Chapter 17 - The Crown

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A/N: There's so much hate going on on the internet and in the world guys... Tell me something positive because this is killing me :((

Btw thank you for the reads and votes <33 I don't say this enough but I mean it <3


'I keep messing everything up, Dino.'

'Don't say that' said the otter as he sat down on the edge of the fountain next to Kwan. The boy looked disheveled to say the least, but still, he was ethereal. He got rid of his fancy suit and was holding it only in his hands. His hair was messy and his light makeup that Wonwoo did was also smudged as he sobbed.

'I didn't want any of this! I never knew this would happen if I leave the island! If only I knew it back then, I never would've left!' hiccuped the boy. Dino looked at him sadly.

'Kwan' he called out his name. Kwan looked down at him. 'You didn't know. And there's no way back now. And loving someone is not always a bad thing. This is just bad luck. But remember why you left in the first place?'

'To find my family' said Kwan as slowly his tears stopped and dried on his face. Dino nodded.

'And I might have made some progress today' he said. Kwan looked at him surprised. Dino gestured towards a carriage that was parked near the castle. Many carriages were there as most of the guests were staying in the castle and the party hasn't ended yet either.

'See that flag with the white rose?' asked the otter. Kwan squinted his eyes. He nodded spotting the serenity colored flag. 'Hao and I found a similar flag on the day when you arrived to the island.'

'What? You've never mentioned that!' gasped Kwan.

'Because I never knew it was important and by the time we got Hoshi to help us carrying you back, it was probably taken by the sea and we didn't pay more attention to it' explained Dino.

'It might've been the flag of the ship!' stood up Kwan excitedly and he started running towards the carriage. Dino followed him. They stopped nearby not to scare the horses and walked up to the horse in front of the carriage.

'Excuse me!' called out Kwan. 'What flag is that?' he asked the horse, pointing at the serenity colored flag with the rose.

'It's the flag of Sebong Kingdom' answered the horse helpfully.

'Oh. And how far is that from here?' asked Kwan.

'About two days on my back but the road is pretty rocky and you also have to cross the river... wait, you understand me?' gasped suddenly the horse, realizing  that he was talking to a human.

'Yeah' smiled Kwan. 'And who did you bring here today?'

'Oh, the duke and the duchess of the country.'

'And don't you know by any chance whether they maybe... had a son? Some time in the past?' wondered Kwan.

'Umm, no. They only have three daughters' said the horse.

'Hm. Thank you' smiled Kwan again. The horse bowed his head and Kwan and Dino turned back. They actually made some progress.


'You wanted to see me, Father?'

The king turned around hearing Hansol's voice. The ball ended about an hour ago and most of the guests either left or they were in their assigned rooms. The throne room was empty except for the king and the prince.

'Yes, Hansol' he said as he stepped closer. 'There's a change in the plans.'

'Oh, okay' said Hansol, anticipating what's coming next. The words that left the king's mouth was something he definitely didn't expect.

'You're marrying Lia in two days.'

'Wait, what the fuck?! Two days? I can't!' protested Hansol. The king raised an eyebrow.

'First of all, language, son' he said strictly. 'And may I ask why can't you?'

'Because I don't like her!'

'Oh, we've been over this a million times! You know that you have to marry someone to become a king. And that someone has to be a princess! And you can't bring up anything against Lia! She's beautiful and intelligent.'

'I know, she's amazing, it's just-'

'Then we have nothing to argue about' said the king and was about to turn away. He had enough of arguing about this topic in the past days.

His father's words echoed in Hansol's head. You have to marry someone to become a king. You have to marry someone to become a king.

'Father' he called out. His mind and heart made the decision faster than he could comprehend what he is doing. He only knew he is doing the right thing.

The king turned back. Hansol gulped. 'You told me once that great rulers make hard decisions.'

'That's right' nodded the king.

'This is the hardest decision I've ever made, Father. But I can't marry and can't live with someone who I don't love' said Hansol and with a racing heart he took the crown off of his head and put it on the small table next to them. 'Let my brothers rule the kingdom' he whispered.

'Don't try me, son!' gasped the king furiously.

'Why? Seungcheol will be a great leader. As soon as he learns to pronounce words correctly' said Hansol amused by his father's reaction. The king looked back at him. There was nothing but defeat in his eyes. For a moment Hansol felt sorry for him.

'I'm so sorry, Dad' he added. 'But you didn't leave me any other choice.'

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