Chapter 20 - Accused

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A/N: He's so fine^


By the time the sun set, Kwan, Hao, Hoshi and Dino were sitting in a dark room - behind bars. Even they had no idea how it happened. One minute they were on their way to make elixir for the animals and in the other they were being tossed around by royal guards.

Hoshi was laying on the ground on the verge of a mental breakdown. Hao was jumping back and forth. Kwan was kneeling next to the locked door, his hands still holding the bars of their cell and his throat sore from calling for help. And Dino... he was being the dramatic piece of shit he is.

'How deep I am!' he declaimed. 'This is the deepest I've ever been in my life! Which is impressive from a depressed otter being crashed by destiny over and over again...!'

'Oh for fuck's sake shut the fuck up!' yelled Hao. 'You're just being a spoiled brat! And making up monologues won't help us!'

'Fighting won't help either, Hao' said Kwan quietly. Suddenly one of the guards walked towards the cell, making him stand up again. 'Please, sir! Just listen to me! We didn't do anything! I just want to help the animals!'

'You shouldn't have infected them with your animals!' said the guard grumpily as he tossed a tray of food inside the cell under the grids. Dino slowly went towards the tray, continuing being dramatic.

'I didn't hurt them! If they won't wake up they'll die of starvation!' sobbed Kwan, but it seemed like the guard didn't care at all and left. Kwan fell back onto his knees. He just couldn't get Koya and Lorenzo out of his mind. He had to do something to save them.

'I understand now why some prisoners escape... This food is horrible' muttered Dino with his mouth full. Kwan gasped and turned towards the otter.

'No! Dino don't eat that!'

'Don't worry' rolled his eyes Dino as he swallowed the food. 'I'm not as stupid as you guys think, I can easily recognize something that has sunset herb in it~' he said and yawned... then fell onto the ground unconscious, snoring loudly.

'Dino, no!' cried out Kwan and picked the otter's small body up and hugged him. He knew he is unable to do anything to help right now. 'Oh, Dino...'


'Is it true, Father?'

The king turned around to face Hansol. His oldest son was standing behind him on the balcony. It was already nighttime, the stars and the moon shone brightly at them. It reminded Hansol of the previous night when he kissed Kwan. It felt like it's been an eternity since that.

'Is it true that Kwan is in jail?' he asked again.

'Does it matter?' wondered the king. Hansol fisted his hand.

'That's so unfair! He didn't hurt anyone!'

'You think so?' asked the king again. His tone scared Hansol and in a normal situation he probably would've tried to play his game, but not this time. He knew that if the king has something on his mind then he has no chance against him. Especially since this is a perfect blackmailing situation which his father definitely won't let slide.

'Yes' Hansol gulped before saying the next words. 'Let him go back to his island' he said slowly, his heart breaking with each word. The king touched his chin, acting as if he was thinking.

'You think this is the right decision?' he asked again. Hansol just nodded. The king stepped in front of his son. 'On one condition.'

'I'm listening' whispered Hansol.

'You do your duty as the crown prince and marry Princess Lia.'

'What? No!' crossed his arms Hansol. The king looked at his son sadly.

'Great rulers make hard decisions' he reminded. Hansol exhaled slowly and lowered his hands.

They say if you love someone enough you've gotta set them free. Hansol heard this many many times, but he never would've expected that one day he'll be in a situation like this. Especially since he'd never been in love before. What does he even know about love? He couldn't even imagine the feeling of letting go someone you truly love.

Also he found it kind of funny how the tables have turned. Last night he gave up being the heir to the throne to run away with his lover and friends. And now he is here, being blackmailed into letting his lover go and getting back the crown - while also marrying someone he just can't love.

The words left his lips before he could think. Sometimes it's better this way.

'I'll do it.'


Kwan was sitting on the ground with the sleeping Dino in his arms. Hao and Hoshi were staring at them fearfully.

'Will he wake up?' asked Hoshi in a small voice. Kwan pressed his lips together. They needed to get the elixir but they are locked up. If they can't wake Dino up, he'll die of starvation in a few days.

Kwan had no idea how to get out of jail. He tried everything he could, he even asked the guards whether he can talk to the prince, but they wouldn't let him. He even started hallucinating keys ringing.

Wait. That wasn't a hallucination! Someone was actually coming with keys! He looked up and saw two guards through the grids. They opened up the cell.

'The king decided to send you home' stated one of them emotionlessly.

Kwan looked down at Dino. He can save him on the island but it takes days to get back. And what about the animals of the kingdom? What about Koya? And the people? What about his new friends?

What about Hansol...?

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