Chapter 15 - At The Ball

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A/N: Wow I'm updating third day in a row ^^ I actually almost finished the whole draft for this story so I can finally just type and post them sooo let's continue! (Also ATINY are so looking forward to my next ATEEZ book that I'm actually looking forward to it too now so yeah, I want to finish this in time.)


Hansol couldn't help but peek over his shoulder from time to time, even though there was only a very little chance that Kwan will show up at the ball. He just couldn't stay still even for a second.

The ballroom was full of people, couples danced while others were gathered in groups and were catching up with each other's lives, just like how Mingyu did with his friends, Jungkook and Yugyeom. Hansol turned around again.

'Stop moving, man, you're spinning around so much you're making me feel dizzy' sighed Wonwoo as he dropped himself on a chair next to Hansol.

'Wonu hyung? What are you doing here? I thought you hated and absolutely despised the concept of parties' said Hansol surprised. Wonwoo sipped on his drink. Honestly, Hansol had never seen the older dressed so elegantly. He was wearing a dark blue suit and matching pants, black shoes and even had his hair styled. Of course his outfit wouldn't be perfect without his round glasses.

'I'm not here for the party' he mumbled while looking towards the dance floor. Hansol followed his gaze, spotting Mingyu immediately. His tall friend was currently competing with Jeon Jungkook in who can pull off the weirdest dance moves. A few other people had already joined the fun. Hansol smiled.

'Go for it' he suddenly said, making Wonwoo almost spit out his drink.

'What do you mean?'

'Ask him for the next slow dance. If you don't go, I'll do it for you. You'll be thankful.'

'Oh nononono there's no way I'd be thankful for that' said quickly Wonwoo as he stood up, remembering the time when Hansol tried to set Seokmin up with someone. There was no mercy in the boy's matchmaking skills.

'How do I look?' asked Wonwoo worriedly, adjusting his tie. Hansol smiled up at him from his seat.

'Amazing. But believe me, the boy wouldn't care even if you showed up in pajamas. He is whipped for you.' Wonwoo pressed his lips together.

'Wish me luck.'

'You don't need that. But good luck' winked Hansol. Just as Wonwoo left, suddenly he heard a pair of high heels stopping next to him. He looked up again, now facing his fiancé, Lia.

'Uh, can we dance?' whispered the princess awkwardly. Hansol stood up.

'Of course' he said politely. 'Why are we whispering?'

'Because my mother keeps bothering me saying that we don't interact enough and she follows me everywhere I go' whispered the girl again with a forced grin on her face as she looked towards her mother who was standing a few meters away. Hansol put the same smile on his face as he was looking for Queen Ariana. Both of them gave the woman a grin and a wave.

'Okay, let's dance' gave in Hansol as he held his hand out for Lia to take. Kwan wasn't going to come to the ball anyways.

They danced through the whole song that was playing while staring at each other awkwardly. Both of them had the same thought on their minds: neither of them wants to marry the other and both of them thought that the other deserves better. But they just couldn't find any proper reason to cancel the engagement. They were just too perfect. Sometimes being perfect is a curse.

The song ended and all the couples bowed to each other on the dance floor. Hansol could also see his little brothers bowing. The three had been holding each other's hands and spinning around crazily for the whole song.

'WAAHHHH, what a beautiful couple!!' screeched suddenly Queen Ariana, "accidentally" pushing Lia into Hansol's arms. 'People can't take their eyes off of the two of you!'

'The only reason for that must be your beautiful daughter' smiled Hansol in a flattering tone. 'Excuse me, Ladies' he bowed and went to his brothers.

'Hey, and who's gonna dance with me?' he pouted looking down at the 4 year-olds. Jisoo grinned and went to Hansol, grabbing his hands with his much smaller ones as they started spinning around.

Then suddenly Seungcheol and Jeonghan gasped, making them let go and look up. In fact, everyone else stopped what they were doing and looked towards the entrance of the room.

On top of the staircase stood Kwan. Hansol's heart started beating faster seeing the island boy. He was dressed in a sparkly blue suit that reminded him of the ocean's blue. He looked ethereal with the peacock feathers behind his back and his combed blonde hair. He also had a bouquet of island flowers in his hand. If you would see Wonwoo in the back of the room standing beside Mingyu (having the younger's hand on his waist which made him concentrating a bit harder), you'd see the proud nod he gave himself for his work.

Kwan meanwhile reached the bottom of the staircase and Hansol was quick to walk up to the boy.

'Kwan' he called his name. Kwan smiled at him which already melt the prince's heart. 'You look... ethereal' he breathed, making the other boy blush. He reached out for his hand with a shaky hand. 'May I have this dance?' he asked. Kwan just realized that everyone was still staring at them.

'Uh, I don't know? There are so many people here' he whispered. Hansol smiled.

'They have seen a dancing couple. Mingyu even made an idiot out of himself just before you came.'

'But I don't know how to dance' said Kwan and suddenly he felt really stupid. What did he even think...?

'If someone can give commands to crocodiles then they can dance too' said Hansol as he took the boy's hand in his. 'Just follow your instincts' he added reassuringly and led Kwan to the dance floor. Kwan stopped for a second, making Hansol stop too. The boy went to Jeonghan and handed him the bouquet of flowers, making the little boy grin widely.

They finally stepped on the dance floor together with many other couples. Kwan started to loosen up seeing that he wasn't the centre of attention anymore. He could see Wonwoo smiling and giving him a thumbs up from one of the corners of the room and he smiled back.

Hansol put his arm on Kwan's waist and Kwan put his hands around the prince's neck as they started to sway to the rhythm of the music. Their bodies were basically pressed against each other but neither of them felt the need to pull away. Kwan could feel Hansol's breath on his face as they were dancing. They were captivated by each other, staring into the other's eyes. He wasn't sure what's happening, but what he knew was that he needed Hansol in his life. That was the moment when he realized that he doesn't want to let go. And not only physically. He didn't want to let go of Hansol. They belonged together.

For the first time in his life, he felt like he arrived home.


A/N 2.0: Okay I'm legit writing a gay Barbie fanfiction while the funeral of Queen Elizabeth II is playing live in the background. Way to celebrate this historical moment. I hope when people read this in 2090 they will go all <<OMG this gurl legit lived through that moment and she was writing ff what a mood she is lol>>

(I'm not trying to be disrespectful, Rest In Peace, Your Majesty. It's been an honor to live in the same era as you. Isn't it amazing, guys, how billions and billions of people lived on this Earth and you and me are here at the same time, you reading what I write [during the funeral... but that's not the point] about Seventeen who are also living at the same time as us? This always fascinates me.)

On a different note, a quick question: would you guys like to get a special chapter with Meanie at the end of this book?

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