Chapter 5 - Going Back?

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A/N: I reread the whole 'Swan Lake' and the 'Prince and the Pauper' books to name all the chapters since they weren't given titles back then and it was so nostalgic lol

Prince and the Pauper is still my favorite one from the books I've written so far... which one is yours?

Also my week has been so tiring! BUT I managed to update the first part of the first episode of my mermaid au 'Just Add Water' so make sure to check it out <3


'So your name's Kwan?'

The five boys and Kwan were gathered together on the small camp Kwan built from his stuff. He was currently showing them the box his things were in and that had the name tag with the word 'kwan'.

'Maybe. Is it even a name?' he asked back, touching the name tag carefully.

'It can be' said Seokmin.

'And like... you don't remember anything from your previous life?' asked Hansol curiously. He didn't know why, but he was captivated by the boy from the second he first saw him and wanted to learn everything about him.

'It's complicated... I only remember small things... a song, a melody. A color. Stuff like this. Dino said that I was brought here by the sea many years ago. But I've already lost track of time. I don't even know my age.'

'You seem to be about our age. Maybe like Solie. Around twenty' said Jun.

'Don't call me Solie' groaned Hansol. Kwan chuckled as he looked at the handsome boy. He liked the name.

'You might have been shipwrecked' added Seokmin.

'Wait. You've mentioned Dino... who's Dino?' asked Mingyu suspiciously.

'Oh' giggled Kwan and turned around. 'You can come out guys, they don't bite' he said.

To the five's surprise suddenly an otter ran out of the bushes, followed by a small frog. Then their breath stuck in their throat when a tiger emerged out too.

'Oh my gosh' whispered Seokmin frozen.

'These are Dino, Hao and Hoshi!' said Kwan. 'Don't worry, they don't bite either' he laughed seeing their faces. Finally Wonwoo was the first to move.

'This is a real tiger' he whispered, staring at Hoshi in awe. 'It's beautiful!' The tiger tilted his head.

'Kwan, he's staring at me. He's weird' Hoshi stated. Kwan chuckled.

'Just put up with it for now, Hoshi' he waved it off. 'He is a friend.'

'Friend!' squeaked Dino and ran up to the one closest to him who happened to be Seokmin and started running around his legs. The boy cooed and reached forward to pick the otter up.

'He's so cute!' he gasped.

'You can understand what they are saying?' asked Mingyu amazed. Wonwoo was swiftly scribbling things in his notebook.

'Yep! Why, you don't?' tilted his head Kwan.

'Not at all' Mingyu and the others shook their heads. 'I can only hear roaring and stuff' added Mingyu.

'You should come back with us' blurted out suddenly Hansol, making everyone look at him.

'What? You aren't joking?' asked Kwan.

'For real! Back to the civilization! There are humans there, just like yourself. We can help you find your family. And also with, you know, fitting in again... only if you want to, of course' finished the boy in a small voice, fidgeting with his fingers. Seokmin looked at his younger friend amazed. He'd never seen Hansol this shy before. And believe me, the boy wasn't really the loud type.

'But... I don't even know who you are' said Kwan.

'Oh, my bad!' stepped to the front Jun theatrically and gestured towards Hansol. 'Let me introduce you Prince Chwe Hansol, the heir to the throne of Carat Kingdom!' he said. Hansol bowed smiling.

'A prince!' gasped Hao and croaked. The boys obviously only heard two croaks. Wonwoo kneeled on the ground and started examining the frog.

'What kind of frog is this?' he murmured as he poked Hao a bit with his pencil. The frog just stared back at the man.

'And these are my friends' added Hansol. 'Jun, the captain of our ship; Mingyu, the one who was almost eaten by the crocodile-'

'That was actually you!' butted in Mingyu.

'- Seokmin who's making friends with your otter; and this one crawling on the ground is Wonwoo.'

'We know that this is not much information and it's sudden, but I think you should consider coming with us' said Wonwoo as he stood up and dusted himself.

'I'll see' said Kwan finally.


It was nighttime already. The crew of the ship got back onto the ship to sleep.

Kwan was sitting on the cliff sleepless. His mind and heart has been racing ever since the whole thing started in the afternoon.

'You want to leave?' gasped Hoshi. Kwan turned back towards them. 'You can't be serious!'

'I think it's a good idea!' said Dino, standing on his back legs.

'Guys' sighed Kwan. 'This might be a once in a lifetime opportuntity and I can't just let it slide. I want to find out where I came from and whether I have a family. I need to know. And this is the perfect chance! And you can't tell me they are bad guys. You liked them too.'

They had to admit, he was right. They all enjoyed being the center of attention in the afternoon. How Seokmin petted and hugged all of them, how Jun and Mingyu played with them and they even liked when Wonwoo started examining them and following whatever they were doing. The only person they didn't interact much with was Hansol. It was probably because the prince had his eyes on Kwan the whole time.

'Are you sure that's all...?' wondered Hao. Kwan looked at him questioningly. 'I mean that prince' said the frog. Kwan felt his cheeks heat up from the mention of Hansol. 'He wants you as his mate' added Hao. Kwan gasped.

'What the hell, Hao?!'

'Just stating facts!' defended the frog. 'If you go with them, will you be his mate?'

Kwan sighed and looked back towards the ship on the water. It was all lit up, sometimes random shouts were heard from the direction of it.

'How should I know? He's nice, but he was like the first human I've met in many years.'

'I think it would be nice. But... what about us?' frowned Hoshi.

'What do you mean? You're coming with me!'

'Wait, really?! We can go with you?' asked Dino excitedly.

'Of course! You didn't think I'd just leave my family behind that easily, did you?' giggled Kwan. The otter climbed onto his lap and snuggled to the boy's tummy, Hao following him. Hoshi laid down next to them and laid his head on Kwan's leg.

'We always stick together.'

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