Chapter 7 - Brothers

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A/N: Updating this today bc 1. I won't have time in the next two days and 2. this is one of my favorite chapters and I couldn't wait to publish it ><


The carriage arrived in the castle garden. Kwan looked out through the window and was amazed by every single thing he saw. Firstly all the humans, that looked just like him, interacting with each other, then all the buildings and everything happening on the streets. He was in awe.

And now they arrived to the castle garden. It had a huge fountain that started from the gate and went all the way to the staircase that led up to the castle's entrance. Everywhere around there were exotic flowers. Kwan didn't recognize most of them, but there were a few that he could specify.

And the castle! He'd never seen such a huge building before. Everything that he'd seen in the past half an hour seemed to be nothing compared to the castle. It had several towers that were stretching towards the sky and the staircase in the front led up to a beautiful huge wooden carved door for the entrance. Even the windows were all huge and fancy.

The carriage stopped in front of the staircase. Hansol got off of it first, then he held his hand out to Kwan. The boy slightly blushed and let the prince help him out. He stared up at the castle. Hansol was so lucky to live in a place like this, but he couldn't compare it with his island. He felt homesick for a second.

Suddenly loud chattering was heard that took Kwan's mind off of the island.

'Hansolie! Hansolie hyung!'

Kwan looked towards the staircase. Three little boys were running down and towards Hansol. The prince grinned and crouched down, opening his arms and hugged all three of them.

The first boy had black hair, the second blonde and the third brown. Even though they didn't look completely alike, Kwan could actually see many similarities between the three's features. He was sure they are brothers. They didn't seem older than about 4 years.

'Wow! Your hair's long!' said the black haired small boy as they let go of the hug. Kwan looked at Hansol. He didn't exactly have long hair, but it was probably longer than usual. The brunette kid went up to Hansol again hearing that and pulled his hair with his tiny hand, making the prince yelp. Kwan chuckled as Hansol picked up the child and swayed him in the air, making him let out loud giggles.

'So didn't you guys miss me?' Hansol pouted after he put the boy down.

'We did!' they shouted in sync. Then the blonde boy spotted Kwan on the side.

'Who's that?' he asked curiously. Hansol stood back up and stepped towards Kwan with a small smile, holding out a hand for him. Kwan took his hand and took a step towards the kids.

'Let me introduce you my friend, Kwan. He grew up on an island, very far from here!' explained Hansol while still smiling at Kwan. The island boy felt his tummy do a backflip feeling Hansol's eyes on him, and also seeing the prince's smile, which could melt icebergs if you asked him. He wondered what this feeling was.

'Hello!' he waved at the three children smiling.

'These are my little brothers' stepped Hansol behind the boys. 'Seungcheol, Jeonghan and Jisoo' he introduced them, putting his hands on their shoulders. The boys all bowed and said hi. 'They are triplets and real devils and they barely turned four. Don't let their cute looks fool you' continued Hansol unbothered. 'Especially these two' he gestured towards the blonde and the brunette, Jeonghan and Jisoo.

'Hey! We're not! We're angels!' protested Jeonghan.

'We all know that's not true' argued back Hansol. That was the moment when Hoshi decided to step out from behind the carriage, making the triplets gasp.

'Omagaaad, issa real tiger' gasped Seungcheol.

'Does it bite?' asked Jeonghan, the argument with Hansol long forgotten.

'No, don't worry. I grew up with him. He's a nice guy, right, Hoshi?' asked Kwan, petting the tiger's head.

'Of course!' said Hoshi, even though no one else could understand that other than Kwan.

'Are they your animals? Iss so cool!' said Jisoo with sparkly eyes.

'No, they are my family' chuckled Kwan, making the triplets look at him with admiration in their eyes. He reached for his pocket and grabbed Hao, then crouched down in front of the boys and showed the frog on his palm.

'This is Hao' he introduced.

'Aw, frog! Doesn't he need water?' asked Jisoo.

'He mainly lives on land but I'll get him some later' said Kwan. He held Jisoo's small hand and put the frog in it. Hao stared up at the tiny human with big eyes. Jisoo went to the fountain's clear water with the frog to get him some.

Dino then had enough of not getting any attention and jumped off of Hoshi's back and started running towards the new people while shouting 'FRIENDS!'

'Oh, and that's Dino' added Kwan.

'AaaAAaaAAAAaaa! How cute! I want one!' jumped Jeonghan excitedly and quickly picked up the otter from the ground, hugging him to his body. Dino was seemingly satisfied with his newly made friend and Kwan could see him melt into the hug. Then Jeonghan held the otter up.

'He's a baby! He's my baby! Dino nugu aegi?' he started blabbering to the otter.

'I think they will have fun with this for a while' giggled Hansol, watching as Jisoo and Seungcheol were making Hao swim in the fountain while occasionally patting Hoshi's head while Jeonghan was still trying to convince Dino that he's his baby from now on. Then Hansol turned to Kwan shyly. 'Wanna go inside? Can I introduce you to my parents?' he asked. Kwan nodded just as shyly and held Hansol's hand that was reached out for him, following the other boy inside.


A/N 2.0: Okay, I'll admit: every chapter is my favorite as long as it has baby 95 line in it.

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