Chapter 19 - Disease

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A/N: Thank you for 400 reads!!


The next morning seemed to start just like any other mornings, but something huge changed. Something that no one was ready for. The whole thing started when the queen went to see her beloved koala, Koya. She was surprised by the fact that her pet wasn't awake yet. But what was even more terrifying was that Koya just wouldn't wake up.

And the same thing turned out to be true to almost every animal in the kingdom. Why not all of them, you ask? Well...

'Are they ill?'

Kwan was sitting on the ground together with Hoshi, Hao and Dino in the stable of the pigs, staring at Lorenzo's and the other pigs' sleeping bodies. Their breathing was steady and their heartbeat was okay. Then what could've happened?

Suddenly a chirping bird landed on Lorenzo's back. Kwan's eyes lit up, recognizing him.

'Oh, hi! Hoonie, right?' he smiled.

'Yes! Hi!' chirped the small bird. 'I think it's their tummy!' he said. Before Kwan could've asked what happened, he flew over to the pigs' food that was placed in the cage for them. 'Last night three rats were going around the kingdom and put something in every animal's bowls!' explained the bird. Kwan furrowed his eyebrows as he walked over to Hoonie and touched the food, then smelled it.

'This is sunset herb' he recognized it instantly.

'What's that?' asked Hoonie waving his small wings.

'Whoever eats it falls asleep. Its effect won't go away until it's cured' explained Dino.

'Why would rats put poison in their food?' wondered Hoshi.

'They must be stupid' scoffed Hao. 'Sunset herb's dangerous!'

'Can you help?' asked Hoonie.

'At home when someone accidentally ate sunset herb we used rose water to wake them up' told him Kwan.

'But we don't have those kind of roses here' thought Hoshi.

'We do! In the greenhouse!' said Kwan.

'I'm sure the prince will let us use them' nodded Hao.

'I'll go and ask him' stood up Kwan.

Hoshi thought whether he should tell Kwan about the prince's visit last night but quickly decided against it. He couldn't distract him now, they might be the only ones who can help.


As Kwan reached the top of the staircase that led to the castle, suddenly a guard stood in front of him.

'What do you need?' he crossed his arms.

'I need to talk to Prince Hansol' said Kwan.

'I'm sorry but no one can talk to the prince now. It's an emergency situation' said the guard.

'But please! I could help! I can make medication for the animals!' pleaded Kwan.

'No exceptions. Now goodbye!' said the guard and shut the door.

'Rude' gasped Kwan, then he turned back. If they don't allow him then he'll just make the elixir without permission.


Wonwoo was sitting alone in one of the hallways, turning the pages in his book from time to time. He was waiting for Mingyu so that they can finally go out on a proper date.

The younger of the two was currently putting Hansol to bed. They found the prince around dawn outside in the castle garden with puffy eyes and flushed cheeks. They instantly understood that he didn't manage to find Kwan during the night.

'Ah, Mr Jeon, fancy seeing you here!' screeched suddenly a female voice. Wonwoo flinched and turned to Queen Ariana to bow.

'My pleasure, Your Highness' he said politely. The queen was accompanied by two royal guards. She seemed to be in a good mood.

'What are you doing here in the hallway?' she seemed genuinely curious. Wonwoo raised his book.

'Waiting for my... friend. And trying to find something about what happened. Have you heard? All the animals are asleep in the kingdom and they won't wake up.'

'Oh! Sounds like a horrible disease!'

'I don't think it's a disease' mumbled Wonwoo.

'It must be contagious' continued Ariana. 'Where could it come from? Maybe some newcomer?'

'But what newcomer?' asked back Wonwoo.

'Oh, you know, maybe those animals from the South Seas' said the queen. Footsteps were heard in the hallway. Thank god, thought Wonwoo. He already had enough of the queen and the day hasn't even started yet.

'I don't think Kwan and his animals have anything to do with this' he said calmly. Then he gasped when he heard the king's voice from behind him.

'Kwan and his animals? I should've known' said the king. Wonwoo quickly turned towards the ruler of the kingdom, not missing the satisfied smirk on Ariana's face. This bitch, he thought.

'Your Highness' he bowed quickly. 'This is a misunderstanding. They didn't do anything. I've never heard of any disease that would make animals fall asleep like this-'

'You're lying!' cut him off the king. 'You only do this because that boy is your friend too! You and the others... Kim, Lee and Wen... I know what you are doing. And don't act so clueless! I know all four of you are only using my son because of his status, but that will end soon! I'm not like him and I can see through all of you!' he accused the boy. Wonwoo was left speechless. 'Now go away, Mr Jeon! I'll handle this situation' gestured the king.

Wonwoo hugged his book to his chest and rushed up the stairs to find Mingyu. He needed someone to talk to. Kwan is in danger.

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