Chapter 4 - Meeting Them

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A/N: I know that some of you have already seen it but I published my oneshot book with the mermaid au. It only has the introduction chapter so far, but I wanted to let you know. I'll try to start updating this week :))


'They don't have sharp teeth' said Hoshi.

'Nor fur. Just on their head. It looks stupid' added Dino.

'Do you think they can swim?' wondered Hao.

The three were currently following Kwan. The boy was determined to learn more about the newcomers.

'They look like me' he said without taking his eyes off of Hansol and the others while disguising himself in every possible way.

'Yeah but they can still be evil' said Hao. 'Remember when I ate that cute looking bug-'

'That cute looking bug was a wasp' butted in Dino. 'You're lucky you didn't die.'

'See? They can look nice and be evil.'

Suddenly a loud screaming sound was heard. Kwan gasped and stood up from his crouching position.

'Oh my gosh' he whispered. 'They fell down towards the marsh!'

'Cool, that's a nice place' said Hao without giving a damn. 'How are they even such losers that they fell down?'

'Hao! This is not funny!' scolded Kwan while rushing forward. 'And not all of them fell.'

'What are you doing?' shouted Hoshi from between the bushes where they were previously hiding.

'I'll go get them! Just go back to the camp or something. I'll catch up to you later' yelled back Kwan.


'There are so many different plants here. It's honestly fascinating' said Wonwoo looking around. Hansol agreed.

'I've never seen most of them.'

'It's getting dark around here. This part really lacks of sunlight.' Mingyu was staring upwards at the sky that was now covered by the branches and leaves of the trees. Hansol looked back at his friend as he was the one leading their group.

'Mingyu, you should watch where you step, you might fall- AAAAAAAAHHHHH!!!!' Hansol suddenly screamed as he lost the ground from under his feet and started sliding down from where they were in a fast pace. He could also hear Mingyu's screeching from behind himself.

'Mingyu! Hansol!' The others' shouts were heard from behind them. At least they didn't fall.

Hansol was sliding through bushes and different kinds of plants on the steep ground for what felt like minutes, while in reality it was probably only a few seconds. Finally he landed somewhere with a loud thud. The ground was all muddy under him and it was all over his clothes. He squinted his eyes as he laid on the ground. Then suddenly the screaming got louder and something huge fell on him, making him yelp.

'Ngghh, sorry man' groaned Mingyu as he pushed himself off of Hansol.

'No problem' sighed Hansol and both of them sat up. There was mud all over their clothes and hands. They were sitting next to a small lake, or rather marsh. The water was green and dusty.

'That was a quick sightseeing trip' chuckled Hansol.

'Guys, are you alright?' shouted Seokmin after the two.

'We're fine!' yelled back Mingyu, reaching his hand out to Hansol to help the prince up.

'What should we do now?' turned Seokmin to the others. Wonwoo bit his bottom lip while thinking.

'We can't just go after them' said Jun. 'We're gonna fall down too.'

'Khm' someone cleared their throat. The three gasped and turned towards the unknown voice.

A blonde boy, about their age stood near them, wearing some poorly made clothes. He still managed to look stunning though, not how they would imagine some inhabitant of an island.

'I don't mean to butt in, but your friends are in danger down there' the boy said in a sweet voice. It still gave chills to all three of them.


'It's even darker here' stated Hansol after he finally stood up and somewhat got rid of some of the mud on him.

'And it's hot. This seems like a perfect habitat for some... crocodiles.'

'I never knew you were an expert in crocodiles' said Hansol looking up at his friend. Mingyu was staring over the prince's shoulder with wide eyes. Hansol gulped and turned around, only to be face to face with three huge crocodiles nearing them in the water.

'Oh my god' bit his lip Hansol. He could hear that Mingyu was breathing heavily so he tried not to lose his calm. 'Okay. No sudden moves, Gyu. Just stay where you are' he said in a low voice. Mingyu gulped and nodded, still staring at the crocodiles. All three of them were at least 3 meters long and had pretty sharp teeth. Hansol had never met crocodiles in real life, but he didn't want this to be his last time. And he doesn't mean that he wants to get in a situation like this again, rather that he wanted to... I dunno, live a bit longer??

'It will be fine. We'll be okay' he whispered both to Mingyu and to himself. Their backs suddenly hit a cliff. There was no escape as the first crocodile had already stepped on the ground from the water. On Hansol's right there was also water. He tried to find some way to escape when suddenly...

'Minnie!' shouted a voice and to Hansol's biggest surprise someone landed on the other side of the small lake. He didn't know where the person came from, but he didn't really care at the moment. 'Innie! Binnie! That's enough!' The boy held out his hand, gesturing them to stop what they are doing. The three crocodiles stopped in their tracks.

'He's talking to the crocodiles' whispered Hansol to no one in particular, hypnotized by the other boy. Then the blonde's gaze turned towards Hansol's legs and he squinted his eyes.

'Jinnie! Don't even think about it!' he said strictly. As Hansol looked down, he just realized that a fourth crocodile was about to bite into his leg. He held back a yelp. He embarrassed himself enough already with this situation.

Hearing the words of the boy, the crocodile made a roaring sound.

'No no no. Not even a bite. Go away' waved him off the boy. The fourth crocodile swam after the other three while still growling. 'Thank you' added the boy and flashed a smile.

Finally they were alone, standing face to face with the stranger. Hansol couldn't help but stare at the ethereal boy in front of him. The other's skin was kind of tanned because of the tropical weather and also spotless. He had curious shiny eyes that captivated the prince in a second. His hair was blonde and beautiful. The boy himself was beautiful. Hansol suddenly felt the urge to just hold his hand and get to know him more. It was like he was being drawn towards the other.

Kwan was looking back at the two males standing there. The taller had black hair and tanned skin. There was still some slight panic on his face as he held onto the other boy's shoulder.

As Kwan's eyes met the shorter male's ones, it left him breathless for a second. Even though he was covered in mud and was a rather ridiculous sight, he made him feel something he never did before. The other's hair was chestnut brown and his eyes stared right back into his, making him feel shy, even he didn't know why. He cleared his throat and looked away.

'I'm sorry about my friends... I mean the crocodiles. They are not used to... humans I guess? They are actually nice and don't usually bite' he chuckled awkwardly. Hansol's heart started beating louder. He wanted to hear him laugh more. 'Not many people visit here' added Kwan. 'Who are you?' he asked.

'And who are you?' asked back Hansol.

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