Chapter 18 - Emergencies & Couples

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A/N: Sitting with my coffee and a blueberry-chocolate cupcake and writing this, honestly this is the chillest Sunday morning I've had in a long time


'So this is an emergency meeting.'

Hansol turned back from the railing of the balcony of his room when he heard Mingyu's voice. He looked at his four best friends one by one, suppressing a smile seeing Mingyu's arm around Wonwoo's waist and the older not complaining this time.

It was still the same night, right after Hansol left his father alone in the throne room after giving up his status as the crown prince. He didn't know where to go so he called for his friends as he usually did when something was wrong.

'If this is about those cupcakes then Hannie told me to tell you that he and Jisoo have nothing to do with the fact that they disappeared' started Jun. Hansol snorted, whispering of course it was Jeonghan.

'No, actually it's not about that' he sighed.

'Then is it about that I found Jun and Seokmin making out in MY room?' wondered Wonwoo. 'Because if it is then I need an explanation for that too.'

'No it's not- wait wHAT?!' gasped Hansol. Mingyu's jaw dropped too while the two in mention blushed beetroot red.

'What the fuck?? Since when? Who tf tops-'

'MINGYU!' Wonwoo hit Mingyu's arm, making him yelp and shut up.

'Ow I'm sorry! I just never really thought about you two dating-'

'We're not dating!!' shouted the two in sync, making all of them give them a questioning look.

'Uh, this is getting awkward... can we get back to the reason of the emergency meeting?' asked Seokmin awkwardly.

'I gave up being the crown prince' blurted out Hansol, to which everyone gasped again.

'You WHAT?!' exclaimed Jun. 'Like I know Wonu mentioned it before but I never would've thought you'd actually do it! Or that you can actually do it...'

'Guys, this is serious. My father and Ariana moved the wedding forward. It would be in two days! I had to take action while I still can' shook his head Hansol.

'Ariana. That bitch is behind everything' Seokmin seemed furious.

'Did you announce it already?' asked Wonwoo.

'Not yet, I just told my father. I'm gonna let my brothers rule. Being a king is not as important to me as to get married to someone I truly love' explained Hansol.

'That was disgustingly beautiful' scrunched his nose Wonwoo.

'And what's next?' turned to Hansol Mingyu.

'I'll find Kwan and tell him we're running away. We're going to find his family' said Hansol. The others were looking at him expectantly. 'And I was wondering whether you guys want to come' he added with a grin as if he was reading their minds.

'Now that's what I'm talking about!' shouted Jun, making the others laugh.

'You weren't talking about anything' said Seokmin smiling. Despite them totally not dating, the others could see a glint in Seokmin's eyes as he looked at the older. Or was it always there and everyone was too blind to see it?

'And what about your little brothers?' asked suddenly Mingyu. 'We were always here for them. And now they are the heirs to the throne.'

'I know... I won't be exiled from the kingdom. Hopefully' added Hansol. 'We can always visit. They'll learn what's going on sooner or later. And they are quite mature for their age. Sometimes...'

'Yeah. Jeonghan is the master of manipulation already. He just bullshits his way through life' agreed Seokmin.

'And Jisoo is so responsible' added Mingyu. 'He's been taking care of that frog so cautiously.'

'And Seungcheol is just too good for this world. He would walk through fire for the other two' finished Wonwoo.

'They will be fine.'


'When I found out this whole plan as the revenge for what the Chwe Dynasty had done to my family, it seemed just too perfect.'

Ariana was walking back and forth in her huge room in the castle. A cage was put on one of the tables and there were three rats in it with collars around their necks. They kept staring at their owner as she was gabbling to herself furiously.

'I think the king completely forgot what he had done to us. Well, this will remind him! As soon as Lia and Hansol are married, I can finally get back what's mine. And what's mine? This kingdom!' she shouted. 'But!' she stopped in front of the cage and leaned closer to her pets. 'It definitely wasn't part of my plans that the prince falls in love with someone else! A boy! An island boy! Hah!'

She reached into her pocket and grabbed a tiny bag, then put it on one of the rats' collar.

'Well, guys, you have some work to do now. [ScOoByDooByDoOo whErE aRe YoUu I'm sorry it's TikTok again] Visit every animal around the kingdom tonight... hopefully this will help me get rid of that Kwan boy...'


'Kwan? Kwan! Are you here?'

Hansol entered the greenhouse, calling Kwan's name several times but there was no answer. He could totally understand that the other didn't want to see him now. He really just stole his first kiss and basically cheated on Lia with him - kissing another person was definitely cheating in his opinion.

'Kwan, please! It's really important!' he tried again. By this time he actually started wondering whether he's even there. He walked around the huge fountain in the middle of the greenhouse and searched in every possible place where the boy could've been but he didn't see him.

Suddenly the full moon lit something orange behind a bush, making Hansol's eyes light up.

'Hoshi!' he called out. The tiger raised his head hearing his name. Hansol stepped forward and crouched down in front of him, but he had no idea what to do next. Like does Hoshi even understand him? Or he can only communicate with Kwan? Well, he can try.

'Hoshi. Can you tell Kwan that I was looking for him?' asked the prince slowly. The tiger tilted his head and kept staring back at him. Hansol suddenly felt stupid. He sat down on the ground and hugged his legs to his body.

'Oh, what am I even thinking?' he sighed loudly. 'I'm talking to a tiger! He probably doesn't even understand me... But I failed! I failed as a prince, as a son, as a brother, as a heir... as a lover...' he hid his face in his palms and started sobbing. Even he didn't know how and why, but he was way too overwhelmed by the past few days to care that he is crying his heart out to a tiger.

Suddenly he felt something warm and soft press against his cheek, making him yelp. He quickly realized that it was Hoshi's nose. He closed his eyes and exhaled, carefully hugging the tiger, finding comfort in his body heat.

Little did he know, Hoshi understood everything he said.


A/N 2.0: Who reads my Mermaid SVT book could already figure out that I'm a slut for underrated ships... Is there even a ship name for Jun and Seokmin? :DD This wasn't originally planned btw but I dunno, I decided to give them this 'friends with benefits' kinda relationship, hope you don't mind haha

How do you like the book btw?

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