Chapter 12 - Dilemmas

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A/N: Okay I just realized that I accidentally posted the previous chapter with number 12 whoops


Kwan was sitting in the greenhouse again, alone. He was playing with a pink flower petal between his fingers while deep in thoughts.

His family, Hao, Hoshi and Dino went to play with Hansol's little brothers. He didn't mind it as he really needed some alone time.

He already knew he doesn't belong here as soon as he said yes to the boys' offer of him travelling back with them, but he never would've guessed that living in the civilization will be this hard. He could constantly feel people's judging stares on him, even when he didn't do anything wrong. Maybe if he didn't join a prince's crew, it would've been much easier. But at the same time he wouldn't change anything even if he could turn back time. He felt a strong bond with Hansol and even by the thought of not meeting him he felt his heart clentch.

He just really wanted to find his family, but he didn't know how. They could be literally anywhere. As he was thinking, he picked a fruit from one of the trees. He recognized it immediately, he used to eat a lot of these fruits on the island.

Suddenly his thoughts and humming were interrupted.

'Hello' said a small voice. Looking down, he could see Koya in front of him.

'Hi!' he smiled at the koala.

'I didn't mean to disturb ya' said Koya.

'You aren't disturbing' he shook his head. Then he showed the fruit to Koya. 'Want some?'

Koya accepted the fruit quickly and took a bite from it. 'Before I got here me and my brothers climbed trees for the fruits' he said while eating. Kwan looked up at the tree.

'Look at that one!' he pointed out a fruit near the top of the tree. 'It's for you!'

'Uh, you mean I should climb up for it?' asked the koala unsure.

'Yeah, why not?' asked Kwan.

'Umm, you know I... I forgot how to climb' frowned Koya.

'Oh' pouted Kwan. 'Don't worry, we can help that!' he smiled then picked Koya in his arms.


'I can't do this anymore' stomped his feet Hansol. He was sitting on the staircase that led up to the castle. His parents would kill him if they saw that he's sitting there but he didn't care. They are too busy showing around Queen Ariana and Princess Lia anyways. Hansol ran his fingers through his brown locks and looked at the small group of his friends and siblings around him.

'What do you mean?' asked Jun. Hansol looked at him.

'I can't marry the princess' he whined and let his head fall onto his knees that were pulled up to his chest.

'It's just because you don't like her?' asked the older.

'It's because he loves Kwan!' said Seokmin. Hansol shushed him and gestured towards Hoshi, Dino and Hao who were in their company. The three little princes, Seungcheol, Jeonghan and Jisoo were sitting on Hoshi's back behind each other.

'Oh, come on, both of you are so obvious' rolled his eyes Wonwoo then turned to the next page in his book. 'You like him and he likes you. Everyone knows that.' They anticipated whether he says anything else or not but he just continued reading.

'But we can't be together' sighed Hansol defeated.

'Why you have to marry Princess Lia?' asked suddenly Jeonghan. He was sandwiched between Seungcheol and Jisoo on the tiger's back, desperately trying to get Hoshi to gallop with them by constantly kicking poor thing's sides with his tiny feet. Hoshi didn't seem to mind. This was the first time when Jeonghan took his attention off of the tiger.

'Because she's princess' said his brother, Jisoo from behind him, then looked up and raised his arms. 'Hyuuung, up, up!'

Mingyu picked up Jisoo and gave him a piggyback, making the little boy giggle loudly. Hansol caught Wonwoo looking up from his book for a second, then suppressing a half-smile at Mingyu's interaction with the toddler before going back to reading. He really hoped one day Wonwoo will realize that him and Mingyu belong together because he was tired of Mingyu's constant whining about his one-sided love for the older.

'Princes marry princesses' explained Jun in a simple way, making the prince snap back to reality. The triplets were listening with their heads tilted.

'Can't princes marry princes?' asked Jisoo while holding onto Mingyu's shoulders.

'There are places where they can' smiled Mingyu. 'But even if they could, I don't think they can marry island boys. So looks like Hansolie will have to marry Princess Lia.'

'I like Kwan better' said suddenly Seungcheol. 'He's prettier than Lia and he's nice. He has cool animals' he added as he patted Hoshi's soft fur. Hansol bit his lip.

'Way not to make this harder' he mumbled. Cheol frowned.

'Did I say bad thing?' he asked with quivering lips.

'No, no, you didn't!' said quickly Seokmin and picked up Cheol. 'We need to figure something out' he sighed while consoling the teary-eyed 4 year-old. 'Tonight is the engagement party!'

'I hate to be that guy' put down his book finally Wonwoo, gaining everyone's attention. 'But there's no right solution for this. You either end up heartbroken or disappoint everyone.'

'I'm already a disappointment, tell me something I don't know' shrugged Hansol.

'Well, here it goes: you either do your duty and marry Lia, resulting in you and Kwan both heartbroken' started Wonwoo 'or you give up being the crown prince.'

'WHAT?!' shouted everyone in sync.

'He can do that?' asked Jun surprised. Wonwoo shrugged.

'There are many people who did it already. There are even chronicles about it. Haven't you heard any?' he raised an eyebrow.

'Ah yes I read one. It was mentioned in that one chronicle about that lake. Prince Felix and Changbin's forbidden love' sighed Mingyu. Wonwoo rolled his eyes.

'Dumbass, that's not a chronicle, it's the author's shitty first book called Swan Lake and it didn't even mention whether they actually ran away or not-'

'Guys, please quit it and focus' I sigh while writing this. 'This was actually not the part of the script.'

'Right, sorry' muttered Wonwoo. 'So I believe he can do that. Even though he'll most likely become some outlaw after that. So if we stay logical then Hansol has to marry the princess. But we are always far from logical' he mumbled the last part quietly.

Hansol just kept staring at Jeonghan who was still trying to ride the tiger but Hoshi just wouldn't take a step, no matter how loud the little prince shouted YEE-HAW every second. Then he looked over at Jisoo who was still climbing on Mingyu's back, then his eyes stopped on the still pouting Seungcheol being rocked by Seokmin. He bit his lip.

'We have to do what's best for everyone. Now if you'll excuse me I have to meet my fiancé before my parents think I already ran away' he sighed before standing up and rushing towards the garden, leaving his group of friends staring after him dumbfounded.


A/N 2.0: I hope you like these random chapters with the group of friends. In the movie the prince only had that scientist dude as a friend so I decided to add a few scenes so it'll make it more lively. And I still live for baby 95 line uwu

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