Chapter 26 - Epilogue

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A/N: I can't promise you a quality epilogue cause I'm still bad at endings... anyways, read A/N at the end of the chapter!


'We are so sorry. We did and said horrible things to you. But you still saved us.'

'We all make mistakes' said Kwan smiling.

He was standing in front of the greenhouse with the king and the queen, talking casually. Secretly he wished for this apology and he was glad he received it.

Hansol was standing aside, watching his parents and Kwan interacting nicely. He couldn't get the stupid smile off of his face.

'One day' stopped next to him Lia, making him turn towards the princess. 'One day I really hope someone will look at me the way you look at Kwan' smiled the girl. Hansol let out a chuckle.

'But remember that he will be the lucky one' he smiled back. 'Look, Lia, you really are incredible. And I really hope you will find the love you are looking for. You deserve way better than me.'

'You are the perfect man anyone could wish for' sighed Lia, making Hansol worried. He didn't want to consol a broken hearted princess. But then Lia smiled again. 'But perfect is not what I'm looking for. And everyone who has eyes can see the sparkle between you and Kwan. And don't let anyone tell you otherwise' she nodded towards the king and the queen. Hansol smiled relieved and quickly pulled Lia into a big hug.

Kwan watched their interaction with a frown. He knew already that Hansol was into him, but then again, he is still engaged to Lia, who is by the way still a princess... and who is he? Still just some island boy. He quickly turned around, spotting Mingyu, Wonwoo, Seokmin and Jun playing with Hoshi, Hao and Dino who was meanwhile woken up from his slumber. He was about to make his way to them when...


He turned back in the blink of an eye to Hansol's voice. The prince jogged up to him and grinned widely.

'Let's travel the world together!' stopped the other boy and caught Kwan's hands in his. Kwan furrowed his eyebrows.

'But... what about Princess Lia?'

'She gives us her blessings' smiled Hansol. Lia stopped next to them and nodded with a smile.

'And what about the engagement?' asked Kwan again.

'It was my mother's plan all along' rolled her eyes Lia with a sigh. 'She was blaming the Chwe Dynasty for something that happened to her family in the past and she wanted to get revenge. I only learned this now. I'm sorry I couldn't do anything to prevent the wedding earlier.'

'Speaking about' said suddenly Hansol. His friends and everyone else all gasped when the prince got down on one knee in front of Kwan. 'I don't have a ring with me right now' he started awkwardly. 'but I think that's not what matters. What matters is what we have between us, Kwan. Because we both feel it, I know. The bond that's been between us since the very first day. And I'm not making the same mistake of letting you go again. So, Kwan, will you marry me?'

Kwan was honestly speechless for a second. Lia poked Hansol's shoulder and handed him something. They all laughed seeing the engagement ring that Lia gave back for the occasion randomly, then everyone went silent, still waiting for Kwan's answer.

Finally Hoshi had enough and pushed Kwan's back, just like on his first day in the civilization when he had to get onto the carriage with Hansol. This snapped the boy out of his trance.

'Yes! Oh my gosh, yes, yes of the yes' laughed out Kwan with tears in his eyes. Hansol chuckled at that and put the ring on Kwan's finger.

Someone cleared their throat and they both turned towards Hansol's father. Hansol stepped to the front, standing his gaze on him.

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