Chapter 3 - The Prince

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A/N: OH MY GOSH EVERYONE, THIS IS NOT A DRILL!!! I don't know how many of you have been with me since I was writing The 12 Dancing Princes, which was several months ago, like in May or June, but FINALLY I got back my laptop and it even works!! My cousin fixed it for me (a huge thank you for him). It basically died after I posted the prologue of that book so in my head I already held a funeral for it but it's back to life! I still want to get a new one when I get my paycheck because this one is old af, but I'm so happy that I can be logged in in everything and I don't have to suffer with the family laptop oh god!

Okay, now that I'm done hyperventilating, let's get back to the book :D


The ship was silently sailing through the sea. It was an average sized ship with many sails and a few adventurous people on board. The weather was nice and warm, just ideal for sailing. Small waves crashed against the sides of the ship as it was going towards nothing in particular. But oh boy, despite the ship being so chill, its crew was loud to say the least.

A boy with brown hair, wearing a simple white shirt and light brown pants with boots was currently climbing on one of the ropes that was fastened to the sails. He held onto it tightly and supported himself with his feet, then looked into his telescope.

'Hey!' he shouted. 'I can see an island!'

'Omg omg where??' yelled back a cheerful voice.

'It's on our right!'

'Captain Wen! Turn right!' shouted the other voice. The climbing boy chuckled as he started lowering himself back onto the deck.

This boy was none other than Prince Chwe Hansol, the heir to the throne of Carat Kingdom.

[Okay, quick A/N, I basically use Carat Kingdom in all of my stories but they are not related to each other, just in case you are wondering. Especially since in my last SVT story Hansol was a 4 year-old prince and were triplets with Seungkwan and Chan lmao]

Despite Hansol being the crown prince, he was rather adventurous. He loved discovering new places and traveling around the world with his crew who were also his best friends:

Wen Junhui, the boy who usually navigates the ship therefore he earned himself the nickname Captain Wen;

Lee Seokmin, the loud and bubbly boy who was always open for everything new and loved making friends;

Kim Mingyu, the giant who was in charge of changing the lightbulbs... jkjk, he was one of Hansol's closest friends since childhood;

and last but not least Jeon Wonwoo, the main scientist of their group who could write a complete study even about a single grain of sand. He was also the love interest of Mingyu, but unfortunately even though Wonwoo was pretty smart, he could be really dumb when it came to relationships and was completely oblivious to the younger's feelings and attempts of flirting.

The group of five have been through a lot together. When they were younger, they often travelled with their parents and they swore that when they grow up, they will travel the world together. They used to play that they are exploring the world in the castle garden (since Hansol couldn't really leave to the town as he was a prince, it was rather the others visiting him), using their imagination and the castle's animals as things to discover (which the pigs weren't exactly happy about as they were constantly under the observation of a bunch of 7 year-olds).

When the two oldests, Jun and Wonwoo turned eighteen, finally their parents agreed to them traveling. By the time our story takes place even Hansol turned twenty. They made a perfect group, protecting and helping each other through everything. Hansol didn't know what he would do without his friends.

'Look, it can be seen without the telescope now!' shouted Seokmin, pointing forward. The others gathered at the front of the ship too and followed his gaze.

'Do you think it's safe to go there?' asked Jun from behind the steering wheel.

'We'll stop and anchor and go there by boat anyways. If it's dangerous then we can come back' said Hansol. Jun just nodded and moved the ship forward.


'Kwan! Kwan! KWAN! Wake up!' shouted Hoshi. Kwan woke up from his afternoon nap and rubbed his eyes.

'What?' he asked with squinted eyes.

'Something strange is happening!' said Hoshi. This made the boy wake up in an instant.

'What do you mean?' he questioned while standing up. On the island never happened anything so this obviously woke up his curiosity. Hoshi ran forward without a word. The boy followed him, but he could already see that they are going towards their cliff where they usually stargaze or watch the sea. Dino and Hao were already there, staring into the distance. Kwan and Hoshi joined them.

'I've never in my life seen a floating island before!' said Dino excitedly.

'Floating island...? Oh' Kwan's eyes widened as he realized that some object is nearing the island. Their island. Kwan tilted his head. 'This is not an island, it's a... I don't know what this is, but I've definitely seen something like this before' he mumbled.

'Look!' gasped Hao. They didn't even realize that a smaller item was floating towards them from the bigger. Kwan could actually see something moving on it.

'Friends!' shouted Dino and he was about to run down onto the shore to meet the new friends arriving. Kwan quickly picked the otter up.

'Hey! You can never know, they might be dangerous!' he said, amused by Dino's enthusiasm.

Meanwhile the small floating thingy reached the island and five creatures stepped out onto the sand. Kwan and the others all ducked their heads down, peeking out from the bushes in front of them curiously. The creatures were walking on their back legs, just like Kwan. He couldn't help but stare. Is it possible that they are from the same species...?


'It's nothing dangerous' stated Seokmin, poking the sand with his boots. Jun meanwhile pulled the boat onto the shore so the waves of the sea won't take it away.

'Yet' added Wonwoo looking up from his notebook. Mingyu rolled his eyes.

'Seok and his never ending optimism and Wonu and his never ending pessimism, ladies and gentlemen' he said while sneaking an arm around Wonwoo's shoulder.

'What should we do first?' asked Seokmin excitedly.

'Look, there's a path!' pointed out Hansol.

'Do you think there might be humans leaving here?' wondered Jun. Wonwoo looked around, measuring the shore.

'That path might have been made by animals. I don't know how would humans ever end up living on an island like this. Maybe there are some inhabitants? It seems nice so far. Can you take your hand off of me?' he looked at Mingyu randomly. 'It's way too hot here without skinship already.'

Mingyu frowned and took his arm off of the older's shoulder. Seokmin couldn't help but let out a chuckle. It really seemed like everyone knew about Mingyu's crush on Wonwoo except for Wonwoo himself.

'Let's go guys, let's check that path out!' said Hansol. They decided to follow him and the group of five started walking towards the inside of the island.


'That won't be good' whispered Kwan.

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