Chapter 8 - The Princess

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A/N: Guess who has finally a new laptop?? Yasssss it's me!! Oh my god it feels so amazing to type on this thing... I'm getting paid next week so I can pay it back to my parents, but I had to get it in advance before my sis leaves to college and takes the old one with her.

Anyways, back to the story! I'll update the oneshot book tomorrow and this one hopefully on Sunday again. This week really lacked content, sorry about that. And thank you for all kinds of feedback! It really makes my days.


'How many times do I have to tell him?' wondered the man.

'You're just acting childish' said the woman. The man stepped away from the window and turned to his wife who was holding a koala in her arms. They were standing in the ballroom of the castle, waiting for their son's arrival.

'What do you mean? I'm the childish one? Our son is looking for adventure on the seas with his so called friends... again. He'll learn soon that those boys are only with him because of his status.'

Yep, if you are wondering, they are the rulers of Carat Kingdom, the king and the queen. They had names, but I'm going to be honest and have no idea what they were called, so they will be the king and the queen because why not. They are the parents of Hansol, Seungcheol, Jeonghan and Jisoo.

The king was really mad about his son's attitude. He wanted him to grow up and be a nice and responsible king to the country. But it seemed like Hansol had other plans. At least in the king's eyes.

'I know someone who used to like adventure' raised an eyebrow the queen with a sly glint in her eyes. The king shook his head.

'Yeah. But I grew up. I take my job seriously. And that's what Hansol's supposed to learn too.'

As if he was waiting for him to be mentioned, suddenly the door flew open and Hansol entered the room. The queen gasped as she put down the koala on the chair. The koala was still chewing on some leaves and basically didn't give a damn about what's going on around him.

'Mom! Dad!' opened his arms Hansol. His mother smiled and quickly ran up to him to hug the boy.

'It's so nice having you back!' smiled the woman at her son. 'Your hair had grown! And you seem taller!'

'Mom, I was away for like three weeks, I swear I didn't grow taller' chuckled Hansol. Then the king stepped forward and held out his hand. Hansol shook it.

'I'm glad you're back, son' said the king.

'It's great being home again' smiled Hansol, then cleared his throat. 'I actually brought someone to introduce. His name's Kwan' he said and looked towards the door, expecting Kwan to go inside. Instead a croak was heard and a frog jumped through the door, followed by an otter.

'Uh, that's Hao. And that's Dino. But where's Kwan?' wondered Hansol and went towards the door.

'Oh, new friends! Amazing, don't you think, Koya?' smiled the queen seeing that the otter and the frog had already went up to her koala. Then she looked up when Hansol entered again, this time holding a blonde boy's hand. The queen stepped next to her husband and they exchanged a look.

'Mom, Dad, this is Kwan' said Hansol. 'We found him with the boys on an island in the southern seas. He must've survived a shipwreck a long time ago.

'Uh, hello. Nice to meet you' said Kwan, bowing his head.

'We're glad to meet you too' smiled the queen kindly. Kwan already took a liking in the woman. 'It must've been tough for you. Alone, all these years...'

'I wasn't completely alone' said Kwan quickly. 'There were many animals, dolphins, birds. They are my family.'

'Oh, animals are incredible!' exclaimed the queen. 'I can't even imagine my life without Koya' she gestured at the koala who was still sitting on the chair and finished up eating all the leaves.

'Where are you from?' asked Dino the koala curiously.

'Oh, from really far away. From the southern seas' answered Koya.

'We're from there too!' crouched down Kwan to be on the same eye level as the koala.

'Huh? You understand me?' gasped Koya. Then he started talking and talking about anything and everything. Kwan and the others were listening curiously.

'Uh, Hansol. What is he doing?' asked the king pulling Hansol aside. Hansol kept smiling while looking at Kwan and Koya interacting. The king couldn't miss the look his son gave to the other boy.

'You'll never believe it, Dad! This boy can talk to animals!'

'Hm. Interesting' said the king and from his tone Hansol could tell that he wasn't really impressed. Then the king spotted someone walking down the staircase and looked back at Hansol. 'Well, son, I have great news for you! News to celebrate!' he started and turned Hansol around. The boy let him do so. He was now facing a girl. A beautiful girl, to be exact. She was wearing a long purple dress made from some soft fabric and had long dark brown hair. She had kind eyes and a shy smile on her face. 'Let me introduce you to Princess Choi Lia. Your future wife.'

'Pardon?!' gasped Hansol looking at his dad. Hearing all of this even Kwan stopped talking to the koala.

He really didn't know what all of this means, but he understood it quickly that this girl and Hansol belong together. And it broke his heart into pieces. How could he even think that he and the other boy had something special? When Hansol is getting married! And they looked amazing, standing there next to each other. Kwan suddenly felt really stupid and insecure.

'It's so nice to meet you, Prince Hansol' bowed Lia. Even her voice was beautiful. Hansol had to admit, she was literally perfect. But sometimes perfection is not what your heart desires.

'It's my pleasure, Princess Lia' he said awkwardly and kissed the princess' hand. As he straightened himself, his eyes were looking for Kwan, but all he could see was that the boy was silently sneaking out of the room.

'And this is' continued the king unbothered as another woman walked down the stairs 'Queen Ariana. Lia's mother.'

She was a bit too much. She seemed to be about the age of Hansol's parents. She was wearing a dark red dress with a fancy pattern, had heavy makeup on her face and her dark red hair was combed into a tall bun, totally ignoring the laws of physics. Hansol wondered how she even managed to get through the door without knocking her hair down with it. He decided to tell about it to Mingyu later. The older was an expert at hairstyling.

'It's amazing to finally meet my handsome future son-in-law!' bowed the queen, talking in a flattering tone.

'Your Highness' bowed Hansol again, emphasizing the last syllable awkwardly. Then he turned to his father, whispering 'Dad, we didn't talk about this!'

'You're probably really excited!' said the king loudly in a cheerful voice, but having a stern look on his face. Hansol bit his bottom lip and decided to keep quiet.

'I can't wait to see all the people gathering here for tomorrow night's engagement party!' said Queen Ariana excitedly.

'What?! Tomorrow?' asked Hansol again, but the look on his father's face made him shut up. He sighed as he looked towards the door where Kwan disappeared. Then his eyes accidentally met the princess' ones. She was looking at him in concern.

That was the moment that he knew.... he was doomed.


A/N 2.0: My gurl Lia is here <3 I thought the princess' character suits her so much so here we are. Hope you like the book so far!

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