Chapter 9 - Who I Want

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A/N: It's really damn early but my sister's moving to college today and we're taking her so I only have time to update now. Btw the drafts of this book are being made really slowly, but yesterday I finally made some progress with chapters 21&22 ^^


Hansol found Kwan leaning on the edge of the water fountain in the castle garden, staring at his reflection in the water.

The island boy was deep in thoughts. He didn't know why Hansol made him feel this way. He also had no idea what 'this way' is supposed to mean. He only knew that whenever he was around the prince, it felt like his heart is leaping out of his chest. When the other smiled, he smiled too and it felt like he was walking on clouds from happiness. And he also knew that he really enjoyed Hansol's company, but in a different way from how he enjoyed Dino's or Seokmin's company for that matter.

Maybe this is about him wanting the other boy to be his mate, as Hao said. But as much as he wanted to believe Hao, there was something bugging him about this whole thing. Rather someone. Princess Lia.

She was absolutely stunning and seemed to be so kind and smart. He barely heard what they were talking about, but he was pretty sure that Lia and Hansol belong together. And he felt like shit for believing that he can have a chance with the crown prince. They are two different worlds.

'Hey' a voice called out which snapped him out of his thoughts.

'Hey' he greeted Hansol back and looked back in the water. Hansol stopped next to him and both of them were looking at their reflection.

'You know, I... uhh... I didn't know about this' said Hansol awkwardly.

'About what?'

'That my parents want me to get married to Lia. I've never even met her before.' Kwan didn't understand. Why is Hansol trying to explain himself to him? He has every right to marry the princess. Even though he felt a bit of relief knowing that the prince didn't know about the whole marriage. At least he wasn't just playing with him. Or he hoped so.

'I mean' continued Hansol. ' Dad has always been like that. He never liked me traveling and started disliking my friends because he believes they are with me for my money. But I wouldn't have expected him to do something like this.'

'Look. It's okay' said quickly Kwan. He couldn't stand talking and thinking about the fact that Hansol has someone else. And probably that was the moment when he realized that he doesn't want Hansol to have someone else. He wanted the other boy to be his and only his, and this scared him. He can't be that selfish when he can't even have him in the first place. 'She's a princess, right? And she's cool. And you have to marry a princess' he continued.

'But what if I don't want to?' asked Hansol, looking into the other's eyes. Kwan's breath hitched. For a second Hansol looked at him like he's his whole world. Then the moment was gone. 'What if I'm not even into girls?' mumbled Hansol.

'Is that a problem?' muttered back Kwan, looking down.

'Probably almost as big as the fact that I don't want to marry Lia' sighed Hansol as he turned his back to the fountain and sat on the edge. Kwan sat down next to him.

'But why? I thought this whole marriage thing is supposed to be based on love. It shouldn't matter whether it's a boy or girl. Or a princess or a... not princess.'

'When it comes to royals, it isn't' shook his head Hansol. 'Most of us are being engaged against our will. And we either end up loving each other or live like... colleagues who rule a kingdom together.'

'I'm sure you'll end up liking her' said Kwan as he stared forward at the castle just to look anywhere but at Hansol. Hansol turned his head and admired the other boy's features. He was so beautiful, and despite growing up on an island, away from the civilization, he was so wise. Maybe that was the exact reason why. Because he saw things how they actually are and not through their royal and civilized eyes.

Hansol finally just nodded and stood up, seeing that Hoshi was arriving with Hao jumping in front of him. They were accompanied by Hansol's little brothers who seemed to have taken a liking in the group of animals. Seungcheol was sitting on Hoshi's back, giggling loudly while Jeonghan and Jisoo followed them, Jeonghan babying Dino again.

'By the way' spoke up Hansol as the group reached them. He picked up Cheol from the tiger's back. The toddler started kicking his legs and let out whines of complaint. 'You should choose a room for yourself while you're here. Your friends can stay in the stable' he added as he put Seungcheol to sit in his neck. The little boy finished whining as he was satisfied with his new place.

'That sounds cool!' said Dino from Jeonghan's hands.

'Thank you, but I think I'll stay with my family' Kwan smiled.


Kwan, Hoshi, Hao and Dino were walking behind the castle, towards the direction of the stables and other animal cages. They could already hear a pig's voices, from what they heard he was trying to scratch his back on the fence but he couldn't reach it.

As they arrived there, Kwan reached inside and scratched the pig's back.

'Better?' he asked.

'Yesss, thank you!' said the pig without realizing what happened.

'You're welcome!' giggled Kwan. That was the moment when the pig realized that a human just answered him and he ran away terrified, stopping next to the horse's stall that was located there. The horse stared outside curiously.

'D-Do you think he really understood?' gasped the pig.

'Wow, how did he do that?' wondered the horse. Kwan chuckled.

'Nice to meet you! I'm Kwan.'

'I'm Lorenzo!' introduced himself the pig. Dino snorted at the name but didn't say a word. Looks like the animals here have fancy names.

'We are actually just looking for a place to stay' croaked Hao.

'Oh, there's many space here!' said the pig as he started rolling around in the mud. Hoshi gave a disgusted look.

'Look, we don't mean to disturb. Just show us a big and strong tree and we'll be alright.'

'A tree? Well, I think I'll just take you to the royal greenhouse. It will be much more comfortable' said the pig. 'If you let me out, of course' he added. Kwan opened the gate for him smiling, thanking for his help.


A/N 2.0: Ik the ending was pretty random. From now on the story will be more interesting :D I'll update the mermaid book next with the last part of the first fourshot, possibly tomorrow or some time next week.

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