Chapter 16 - Together

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A/N: He is a prince you can't change my mind ~


'This is even more perfect than I imagined' sighed Koya.

Him, Dino, Hao and Hoshi were gathered on the terrace that led to the ballroom and were watching Kwan and Hansol waltzing through the dance floor through the glass door.

'Kwan looks beautiful' teared up Dino and sniffled.

'And they seem so happy!' added Hoshi.

'Yeah, the only problem is that the prince has to get married' reminded them Hao.

'Way to ruin the mood, froggo' groaned Koya. Hao croaked as a response while Dino looked at his friend. Then something caught the otter's eye. He jumped off of Hoshi's back and started running towards the thing he saw.

'Dino, where are you going?' yelled Hoshi after him.

'I think I saw something. I'll be back!' said Dino and jumped off the terrace.


'What a beauty! Is he that island boy?' asked the king his wife standing near a wall in the ballroom. They were looking at their son and Kwan dancing like there's no one else in the room.

'He is the most beautiful at tonight's party' agreed the queen.

Maybe this was the first time when the king wasn't so sure about marrying Hansol off to the princess. He always wanted the best for his son and honestly, he didn't have anything against him being into boys as long as he is happy. But he also had to think about the kingdom. What will people think if Hansol marries some island boy?

And on the other hand, when Hansol and his crew got back from their trip, the deal with Queen Ariana was already sealed. He can't just back out of something like that.

Especially if it's for someone like Kwan.

'I thought we made a deal' stepped suddenly Queen Ariana next to them. The king sighed.

'Yes, we did' he agreed, still staring at the dancing couple. Ariana was looking at them for a few seconds, then spoke again.

'I have a suggestion. Let's move the wedding forward. Let's prevent... this' she said while gesturing towards the dance floor with her hand. The king followed the woman's gaze. He gritted his teeth.

'I agree.'


'Kwan' mumbled Hansol as the song was coming to an end. Kwan hummed as an answer while unknowingly pulling himself closer to the other boy.

'I want you to stay with me' said the prince while looking for Kwan's eyes with his. Kwan's breath hitched hearing that. He almost panicked but quickly calmed himself down. If you can give commands to crocodiles, you can do anything, he reminded himself mentally.

'W-what do you mean?' he asked. His eyes were looking for Wonwoo above Hansol's shoulder to have something that help him keep his cool but he couldn't see the older boy nor Mingyu anywhere.

'I-I like you Kwan' confessed Hansol. 'Ever since we've met I like you and I like you more and more every day and I just-'

'No' stopped him Kwan. 'Please no' he whispered and took a step back. Hansol shivered feeling the cold breeze that came through the opened windows without the warmth of the other's body.

'You can't do this. We can't do this' said Kwan while backing away, almost running into someone.

'Kwan, please wait! I'm sorry' said Hansol rushing after the boy. Kwan walked outside to one of the terraces. Hansol caught the boy's arm and spun him around, making him back into a wall where they were out of sight. The full moon shone down at the two of them.

'I'm so sorry, I didn't want to rush you into anything' said Hansol out of breath, embracing Kwan in his arms.

'It's not that' said the island boy, pushing the prince away a bit. 'It's not about me. It's about Princess Lia.'

'She is amazing, but-'

'You two belong together, don't you understand? You're like the perfect match!' said Kwan with a teardrop threatening to fall from the corner of his eye. Hansol wiped his tears with his thumb. 'She is your fiancé! You two are getting married! You can't cheat on her, especially not with me! It's not worth it! I'm not worth it!' gabbled Kwan.

'But you are!' argued Hansol. Both of them were staring at each other without another word for a few seconds. 'You are worth everything' mumbled the prince.

Kwan didn't even realize how with every sentence Hansol was leaning closer to him, only when the prince's breath was fanning over his lips. He was about to stutter out something but was stopped when the prince suddenly pressed a soft kiss on his lips, making him let out a tiny gasp.

Hansol pulled Kwan closer to him and kissed him again and again, not wanting to let him go. Kwan finally melted into the hug and even started responding to his kisses, surprising the both of them as their lips moved in sync with their eyes closed. They fit like two pieces of a puzzle.

Then suddenly Kwan realized what was actually happening and slightly pushed Hansol off of himself.

'We can't' he said quietly. Hansol caught his breath while looking back at him with pleading eyes.

'You don't understand, please, Kwan...'

'Please, don't make this even harder' shook his head Kwan. Then in the blink of an eye the boy rushed towards the stairs that led towards the garden from the terrace.

Leaving a heartbroken prince behind.


A/N 2.0: BWAHAHAHAHAH okay this was The Cheese Chapter that has to happen in every damn book I write. Now I'm gonna hide under my bed and cringe and swear to never open Wattpad again, so I guess see you tomorrow lol

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