Chapter 24 - The Wedding

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A/N: Someone from my past just started texting me out of nowhere today and I can't get rid of them helppp


"Kwan gasped and turned around to face two royal guards entering the greenhouse."

Kwan was quick to shove the bowl of medicine in Mingyu's hands. 'You two! Go find Koya and give this to him! Go! Run!'

Wonwoo and Mingyu didn't hesitate as they pushed the two guards out of their way and started running towards the castle as if their life depended on it. Meanwhile the guards gained back their balance and grabbed Kwan from both sides.

'Hey! Let go of me!' shouted Kwan with no use.

'You're coming with us!' said one of them and they started pulling the defending boy out of the greenhouse. Suddenly something orange sprinted past them. Kwan sighed. He could only hope Hoshi knows what he's doing.


Hansol was standing next to the altar with the priest. Beautiful slow music was playing (making him all sleepy) and the whole room was decorated amazingly. Hansol looked around at the guests. Most of them were familiar to him, kings, queens, princes, princesses from other kingdoms.

And of course all of his family and friends. Well... almost all of them. He couldn't see Mingyu or Wonwoo anywhere. But Seokmin and Jun were there, sitting in the front row along with his three little brothers who were... well, being themselves. Jisoo was currently pulling Jeonghan's blonde hair who was letting out a silent screech, while Seungcheol was swinging his legs while sitting on his chair with a pouty face.

Then the music stopped and the wedding music started. The guests all stood up and turned towards the door where Princess Lia appeared with her mother. Hansol had to admit, he was mesmerized by the beauty of the girl. She looked amazing as always. The prince sighed.

This is it, he thought. It's time to let go of Kwan and think about the kingdom... and Lia. This is the woman I'm spending my life with and I'll learn to love her. I'm doing this for Kwan.

Lia and Ariana arrived to the altar and Ariana let go of Lia's arm, letting Hansol take her over from her. The couple exchanged a small sad smile and turned towards the priest. The music stopped and the man started talking. Hansol stared at the walls absentmindedly. He just couldn't focus on what was going on, no matter how important it was.

'... if anyone objects the marriage speak now or forever hold your peace' said the priest.

All of a sudden the door to the room flew open and a huge roar was heard, making everyone gasp and flinch and turn their attention there.

Hoshi was holding his head high as he ran inside towards Hansol like the real predator he is. Seungcheol, Jeonghan and Jisoo jumped up from their seats.

'Finally something interesting!' clapped his hands Jisoo.

'Hoshi!! Where were you?' shouted Jeonghan excitedly.

'We missed you!' giggled Cheol.

Hoshi stopped in front of Hansol and looked up at him. Hansol stared back at Hoshi and knew there's something wrong. He looked at his father angrily, then without a word he started running outside with the tiger.


'Let me go!' Kwan was still trying to pull his arms out of the guards' holds but they were too strong for him.

'We'll make sure you'll spend the rest of your life in jail after this!' said the guard.

'Let him go right now.'

The two guards stopped whatever they were doing but didn't let go of Kwan as they stared at the crown prince in his wedding suit in front of them.

'B-But Your Highness, your father-' started one of them.

'I won't say it again' said Hansol strictly. The two men let go of the boy's hands and he touched his left arm with his right hand. It hurt as hell, their grip was really strong.

'Are you okay?' asked Hansol concerned in a much nicer tone. Kwan avoided the prince's eyes.

'I'm fine... Your Highness' he mumbled with his head down.

By this time every guest and everyone who attended the wedding was surrounding them. Hansol spotted his parents and narrowed his eyes.

'I thought we made a deal, Father' he said in a strong voice. 'I'll do my duty by marrying Princess Lia if you let Kwan go.'

Kwan felt like the world suddenly stopped around him. 'So that's why' he whispered to himself, looking at Hansol with admiration. Even though the situation was quite stupid, but still, right there and then Hansol managed to prove his love for him in his eyes. He couldn't imagine a bigger sacrifice.

'And I let him go! It has nothing to do with me that he's back!' protested the king.

'Ah, this wild boy and his animals again!' spoke up Queen Ariana. 'He's dangerous! Contagious! They should be locked up!'

'No! Please, that's not true! Someone poisoned the animals' foods! I can save them if you let me!' said Kwan.

Before anyone could react to that, suddenly Wonwoo stepped to the front and put something on the ground. It was Koya, awake and healthy. The koala went up to Kwan. The boy smiled relieved.

'Koya!' he grinned and picked him up to hug him.

'Thank you, Kwan!' said Koya happily. He was put back down and made his way towards his owner, Hansol's mother.

'Koya! Oh thank god!' she exclaimed and picked Koya up. She turned to her husband. 'Maybe it's actually true. Kwan knows how to wake them up!'

Hoonie meanwhile landed on Kwan's shoulder and was listening to what's happening intently. The king turned to the island boy.

'If it wasn't your doing, then explain, who would put poison in the animals' food?'

'Tell them' chirped Hoonie. Kwan inhaled deeply.

'Ariana' he stated, looking straight at the mentioned woman. The air froze and the guests all gasped.

'Okay, you can't be this miserable! Why would I poison animals, hm?' asked Ariana.

Kwan decided it was time for the whole truth. 'She didn't just do that. She even poisoned the wedding cake.'

'Ridiculous!' shouted Ariana. 'Where did you get that information? Did the birds chirp it to you?' she mocked, making everyone around laugh. Hoonie flew away offended. 'You're so dumb, little boy' shook her head the woman with an evil smirk. Kwan stood her gaze on himself.

'If I'm the dumb one, then please, take a bite of the wedding cake' he smirked back.

'Duh, no way. We didn't even have dinner yet' said Ariana. Then a hand reached out towards her with a plate that had a slice of cake on it.

'Please, Your Highness. Be my guest for this one, I hope the king and the queen won't mind' said Seokmin in a delightful tone as he looked towards the rulers of the kingdom. The king and the queen just nodded.

Ariana paled as everyone's attention was now on her. She took the plate from the boy and grabbed the fork slowly. Hansol stepped next to Kwan and put his hand on his shoulder as everyone watched Ariana with their breaths held back. As she was about to taste the cake, she suddenly put the fork down.

'How would I know it wasn't you who poisoned the cake just to blame it all on me?' she asked looking at Kwan.

Kwan froze. He was so close to winning. So close. But after what Ariana just said, if anyone faints after tasting the cake they are going to put the blame on him. A queen's words are still stronger than an island boy's.

But all of a sudden something that nobody expected happened as a female voice spoke up from the crowd.

'You know that's not true, Mother.'

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