Chapter 10 - So Marriage?

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A/N: It took your girl exactly a month to make everyone at the office hate her. I guess that's a new record lmao, people usually start hating me after an hour or so. Maybe that's why it feels so nice when you guys are kind to me because we don't know each other irl :D <3


'I can't marry Princess Lia!'

'And why's that?' the king raised an eyebrow.

The king, the queen and the prince were standing on one of the balconies of the castle. Hansol decided to try to talk to his parents about the topic. It will be better for everyone if they just cancelled the wedding. Or so he thought.

'I just can't! I don't even know her and I don't love her!'

'You'll learn to love her' said the king. 'You should've known that as the heir to the throne you'll have to get married sooner or later. And you can't say anything bad about Lia. She's beautiful, smart and a princess.'

'That's true, she's amazing... but there's someone else' said Hansol, his voice quieter with each word. The queen sighed as she stepped to the railing of the balcony.

'Oh, darling, you mean...' she was staring and gesturing outside towards the garden. As Hansol turned back he smiled unknowingly.

Kwan was walking through the garden towards the greenhouse together with Hoshi, Hao, Dino and one of the pigs. The pig kept grunting and the frog kept croaking, to which in response the boy was holding his stomach from laughing. Hansol sighed.

'He's different from everyone I've ever known.'

'He talks to animals, son!' said the king angrily. 'It's time for you to grow up, Hansol! Until now I let you travel and live in your own world, but it's time for you to settle down. As a prince, you have to marry a princess. And only a princess' he said as he walked back in the castle. The queen bit her lip and put her hand on Hansol's shoulder.

'This is for your own good, son' she whispered and followed after her husband. Hansol sighed and leaned to the railing, watching as Kwan and the animals disappeared into the greenhouse.

'Solie' said a voice from behind him. He turned back and smiled at Seokmin and Mingyu sadly.

'Did you guys hear it?' he asked in a small voice.

'Just the end' said Mingyu as he stepped next to his friend and side-hugged him.

'We're sorry' pouted Seokmin. Hansol wiped away a teardrop he didn't even realize he shed.

'Please, don't frown. If even you are sad, how am I supposed to deal with this?' he chuckled, making Seokmin giggle too.

'You know what? Let's go out and get a drink! Jun hyung and Wonwoo hyung are waiting for us! We are done with the work with the ship and Cheolie, Hannie and Jisoo are being taken care of by their nanny. We should loosen up' suggested Mingyu.

Without a second thought Hansol went after them. He didn't want to stay in the castle, alone with his thoughts.


'Couldn't they give you a bigger room?'

Queen Ariana was walking through the room that was the size of a ballroom, her heels clicking on the floor until she stepped on the carpet which didn't make any sounds. Luckily, because Lia started going crazy because of the constant clicking.

'This room is beautiful, Mother' she said as she turned to the next page in her book while sitting next to her desk.

'But it doesn't look like it's for a future queen' continued complaining Ariana. Lia gulped and closed the book.

'Queen? I'm not even married yet. And to be honest, I don't even think I should be.'

'Don't even think about that, you girl!' pointed her finger Ariana at her daughter.

'But Mom! I just met Hansol, I barely talked to him! I want a husband who I truly love and who loves me back.'

Ariana scoffed. 'I wasn't in love with your father either when I got married to him. You'll be fine too. You just read way too much romance novels that's why you have so high expectations of marriage. This whole love concept is for people who don't have a status. But we are royals. You have to act like one.'

As she was talking she continued walking back and forth, stepping on the floor tiles again, so her heels started clicking again. Lia felt her eye twitch because of the annoying sounds.

'Didn't you see the way he looked at that island boy?' she asked.

'With despise?' wondered Ariana while arranging some of her daughter's stuff on the desk.

'No! With love, Mom!'

'Hah' snorted the woman. 'That would never happen. That would be gay.'

'What's wrong with that?' asked Lia with narrowed eyes. Ariana just waved the question off.

'Even if it wasn't for him being gay, that boy is from an island, and you are a princess! How would some island boy make a good ruler for a country when there's you who prepared for this in her whole life?' continued Ariana.

Lia sighed. She knew this was a lost case. She can say anything, her mother will always find an excuse and it will always end up in her having to marry Prince Hansol.

'It's getting late' said Ariana with a kind smile. If it was for her acting now, Lia would've never guessed that she's the one forcing her into this arranged marriage. 'Get ready for sleep. We have a long day ahead of us tomorrow. You'll be getting to know each other better with the prince. And tomorrow night is the engagement party! At least act like if you were excited' said the woman strictly. Lia bowed her head.

'Yes, Mother.'

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