Chapter 14 - Engagement Party?

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A/N: I finally managed to get a nice sleep ^^


'Look at this!'

'Iss perfect!' clapped Seungcheol his smol hands seeing the pink flower crown Jeonghan brought.

'Seokmin hyung helped me make it!' said Jeonghan proudly as he stepped towards Hoshi with the flower crown. Jisoo stopped brushing the tiger's soft fur and he and Cheol watched as Jeonghan reached up to put the crown on Hoshi's head.

'Perfect!' jumped Jisoo excitedly. 'You're so ready for the party Hoshi!'

'I wish we could take you there with us' pouted Cheol. 'It gon' be sssooo boring' he frowned and went to hug the tiger. Hoshi smiled widely. Ever since he met the triplets, they were treating him like a real friend.

'The rules don't say that he can't come to the ball!' said Jeonghan with a wide grin. The other two tilted their heads simultaneously.

'But pets can't' said finally Jisoo.

'He's not a pet' argued Jeonghan. 'He's a family.'

Jisoo pouted.

'But we can't take him inside! Mommy and Daddy will freak out' he sighed.

'Yep, Isoo is right. They don't like Kwan already. I don't think they want to see Hoshi at the ball' added Cheol.

'Why they hate Kwan?' frowned Jisoo.

'Because Hansol hyung loves him more than Lia' explained simply Cheol. 'And we still can't take Hoshi inside, Anee.'

'Okay, okay, I was just trying' shrugged the middle brother, then turned back to Hoshi and kissed his head. 'We'll visit tomorrow! We gotta go get ready! Bye, Hoshi!'

'Bye bye!' waved Jisoo and Cheol too before running towards the castle where their hyungs, Mingyu and Jun were waiting for them.

Hoshi went up to the fountain and looked at his reflection in the water. Then suddenly two smol heads popped up on either sides of him.

'Wow! You look so pretty!' gasped Hao.

'The little princes dressed me up for tonight's royal engagement party!' said Hoshi excitedly.

'What's that?' wondered Dino.

'Some dance party where they are celebrating Hansol and Princess Lia' explained Hoshi.

'Uh' sighed Hao. 'So Kwan's not supposed to be there.'

'He totally should go!' exclaimed Dino. The other two gave the otter a questioning look. 'We have to make the king and the queen change their minds. Because Kwan and Hansol belong together!! And we don't have much time. Let's go!'


'No way, Dino.'

'Awww, why?' asked Dino.

They were gathered in the greenhouse joined by Koya and the otter's idea of Kwan dressing up nicely and stealing everyone's (especially Hansol's) heart at the ball just got simply rejected.

'This is already awkward enough!' stood up Kwan as he ran his fingers through his fluffy blonde hair. 'You all know what the king and the queen thinks' he continued and started walking back and forth. 'That I'm just some island boy. And they are right! Also, I didn't travel this far to get in the middle of this weird love-triangle.'

'You need to show them that you can be just as royal as them! We still have a few hours!' Dino seemed desperate.

'Believe me, the ball is full of fun!' added Koya. 'I can help you learn how to behave and stuff.'

'And what am I supposed to wear?' asked Kwan.

'We'll find you something! Please!' started pleading Hao too. Kwan sighed looking at his family staring at him with puppy eyes. There was no way he can get out of this.


What have I gotten myself into again?

This was the only thought circling in Kwan's head ever since he stepped into one of the huge rooms in the castle. Koya told him that there are tons of rooms which aren't used at all, so they were free to occupy one. Well, at least that's what the koala said, but Kwan wasn't entirely sure about it. Never mind, they had to get ready quickly.

They kept staring inside the huge wardrobes that were full with clothes. Now how the hell are they supposed to find what's perfect for a ball? The only one who had an experience about these parties was Koya, but he was never satisfied with anything they picked from the wardrobe. It was either the colors or the texture he didn't like.

About an hour later they were sitting in a circle on the floor with piles of clothes and accessories all around them.

'I give up' laid back Kwan and looked at the ceiling. 'We barely made any progress, guys!'

'We can still manage-' started Hao, but suddenly a knock on the door interrupted them.

'Oh my gosh, who could that be?' winced Dino.

'I hope it's not Ariana. That woman gives me a headache' whispered Koya.

'Why would Ariana walk inside random rooms just before the ball?' chuckled Kwan. Then the door opened slightly, only to reveal the person they expected maybe the least.

'Okay, I hope the heavens sent you to help us' stood up Kwan quickly. Wonwoo stepped inside and closed the door behind himself.

'Sorry for interrupting. I just saw you go inside earlier and I also wanted some peace. And I was wondering what's going on here. But for real. What's going on?' he asked curiously. Kwan looked around at the mess they made of the room with all the sparkly and fancy outfits and suddenly he felt stupid. Wonwoo was  only wearing a simple white shirt with the sleeves messily pulled up and brown pants. But before he could say anything, Wonwoo already spoke up.

'I can see what you want to say and don't worry, I'm not going to the ball.'

'You're not going?! I thought everyone's going to be there!' said Kwan surprised.

'It's not really my style' shook his head the other and sat on the bed in the room. 'Let me see you' he put his book down as he stared at Kwan with professional eyes. Kwan put his hands on his hips, waiting for any suggestions from Wonwoo. The other boy stood up and went to the piles of clothes and started looking through them.

He suddenly pulled out a pair of ocean blue pants with matching suit that sparkled in the light.

'Take these' said Wonwoo. 'I'll just get you some shoes. Oh, and here's a shirt' he also picked a white shirt.

To the surprise of Kwan the clothes fitted him just perfectly as if they were made for him. He kept staring at himself in the mirror. As if he were a whole different person. Then Wonwoo managed to surprise him again when he grabbed some peacock feathers which Kwan had no idea where he got from and added them to the back of the suit. Wonwoo also did his light makeup and quickly combed his hair.

'Amazing' he said, taking a step back and admiring his work. 'Looks like I learned something from Mingyu' he added quietly.

'Are you two dating?' asked Kwan, checking his makeup in the mirror. Wonwoo almost choked on air.

'W-what? No, we're not!'

'Oh, come on, even I can see the way that boy looks at you!' whined Kwan. 'He's totally whipped for you!'

'You think so?' asked Wonwoo unsure. 'But... what the hell does he see in me? He's so... cool and handsome' he admitted shyly, making Kwan smile widely. 'He's such a fun guy and I'm... no fun. Just books and studying. He can do so much better than me' muttered Wonwoo.

'Uh-huh' Kwan suddenly pulled Wonwoo by the arm. 'I know what else we are missing for tonight.'

'And what's that?'

'Your outfit for the ball' grinned Kwan mischievously.


A/N 2.0: I finally decided to do something with Meanie :))

Also if you can't imagine Kwan's clothes just search up the outfit in the Island Princess movie and imagine it with a guy (so with suit not a dress)

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