tried to take deep breaths "Whoa, Pika. Everything all right?" Sprig asked concerned, Pika shook their head just to regret it right after "crap.. shouldn't have done that..." Hop-pop investigates Pika, he checks their skin "No slimy coating. Well, that's good" He then checks' their tongue "Great grubs! Your tongue has shrunken to an unnaturally tiny size!"Hop-pop yelled "Oi, it's unnaturally small for frogs, it's natural for humans, i think I'm sick... but i should help out" Pika says trying to get up but couldn't stand for longer then a minute, Hop-pop gasps "That sounds horrible! Come on, kids. Let's stay away from Pika and their illness" the Planters walked to the door before Hop-pop says to Pika "Rest up, Pika. We'll handle the work today" "Feel better, Pika!" Sprig told Pika "Rest up!" Polly announced, Pika replied with a thumbs up and a "i'll try", when the Planters left Pika went back into the basement and fell asleep on their bed

Dream (Actual dream again):

In an arcade place like Pizzaplex Pika and Em run away from Pika's father for fun and then some dude manages to get control of everyone with bees except Pika and Em and starts to chase them and the dude got Em so Pika hid and tried to use the beings against him but failed, they then ran and hid. Soon they defeat the dude and frees everyone from the control, everyone then left but then Pika finds a dead decaying body of a dude who Pika assume was William afton then their patents found more shit for the body and placed it with the decaying body. their family plus a mother and her daughter who Pika didn't really like for some reason got into the car, they then drove to the beach where the portals were but we couldn't find the portal to earth, anphibiland or the demon realm then a flower being appeared with a living stone version of Luz noceda which caused luz to yell "I know I had magic but I never thought it would work out of the Demon realm!" then the flower spoke after it spoke it shook a bit then luz or an familiar character but somehow unidentified yelled something that sounded like a bad attempt of saying a name, then they questioned what they said and why they said it.

They all then end up in a basement that has a trapdoor in the middle of the ceiling above us, the familiar but unidentified person leaves after a bit, while the familiar but unidentified person is gone a frog complains about not being able to eat anything yellow which someone else says "at least you can eat other fruits" which Pika agreed with and said "what would I eat? What is there available in this hell hole of a place that i would eat?" When Pika asked, the bed spoke up and requested for us to close the trapdoor which we did a bit, soon Pika got a message from the person who left earlier saying "it's telling me to tell Ṁ͉̝̞̲̲̗̫ͩͨ͋́a̻͖̝̖̹͚͒̚͢r̴̪̖̣̣ͥć̗̰͓͙̤̹̪̀ͧͭ͟ỷ̷͈̬͐ to 'fight the beast and let go of your mistakes' whatever that means...."

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