Chapter 22 - Preparations

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A/N: Yupp another update~ 4 chapters left after this one


'You look amazing, Hansolie.'

Hansol was staring at his reflection in the mirror. He might have looked amazing, but he felt like shit. He sighed seeing himself all dressed up in his wedding suit and with the crown on his head. His eyes found Seokmin's ones in the mirror. The other boy was sitting on Junhui's lap on Hansol's bed with the older's arms lazily dropped around his waist. The prince smiled sadly. All his friends are luckier in love than him, even the ones who are still denying their relationship.

The door opened and it revealed Wonwoo who brought a rose to put in the pocket of Hansol's suit. He let him do so.

'Kwan...?' he questioned quietly. Wonwoo's lips curled into a sad smile.

'The ship left last night' he said. Hansol just nodded and turned away. He didn't want his friends to see him cry on his wedding day.

Suddenly the door flew open again and a 4 year-old toddled inside.

'Solie hyung!' yelled baby Seungcheol. He looked really cute in his tiny elegant outfit. Even his usually messy black hair was combed (well, kind of, until he let his hyung Mingyu comb it, then he escaped successfully). He was staring up at the boys while patting his long eyelashes.

'What's up, Cheolie?' asked Seokmin from Jun's lap. He figured out that Hansol doesn't really want to talk to anyone right now.

'Where Hoshi?' asked the toddler curiously. They could instantly see Hansol tense up. Seungcheol continued talking through his baby words. Despite him being the oldest of the triplets he still hasn't really learnt to pronounce stuff correctly, so it sometimes took people some time to understand him. 'Anee and Isoo and me are looking for him but he's nowhere!' he pouted. Seokmin felt Jun's embrace tighten around his waist so he leaned his back against the older's chest to hear him.

'I don't want to see more Chwe brothers cry today' Jun whispered into Seokmin's ear, his breath fanning over his earlobe. If they were alone Seokmin would've found it hot, but now he just nodded in agreement. The two stood up and exchanged a glance with Wonwoo who was quick to understand their intentions.

'Cheol, how about some sweets before the ceremony?' crouched down Jun to be on eye level with the kid, knowing that his attention span maxed out at about 5 seconds. Cheol's eyes lit up.

'Cupcakes?' he asked excitedly.

'Yep! Someone has to try them before the guests taste it, don't you think?' chuckled Seokmin too.

'Can Anee and Isoo come too?' asked Cheol grabbing Seokmin's and Jun's hands, walking between them.

'Of course! But shhh, this is a secret!' warned Jun as they walked out of the room. Wonwoo closed the door behind themselves.

This was all it took to Hansol to fall on his knees and break down crying.


Hoonie the small bird was sitting on the railing in the tower of the church, silently watching as people were arriving to the wedding. There were all kinds of carriages parking in the castle garden, servants helped the ladies and gentlemen out, then they took the carriages away to make space for the next guests.

A beautiful carriage pulled by a white horse stopped just under the church when suddenly the bell in the tower started ringing right next to Hoonie. He got so startled that he lost his balance and started falling from the tower. Luckily for him his body was so small and light that he didn't hurt himself as he landed on the ground.

'Oh, you poor thing!' he heard a warm female voice and two delicate hands picked him up. He quickly stood back on his small legs and waved his wings. He felt a bit deja vu.

Then he looked at his savior. It was a beautiful woman in her early 40s, wearing a long serenity colored dress. She had blonde hair and wore a crown. She looked at Hoonie worriedly and gently touched the bird with her fingers.

'Looks like you're fine' she smiled kindly. Hoonie thanked her, even though she could only hear his chirping. She chuckled and held him out in her palm. Hoonie took one last peek at the woman before flying away. She seemed familiar.


'Seung... Seung...kwan.'

'Kwan! Kwan wake up! Please!'

Kwan slowly opened his eyes, but closed them again as he was blinded by the morning sunlight. He coughed and spit out water. He heard Hoshi and Hao sigh. He slowly turned on his back.

'W-What happened?' he asked on a weak voice squinting his eyes.

'We almost drowned' said Hoshi. 'You actually did. But then Hao started shouting for the dolphins. I don't know how they heard it but they did. They brought us back. We are in Carat Kingdom. And Dino's still asleep' he finished and gestured towards the otter with his head. Dino was laying on his back with his small hands on his chest. Kwan's heart clenched as he tried to sit up. They had to make the elixir quickly.

They were on the shore in Carat Kingdom, next to the dock where the ships arrive. His clothes and hair were still damp, but he was alive. They were all alive.

'What's a Seungkwan?' asked Hao. Kwan looked at him questioningly. 'You've been saying this word while you were unconscious' explained Hao. Kwan suddenly remembered of the memories.

'I had a flashback... of the night when I came to the island' he said. Hao and Hoshi looked at him excitedly. 'I was with someone... I don't remember people but I heard a voice. A man's voice. And Seungkwan... I believe it's my name' he whispered.

'Oh my gosh, you remember!' jumped Hao. 'We have some clue! We are closer to finding your family!'

'I know right! It's unbelievable' chuckled Kwan. Then he frowned. 'But if I'm right... then I might be the only survivor. And I remember that man's voice...' None of them dared to say it out loud but they all thought the same thing. It must've been his father. Who knows whether his other family members were there too. Who knows whether they are alive or not.

Kwan shook the thought off. He slowly stood up and picked the sleeping Dino up.

'Let's go guys! We can worry about this later. We have a lot to do beforehand.'

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