Chapter 23 - Medicine

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A/N: My week is a mess, I wanted to update yesterday for Jeonghan day but life said NAHH GURL YOU WON'T so here we are now enjoy ~


Lia was spinning around in front of the mirror in her room. She was wearing a beautiful white wedding dress with her wavy brown hair simply let down. She was also wearing a diamond necklace she got from her mother for the special day and of course a crown. This was supposed to be the happiest day of her life but she didn't feel excited at all.

The only time she felt happiness in the past few day was when she heard the rumor in the castle about Hansol giving up the crown and the wedding. She wanted Hansol to follow his dreams and marry the boy he loves. But then Kwan was taken away and the wedding was moved forward and Lia's hopes got crashed.

'Oh!! My beautiful daughter! The future queen of Carat Kingdom! The most breathtaking bride! After all these years, your dreams are finally coming true!!' Queen Ariana skipped her way into the room wearing an elegant dress and her usually tall af bun (that could've hit the chandelier if she didn't watch out for it) was made even taller today. Lia pulled a face before turning to her.

'My dreams?' she snorted.

'Mhm' said her mother still smiling as she stared at the princess in awe. Then they locked eyes and she "corrected" herself. 'Oh, I mean our dreams!'

Lia just rolled her eyes but decided not to comment on the topic.

'Remember, don't eat any cake after the wedding!' reminded Ariana. Lia raised an eyebrow.

'And why so?'

'It's bad luck!' said Ariana. Lia rolled her eyes again. Her mother had the weirdest shits to say all the time, but she decided that sometimes it's easier to just obey.

'Yes, Mother.'


'We've gotta be quick' said Kwan as he was running through the glass doors of the greenhouse with Dino in his arms. Hoshi and Hao followed them closely and they almost crashed into the boy when he suddenly stopped.

'Oh...' he was at loss for words for a few seconds. The greenhouse was decorated with different shades of rose quartz, the official color of Carat Kingdom, and in the middle, next to the fountain there were several huge tables with different kinds of meals on top. On the biggest table there was a beautiful cake decorated with marzipan roses.

'The wedding' sighed Kwan and hugged Dino to himself tighter. Then he shook his head and exhaled. 'Okay, let's not get distracted. The ceremony is probably starting, so we have a bit of time-'


The boy gasped and quickly turned around, only to be face to face with Wonwoo.

'Wonu' his eyes got teary for a second and he suddenly ran up to the other boy, embracing him tightly. Wonwoo awkwardly patted Kwan's back.

'You came back! I thought you left forever and we couldn't even say goodbye' said Wonwoo adjusting his glasses.

'It's a long story' let go of the hug Kwan. 'But what are you doing here? Didn't the wedding start already?' Wonwoo scrunched his nose.

'Not into that kind of stuff. Even if it's my best friend's wedding but we all know why they are doing this, so...' he stopped. 'I just came to get some fresh air and saw you. What's your plan?'

'I need to make medicine for the animals' said Kwan and held Dino out to Wonwoo. 'Can you hold him for a bit?' The other took the otter over without a word. Kwan stepped to one of the tables and picked out a small bowl.

'I can make the medicine in this for Dino' he said. As he was about to start, suddenly a tiny bird landed on the table.

'Oh, hi Hoonie!' Kwan cheered up as he picked a rose from one of the bushes.

'Oh, hi, hi! I'm so glad you're back!' chirped Hoonie. 'I need your help! I was just flying around when I saw Queen Ariana putting something on the cake!'

Kwan furrowed his eyebrows and turned his attention towards the wedding cake. Wonwoo followed his gaze even though he didn't understand what Hoonie said. Kwan stepped to the table slowly and leaned closer, smelling the cake.

'It's sunset herb' he muttered.

'Queen Ariana did all of this to the animals?' asked Hao.

'I'm positive it was her. And now she wants to murder everyone who eats from the cake' said Kwan.

'Who?' asked Wonwoo who couldn't follow their conversation.

'Queen Ariana' answered Kwan.

'I should've known. She gave the idea to the king that it was your doing' said Wonwoo. 'I'm sorry I couldn't do anything to help but he wouldn't believe me.'

'No need to be sorry. Let's make the medicine quickly.'

Kwan went to the table again and started doing whatever he had to do. Wonwoo stared down at the otter in his arms. He really hoped Kwan can save the animals and they don't get caught. Neither of them were the king's favorites, he didn't want to think about what consequences could it have if they catch them.

'Baby, here you are, the ceremony is about to start-' Mingyu suddenly stopped in the doorway of the greenhouse, taking in what's happening. 'Kwan! Oh my gosh, you're back! What are you doing?'

'I can't explain now' said quickly Kwan as he was still in the middle of making the medicine. Wonwoo stepped to Mingyu.

'What are you doing, go back! It's Hansol's wedding!'

'Yes and you're supposed to be there too!' argued Mingyu and quickly kissed Wonwoo's forehead. Wonwoo blushed and looked away. Luckily for him Kwan interrupted them.

'Okay, this is just a small amount but it will be enough to wake up Dino' he said and held out the bowl with the liquid in it. Wonwoo put the sleeping otter on the table and held his head as Kwan tried to pour a few drops of medicine in his mouth.

'HEY! Stop whatever you are doing!'

Kwan gasped and turned around to face two royal guards entering the greenhouse.


A/N 2.0: Thank you for 500 reads! (Even though it's 550 by now, idk what happened these days lol) I'll try to finish with the last three chapters this weekend but I won't promise anything. See you in the next one!

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