Chapter 25 - The Real Traitor

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A/N: Thank you for 600 reads TT And also the comments, they really made my day ^^ Only the epilogue left after this chapter so I think I can finish this book tomorrow (after two months of writing it, wow, I guess it's like a new record) and I can start publishing my next ATEEZ Barbie au that was highly requested... Now let's continue where we stopped.


'You know that's not true, Mother.'

Everyone gasped again as Princess Lia stepped to the front in her beautiful white wedding dress. This time it wasn't because of her breathtaking looks, but because of what she just said.

'Lia!' gasped Ariana. 'What are you saying?!'

'You told me not to eat from the cake! Why would have you said that if it wasn't you who put the poison in it?' Lia looked at her mother with sad eyes.

Ariana looked around terrified, trying to find someone in the crowd to defend her but she was met with everyone's blank or furious facial expressions. She suddenly threw the plate away and started running towards Kwan and Hansol, shoving them aside.

'Hey! Guards!' yelled the king but he didn't need to say it twice as all of the guards were after the woman by then. Hansol and Kwan quickly stood up and started running after Ariana.

'Come on!' said Seokmin. Him, Jun, Wonwoo and Mingyu ran in the opposite direction. Maybe they can surprise her if they reach there on time.


A blonde woman was standing in the middle of the crowd. It was the same lady who helped Hoonie before. She couldn't help but stare at the group of boys. Especially one boy.

The island boy.


Kwan and Hansol could see Ariana jump onto a random carriage that was parked nearby. Hansol quickly grabbed a handle on the side of it and managed to pull himself up so he was standing on the carriage as it started. He reached his hand out. Kwan did a few jogging steps next to the carriage and grabbed the hand, stepping up next to the prince just when the carriage started rolling in a really fast pace.

'What are we gonna do?' yelled Hansol through the noise that the guards, the carriage and the horseshoes' clicking made.

'I don't know! You seemed so confident, I thought you have a plan!' shouted back Kwan. Hansol just chuckled and held onto the other handle on the other side of Kwan so he was securing both of them.

The carriage was going in a horribly fast pace and went straight towards the bridge where some of the wedding guests were. Four ladies were crossing the bridge exactly when Ariana directed the carriage onto it. Kwan tried to shout and warn them but he could only scream as the ladies jumped to the sides. They watched horrified as one of them was shoved against the railing of the bridge and fell over it.

Both Hansol and Kwan jumped off of the carriage by instinct. Hansol quickly went to the railing and held his hand out to the girl who managed to hold onto the bridge and was now hanging there. He recognized her and the other three as Lia's flower girls.

'Yeji! Grab my hand!' he shouted. The girl grabbed the prince's reached out hand thankfully.

'Thank you' she gasped relieved.


Meanwhile Kwan was running with all his strength after the carriage. Despite him being quite a fast runner, he was getting tired.

'Kwan! This way!' he heard a shout. It was Mingyu from his right. He turned after him and continued running together with the other boy.

'We can cut in her way here' panted Mingyu. Kwan could also see Wonwoo and Seokmin running in front of them. Then he spotted a treebranch that was not too high above them. As soon as he was under it, he jumped up and broke the branch off the tree, taking it with himself.

'I hope that wasn't Mingyu's leg breaking' warned Wonwoo without looking back.

'Duh' Kwan scoffed. 'There she is!' he yelled suddenly and quickly ran past all three of them in the blink of an eye. He squinted his eyes and aimed with the stick, remembering the countless times on the island when he played that he threw branches at the bananas on the trees.

The stick flew towards the carriage and landed straight in one of its wheels, getting stuck. Ariana let out a horrified scream as the carriage suddenly braked and became completely unstable. She couldn't do anything to prevent it from stopping and herself falling forward because it's Newton's first law... She fell straight into the pigs' cage into the mud since meanwhile they reached the back of the castle where the animals were. From the other direction Wonwoo and Seokmin jumped inside to pull the mortified queen up and hand her over to the guards.

'Wow' whispered Mingyu trying to catch his breath as he caught up with Kwan. 'That was crazy.'

'Indeed' panted Kwan too.

'I'm here~! Oh. I missed it all?' stopped Jun pouting next to them. Kwan chuckled and Mingyu grinned.

'Don't worry, the main part is just about to start.'

'I'm honestly really curious what explanation she has to all of this' agreed Kwan.


'Hansol!' gasped Kwan and ran up to the prince. The other hugged him without hesitation, making Kwan blush and hide his face in Hansol's shoulder.

'Are you okay?' asked Hansol pulling away. 'You're so red' he touched the boy's cheek.

'Y-yes I'm okay' stuttered Kwan.

'That's good becau-'

'How about you? Are you okay?' panicked Kwan. Hansol chuckled.

'Not even a scratch. Kwan-'

'And that lady? Is she fine?'

'Yes, she is. We managed to save her, she's with the other girls and Lia. But-'

'And what about everyone else, I hope no one touched any of the food!'

'Kwan!' laughed Hansol, then quickly looked around and shrugged before leaning forward to kiss the other boy on the lips, taking him by surprise. Kwan was quick to respond to the kiss, not caring about other people's opinion anymore. The fact that Hansol was willing to sacrifice everything just for him to be free was enough to know that the prince loves him just as much as he loves Hansol. It was a shame that it almost costed him everything he believed in to realize that they belong together.

'Stop worrying' murmured Hansol when they pulled away, still hugging each other tightly. 'Everything will be fine.'

'You promise?' asked Kwan with a small smile playing on his lips. Hansol kissed Kwan's cheek.

'I promise. And I'm not letting you go again' he whispered against the other's lips.


A/N 2.0: *proofreads* *cringes* *dies* See you tomorrow.

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