Chapter 1 - The Island

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A/N: I kinda changed the animals in the story compared to the film so it would match the characters. Also fun fact, I'm still not a furry, I just like adding the idols as the animals to my books lol (even though when I showed TXT's Cat&Dog to my bestie, her only reaction was that what kind of weird furry kinky dream I live in...)


Do you ever wonder what it would be like to talk to your animals? What would they say to you and what would you say to them if you knew they can answer?

Well, even if it's not possible, in this story it happened to a boy. But it wasn't just like he woke up one day and started talking to animals, oh no. His story was much more interesting and longer than you would expect. Do you want to hear more about it? Well, let's get started, shall we?

The whole story started about 15 years before our actual story. We are currently on an island somewhere in the South Seas (which you can't find on maps because... well it's on the south, okay?) It was a windy and cold night. A huge thunderstorm was coming. The wind was waving the massive trees, rushing between them, some of them even fell. It was raining heavily, the rain pattered on the leaves of the tropical trees. Thunder rumbled all across the area.

The captains who decided to go that way with their ships that night all regretted their decisions. The sea was throwing huge waves and they smacked against the sides of the ships. The ice cold water destroyed everything that came in its way. It was one of the biggest storms of all time.

And that's how our story begins.


By the next morning the weather got back to normal. The temperature was a bit cooler than usual but other than that on the tropical island it seemed as if nothing happened during the night - except for that you could see the fallen trees and the destruction that the storm made.

A smol frog jumped out from the bushes onto the shore. It croaked a few times and jumped around.

'Dino! Dino, Dino!' he said. Yep, the frog was talking, inviting his friend to join him in the sand. And he did. An otter climbed through the grass and stopped next to the frog.

'What a storm' he said, looking around.

'But it looks like it's completely gone now' said the frog. The otter stood on his two back legs as he checked out the waves of the sea and the destruction on the coast.

'Hey, what's that?' he asked, looking into the distance. The frog followed his friend's gaze, but he didn't see anything since he was barely a few centimeters tall. Suddenly the otter - Dino - started running, leaving him no choice but to follow him with a croak.

They arrived to a huge box. At least it was huge compared to their body sizes. The box's lock was broken so it was half opened and a bit worn out, probably because of the storm. The otter curiously climbed inside of it.

'Dino! What if it's a trap?' asked the frog.

'Oh, come on, Hao, it's just a cave! Look! What's this?' wondered Dino. He appeared in the gap of the box again, throwing something out onto the sand. Hao jumped there to check it out, while Dino disappeared inside again just to yeet more stuff on the ground.

'Ooooh, it's so soft inside, this is so comfortable! I want to sleep in here for the rest of my life! Can this day get any better?' Dino's voice echoed from the inside.

Hao meanwhile started to examine the stuff Dino found, but they were all unfamiliar items for him. He jumped next to an object and gasped.

'Oh my god, there's a frog trapped inside!' he jumped. Dino quickly joined him. In the round shaped small object appeared an otter next to the frog. Dino tilted his head. The other otter tilted its head too. Hao jumped. The other frog jumped too.

'They are copying us' said Hao finally.

'That's our reflection! Like when you look into the water!' yelled Dino surprised. 'This thing makes us see ourselves!'

'Wow' Hao jumped closer. Then he looked away, spotting something else next to a big piece of wood on the shore.

'Look! Dino!' he started jumping towards the thing. Dino rushed after him, not before he put his head into a bracelet he found, using it as a necklace.

'What is it?' he caught up to Hao. On the big treebranch there was a huge piece of fabric. It was serenity colored and had a beautiful white rose on it.

Hao jumped onto the piece of wood, but almost fell on the other side in his surprise.

'What the-' he yelped. Dino climbed next to him and looked down on the other side.

'What the Jesus Christ is that?' he asked curiously, staring at the creature they just found. [I'm sorry TikTok took over my brain nowadays]

'I don't know, but it's alive' whispered Hao. 'And it's like a giant! Look how long its limbs are! It probably has sharp teeth! It's going to kill us all!' he panicked. The otter was still staring at the thing.

The creature was a boy. A human. But they didn't know that as they've never seen a human before. He was about five years old. His hair was blonde and his skin was pale. He was unconscious but his breathing was steady, his clothes were drenched in water. Suddenly his breath hitched and he coughed up water.

'We should help it' said Dino. Hao looked at him questioningly.

'Can't we just like wait till it wakes up and then let it swim back wherever it came from?'

'Swim back? Do you think this thing came here by swimming? It doesn't have fins. It could die if we leave it on its own.'

'Okay, but what are we gonna do with it? It's like the hundreds the size of us!' said Hao, looking back at the giant.

'Let's get Hoshi. He will help.'


A/N 2.0: Well, this was the first chapter! I hope you liked it, feel free to vote and comment <3

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