Chapter 2 - Friends

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A/N: I think I'm dying (you're gonna see this sentence a lot these days so be prepared). I currently have a nine to five job (rather a half past six to three job but that sounds stupid) and I'm legit EXHAUSTED. I suffer so much, but I'm stuck with this job until I decide what I want to do with my life so...

Anyways I decided to post the next chapter today because why not. If we don't leave for the weekend today then I might post tomorrow too ^^ This is the second half of the prologue, our story will finally start for real in the next chapter.


'Hoshi! Get your ass back here!'

'Or what?'

'Oh, you'll see!'

A 20 year old young man was standing on top of a cliff holding onto a tree branch so he won't lose his balance. He was staring down with narrowed eyes at the tiger standing a few meters away from him.

The boy was wearing some clothes he made by himself from the stuff that he had grown out over the years. His hair was still blonde and his face was kind looking. He was currently all damp of water.

He jumped off the rock and started chasing after the tiger. The tiger - Hoshi - was running away from him, not letting him catch up with his pace while laughing like a maniac.

Hao the frog was sitting on a rock eating bugs while Dino the otter was swimming in the small lake that was located in the middle of the island. It even had a waterfall. This was the lake where Hoshi pushed in the boy a few seconds ago, that's why he was currently being chased.

'Kwan, when are we going back to our place? The sun will set soon' croaked Hao. The boy, Kwan stopped out of breath.

'Okay, you win' he said to Hoshi. 'Let's go back to the camp.'


The camp wasn't far from the lake. It was on a higher point of the island where they could see the ocean from. It consisted of all the stuff they found when Kwan arrived to the island. It was everything that they found in the worn out box that had a cracked name tag on the front which read '.....kwan'. It missed the first half of it. No matter how hard he tried, the boy didn't remember where he came from or who he is, probably from swallowing too much water. If Hao and Dino don't find him, he surely would've died on the shore. Therefore they decided that the tag must read his name, so they started calling him Kwan.

He also had a blanket which used to be baby blue, but by this time its color faded away and was rather gray than blue. They had a food stock they collected during the day from tropical fruits, and some of the random stuff they found in the box were also displayed there, like the bracelet that Dino used as a necklace or the mirror that for some reason they kept in a special place as if it was some treasure.

Kwan was raised by the animals on the island, therefore he learned to communicate with them. They could understand each other as if he was talking to other human beings. For humans it might've seem like if he was just talking and the animals croaking and roaring, but he understood them. He didn't have to worry about what humans think anyways. He'd never met another human since he came to the island. His only company were the tiger, the frog, the otter and some other animals in the past 15 years.


'Can't sleep' huffed Hoshi. It was the middle of the night. Dino groaned.

'And what makes you think that if you wake us all up then it will be better?'

'Hey, I didn't wake you up, you woke up by yourself!' argued the tiger.

'Guys, don't fight now' rolled his eyes Kwan sitting up on the ground where he was sleeping with his blanket previously. He looked towards the rock on his right. Hao was sleeping there peacefully. Kwan picked a leaf from one of the bushes and covered the small frog with it.

'I think I'll just stay awake for a bit' muttered Hoshi as he stood up.

'Good' said Dino laying back on the ground. Kwan looked after the tiger, then got up and followed him.

'Let me join you.'

Hoshi smiled. Despite the two of them constantly teasing each other, he still adored the boy and they considered each other family.

This is how the two ended up sitting on a cliff in the middle of the night, watching the stars.

'The sky is so beautiful tonight' sighed Hoshi.

'Indeed it is' agreed Kwan. His thoughts were far far away though. He couldn't help but think that somewhere he has relatives who might be looking at the same stars now as him. Who might miss him. But he spent most of his life on the island and he couldn't remember anything from his life before. Maybe it's for the better. It would just make him feel homesick if he remembered something.

'Can you sing that lullaby again?' asked Hoshi with big eyes. Kwan smiled at the tiger and laid down, leaning his head on Hoshi's back and started humming.

He knew that lullaby since forever. It felt like he always knew it. Maybe once someone sang it to him. Maybe he even had brothers or sisters. He never knew and as far as it seemed, he won't ever know.

By the time he finished singing the melody, he could hear loud snores coming from Hoshi. He chuckled hearing it, then petted the tiger's soft fur and hugged him.

'Good night' he whispered to him and closed his eyes, slowly drifting away to dreamland.

The Island Prince (Seventeen VerKwan story)Where stories live. Discover now